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Space Cowboy Online ( FREE MMO SPACE SHOOTER)

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Thu Jun 15, 2006 6:21 am

Space Cowboy Online ( FREE MMO SPACE SHOOTER)

Space Cowboy Online

Its an MMORPG, kinda like Planetside, mixed with Freelancer but with PVE aswell. Eventually there are faction war. There are only 2 Factions.

My friend and I are currently playing on Joymus (something like that, only 2 servers) server. Like all MMO it is sorta repetitive in the grinding to lvl.

PVE to level and PVP to earn Faction Rep, faction rep sometimes will allow the certain use of some items. I havent leveled that much yet, only lvl 18 as i am writing this. But it is worth checking out.

I forgot to mention after a couple of quest (till like lvl 10-13) depends how fast you go through them. You get to choose your faction.

Both faction are the same pretty much. But to help to make sure the population are even, they created a system.

a. Once you join a faction, your entire account is on that faction.
b. You can't trade with the other faction
c. The population is designed to be 50/50. If one population goes over the 50% pop, that faction will have a 1% tax on items for every percent over 50%.

So this helps keeps the team even. And me and my friends joined (BCU).

Post Thu Jun 15, 2006 2:02 pm

Question first. Is it better than PlanetSide? PS is a good game, but now it's getting mind numbingly boring, and the DEVs for PS don't listen for crap.

How's the community?

All MMOs are repetitive, but in some of them like World of Warcraft that's not a bad thing.

EDIT: I'm downloading the 982 MB file (I think it's bigger than America's Army) and so I should be able to play it in about five hours. (I'm stuck with DSL again.)

Edited by - Killa on 6/15/2006 3:12:48 PM

Post Fri Jun 16, 2006 9:17 am

Its free, so don't aspect amazing Graphics, it has a pretty good community, its cool that once you join a faction thats it your apart of them, unlike Freelancer, its just a good free game, that space sim RPG people will like

Post Fri Jun 16, 2006 9:29 am

Any screens?

Post Fri Jun 16, 2006 11:00 am

everyone should go to the Site lots of info, screens, etc

i hope to see you online!

Theres only two servers right now me and my freinds are on Joymus (something like that)

Post Sun Jun 18, 2006 9:37 am

Hey, give it a try. It's actually pretty good. The character models are completly gay (as in Japanese anime style where all the guys look like girls.) The selection of ships leaves a little to be desired, but what the hell. It's a good game, decient community, decient graphics, and it hasn't been out that long so hopefully they'll fix the problem with the foot controls, because the mouse point and click thing SUCKS!

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