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Is the game Homeworld any good.

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Sun Apr 16, 2006 10:02 am

Is the game Homeworld any good.

I am considering buying it, is it any good???

Post Sun Apr 16, 2006 10:34 am

it's very very good indeed. engrossing, and rather challenging.

Post Sun Apr 16, 2006 5:24 pm

it's worth the money but otherwise a very difficult game, it seems to take a lot of mental energy (at least for me) to play,after about an hour i'm too tired to concentrate on it any longer and the AI seems to adapt to your tactics if you repeat them too much. you should enjoy it

Post Mon Apr 17, 2006 8:03 pm

In my book HW/Cataclysym/HW2 are 100's times better then FL. Easily the best games taht take place in space I have ever played. HW 1 is a little dated though

Post Tue Apr 18, 2006 7:03 am

I am considering buying it, is it any good???

In a word, YES!

I'm of the opinion that the original is still the best, but all three are very much worth having- especially at the prices they're going for now.

Post Tue Apr 18, 2006 8:52 am

the homeworld series are one of those super rare rts games where you can't go in with guns blazing cause the other side's got guns tenfold more than you.

i thought it was a really really challenging and engrossing game. too bad i never had the chance to pick up catalysm, not printing in my side of the planet.

HW2 is another really good addition to the series, whereby the backbone strategy that you used in hw1 is no longer applicable, due to rather stupid modifications to one particular game unit. it requires even more skill than the first, imo. there were missions i took a week to think around.

many i know gave up on the game cause it was 'impossible'. some edited ini files. goes to show how good the game is.

homeworld1 didn't win the 1999 game award thing for no reason either. its really worth it. even though the game is rather dated.

Post Wed Apr 19, 2006 1:35 am

Yes, Homeworld is very good. And yes, strategy IS needed if you are going to survive. On the other hand, it is much more forgiving than Homeworld 2. The restrictive unit caps mean you HAVE to use the scissors-paper-stone tactics otherwise you'll just be shot to pieces. Simply having everything attack everything indiscrimately is a sure-fire way of getting defeated.

Oh, and it has Ion Cannons. Pure, concentrated beams of incandescent fury. Any game with those in is automatically good.

Post Wed Apr 19, 2006 7:51 am

fact that there are extremely anti-fighter capabilities in both games are something that makes them also good. think multi-gun corvettes for homeworld1, and flak frigates for hw2..

@above, technically there is no unit cap for homeworld1. think back to that sphere of ion frigs in one of the missions.

Post Wed Apr 19, 2006 8:15 am

I love(d) Homeworld.

It's engrossing, the cut-scenes are suitably dramatic and well-rendered, the gameplay is suited to resource farmer types that carefully, slowly and diligently hoover up every piece of ore on the map (cough, who does that?! ) but also suited to the more aggressive gameplay styles that like to build attack craft from the get-go.

The cloaked fighters are great fun, especially against the sphere of ion frigates (don't put your carriers too close for re-fuelling).

What's more satisfying then capturing an enemy heavy cruiser using 7-8 salvage corvettes? lol

Hmm, yummy game.



Post Wed Apr 19, 2006 10:21 am

@athena, you only need 5 salvage vettes to take over even the heavy cruiser.

and as for those ion cannons, that mission is regarded by many as the ultimate test of patience. stationing at least 3 carriers just far away, but near enough so you can marshall in *all* of those cannons. imagine. just imagine. and drool.

Post Wed Apr 19, 2006 10:33 am

I am going to get the game!!! (Starting off with HW 1 then from there)
Does any-one have anything (Proper not wimpy) against the homeworld series(I want all opion's)

Post Wed Apr 19, 2006 8:07 pm

Me gots one thing, in HW2 on mission 12 (thadis sabba).
3 words guys: CAN't BE COMPLEATED
I have tried about 15000000000000000 times it seems.

can anyone help ol' spectra out?

p.s. 2 little anouncements here age is 16
2.I just got my learners permit (chose to wait)

oh yea, i agree on the Ion cannons, those things can change the outcome of a battle. and they make an awsome noise.

Edited by - Spectra on 4/20/2006 11:07:06 AM

Post Thu Apr 20, 2006 12:57 am

obviously it can be completed, or there would be no point to missions 13, 14, 15, would there?

it's a tough mission, I agree, I found that the best way to approach it is constant attacking and replenishing, there's no tricks or clever tactics in this one, it's just a battle of attrition against a Vaygr force that initially vastly outnumbers you, but as long as you stay focussed on the key objectives, destroying the enemies production facilities, you should be able to do it. It took me a few tries, I will admit, i the end I kept all my forces together, put my producers right behind my fighting units, and just headed straight for each shipyard one by one, taking out every enemy unit on the way. I lost a hell of a lot of units but I built a lot more, the first shipyard is the hardest and costliest, but once you've done it and move onto no 2, you've broken the back of them and should be able to win. Provided you don't do what I did and spend ages trying to destroy Makaan (indestructible) or waste forces going after the outpost too early. Save that for the end when you've eliminated most of the enemies.

You need to keep everyone together and not have them running off on silly fights that break up your line, in the end I found setting them to being passive worked best for me. It's an overwhelming mission when all those Vaygr destroyers and battlecruisers appear right at the start, but if you keep your nerve, hold your forces together, and take it step-by-step, you should get through it without too many probs. You need plenty of resources though, I got into the habit of retiring lots of units at the end of each mission so I always began with plenty of resources spare (because you never know what you're going to be able to get in the next mission) and also reduces the opposing forces pro-rata. If you keep a huge fleet you'll be facing an even bigger fleet every time because of that adaptive difficulty feature.

Hope that helps you.

I still can't do the Defend the Yamato mission on Starlancer (5 years of trying and still not finished the game!) so don't fret, we all have problems with something.

Edited by - Tawakalna on 4/20/2006 2:16:42 AM

Post Thu Apr 20, 2006 9:59 am

The thing is, every single time that I capture thaddis, it says "target disabled" and then...nothing (sabban should have come out...but doesn't)
would an overwritten homeworld2.big file (edited some ships) affect the game?

as for "defend the yamatto" I used a ship with lots of tachion wepons and a whole lot of missle pods (if solomons are available use them)
BTW, you ain't seen nothing yet, wait till the last 2 missions.

Just a flesh wound....

Edited by - Spectra on 4/20/2006 11:03:51 AM

Post Thu Apr 20, 2006 10:12 am

@spectra, if that mission you're talking about is the one you have to save that commander dude, and at the same time, attempt to destroy the vaygr mommaship.. well *spoiler*

use a distraction tactic. thats what i did. i assume you have every single unit capped out? so you reached your unit number max. due to dynamic difficulty, vaygr will have an insane amount of firepower going at you.

offense is best defense, destroyers up front, battlecruisers providing most of the firepower from behind. but use your fighters, i can't express enough importance on that. they can't-be-hit. or almost. not by the clumsy capital turrets.

use them to hold back the vaygr battlecruisers. UNTIL. the vaygr mommship jumps in.

then employ your 3D movement skills to go above/below the battle. then concentrate all fighter power on the mommaship. i'm talking corvettes and interceptors only here. dont bother frigs. they'll get shot to dust by ion cannons. the fighters will draw back almost half the fleet from the front which your B'ships and destroyers are engaging. your fighter ranks will thin. replenish them. thats what your carriers and mommaship are for. constantly replenish. when the mommaship runs, well, you have a choise. pull fighters back the same way they came, or have them do what they can.

i tried hard at this mission too. took me a while and alot of patience. with the strategy i laid out above, i didn't lose a single battlecruiser. i was really suprised too. i was too busy microing my attacks on the mothership that i wasn't paying much attention to the real front. when i came back to it, a few destroyers fell, but my B'ships (all 3 was it?, the cap anyway) were hardly scratched. sure, frigs had thinned out alot. but losses were very small considering the odds. then the remaining vaygr came, and a short fight after, you win.

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