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MIDI synthesizing and sequencing 4 beginners like me

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Fri Mar 31, 2006 9:28 am

MIDI synthesizing and sequencing 4 beginners like me

I would really appretiate it if someone can tell me how to set up a basic MIDI computer system - I've got an electronic keyboard. How do I connect it to the pc and get it to record on the pc? Where do I change settings? What do I need? And a synthesizer - where can you change the settings? (You just generate and modify/change music with a synthesizer?)
If anyone has any links to tutorials that are easy to understand, I'd take a look at it.
What is a MIDI sequencer and how does it work? How would you test the system for recording and playback?
I'm really new at this...and a bit confused. Your advice will really be helpful.


Post Mon Apr 03, 2006 4:57 am

Basically MIDI is a standard form of data exchange between musical instruments and/or computers, slow but omnipresent.

But of course your instrument AND the PC must have a MIDI Interface (warning: not all Sound Cards have this interface!) and a software that can record/play MIDI events. MIDI normally does not transport the SOUND itself but the controller-data of sound creation or sound design.

Links: (tutorials and free programs - combined with some humour. Example: This Web Site contains pictures of bare male and female DIN connectors, as well as explicit talk about "dumps with handshakes". Before continuing, you must be an adult, preferably one who isn't a hypocritical U.S. legislator who sponsors a "porn" bill while he's cheating on his spouse with an illegal alien prostitute whom he pays (using taxpayer's money) to spank his swollen buttocks with a rolled-up copy of The New Republic.
or the official

Post Fri Apr 07, 2006 9:10 am

Thank you for your help, I've visited all the sites and I think I've found what I've looked for. If there's anything else you'd like to add...advice or whatever, feel free to share it.


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