Deus Ex
Genre: Action/Adventure/Stealth RPG/FPS
Console: PC (Apparently Xbox as well?)
Disclaimers: I may include spoilers to the game, including some MAJOR ones, so dont flame me for that!
Deus ex, Literal latin translation 'God from' (Interesting little tibit here: 'Deus ex Machina' from Matrix Revolutions literally means 'God from/of the Machines' or, to take a slighly more logical translation, The Machine God ), released by Eidos Interactive in 2000, it remains one of the benchmark titles among computer games.
Set in 2052, You take on the role of JC Denton, an antiterrorist agent who has been augmented with nanotechnology and granted some superhuman abilities (I quote from the game: 'They say this guy can just dissapear when he wants to'). An agent of the UN Antiterrorist Coalition, your job is to defend the United states from terrorist action. That is before it goes horribly wrong. Running from your former employers, you are chased by assassins, soldiers, and ever (bizzarely) the director of FEMA, even running onto an ancient order in your travels.
The freedom of gameplay in the game is incredible, you can go rambo, killing everything in sight to get at your objective, or you could go the stealth way, killing only when neccesary, knocking out or stunning most of your opponents (I even took the very nerdy approach of calling my character 'Solid Snake' from MGS fame). I have also been told that it is possible to finish the game by only harming 3 people.
Graphics - 7.5
Although impressive for it's time, Dues Ex's Graphics have long been superceeded, mostly dues to the game neinge being based sumewhat on unreal . The explosions look a bit corny and geometric (Not to mention frame lag when you detonate about 10 grenades at once). Its not really a downside, however, the lighting does the job, and you hardly ever notice the textruing, considering you're working at night in near-pitch-black conditions anyway.
And for those who really want to see screwy in a video game, i say only these words:
There is no spoon
Sound - 7.5
SOMEWHAT realistic, although the taunts fromenemies can be somewhat repetitive, the voice acting does its job. Especially the Mib's (VERY creepy mechanical voices). Monolouges can get slightly boring, and dialouge could have been streamlined slightly, but otherwise fine.
Controls 6
Can get very confusing at times (Move, lean left, lean right, scope, laser, inventory, 10 different augmentations, each with thier own key, activate/deactivate all augs, use, swtich ammo, innumerable other ones that i never use), and considering that you will most likely be using aumentations heavily, it can be very difficult to get used to. The addition of an inventory further complicates things (not to mention the size restriction, i can have all three heavy weapons in the game, but NOTHING ELSE!) to the point of going postal (not a completely bad thing on this game).
Replay Value - 10
Replay value? are you kidding? the storyline alone on this game is enough to warrant playing it just to kill time. The Sotryling will BLOW YOUR MIND, there are plots, subplots, and even metaplots, all finely interwoven until you think half of it is ACTUALLY HAPPENING. ive played it about 4 times and still havent found everything. Although this complexity can sometimes be a downside, it makes up for it with incredibly depth (and aformetioned metaplot)
Overall - 9
DEFINETLY worth getting. Although some level cam be rather difficult (Hmm, enemy, shoot him, he sees me, he shoots me, gets a headshot, i go down, start again from last quicksave, which is, FOUR HOURS AGO???), that and the conspicuous lack of autosaves can make it rather frustrating.
Verdict: Get it. its probably in the bargain bin by now and has been re-released so its cheap as chips. you will enjoy it to no end, not to mention the modding and cheat capacity (The absolute pawnage you will wreak on your enemies will full agmentations, skills, and fully upgraded weapons as almost unmatched)
edit- formatting error
Edited by - Arania - PFY on 2/23/2006 1:35:57 AM