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All hope for FL2 is dead.

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Fri Feb 17, 2006 5:16 pm

1. XP is still getting security patches what, five years after its release? I suppose this means they care, but either there are some very smart hackers or this was simply a half baked attempt at a rehashed OS when it launched.
Made by man, destroyed by man, its that simple, don't forget that above all, Hackers tend to stick together when it comes to a common cause, the collective work of anyone who can read as such a tiny bit of sourcecode is welcome in that cause, because they can help towards the final goal, cracking the source, is cracking the securities offered by the patch. hard to believe I know, but its not a single man thats exploiting leak, but its an entire collective source of knowledge which is doing it, and thats the keyword, Collective...

2. XP was hacked and stolen from the Microsoft labs, reproduced in Asia with pirated copies shipping before the real one...
Again, fantasy is no match for the real thing, don't forget, that above all else, the prime drive for most humans is greed, if they can get better by doing so (in terms of financial gain) they will simply do it, the goal justifies the means, so theres probably a massive security leak inside Microsoft Inc. itself, which is syphoning working bits of code out of the company at an hourly rate of XXX.XX US$

3. See previous threads here in OT about Windows Longhorn (aka Vista), to see that several Proof of Concept viruses have already been written for a system that is a year away from release. Now there's 'encryption' for you...
Ladies and Gentleman of the Jury, may I point you towards points 1 and 2 of my plea

This is one of the many reasons i am anxiously awaiting optical computing components (Or Quantum, whatever fits the bill for mind-blowingly fast processing speed), and Artificial Intelligences. Because, by that time, Microsoft will be out of buisness.
Why? Because the very nature of Heuristic and Gentic Algorithms allows them to improve themselves. Suddenly every program ever released ill work on every platform with an onboard AI. Suddently someone can shove a Playstation disk into thier computer and play crash bandicoot in first person!
THIS is the day that i anticipate. THIS is the day when we can finally stop bashing microsoft. this is the day when i will stop having typos in my work.
Quantum Computers and AI are faulted by default, even the belief in such a fantasy is so farfetched its not only out of this reality but out of the next 3 as well, face it, for an AI to work, a computer, by any means a tool of man to simplify mans work, would have to be able to develop self initiative, its own personality and the ability to make a decision on its own accord, you say you might be able to play a PSX game, or PS2 game in First person at all, forget it, youd still be the one who will input information into the thing, so by any means it will not be true AI, if it were, youd be somewhere else busying yourself with stuff other then games.
Can you see a computer instead of saying Reboor Y/N saying sod off, im gonna do it whether you like it or not?? thats AI, it will think on its own, and it will not think in the interest of the "end-user" it will be thinking in its own interest.

People seem to forget a Human is more then a bundle of skin, flesh and nerves, Cogito Ergo Sum doesn't exist to sit ambly in a corner people, the ability to think, however little that may be, defines who you are, without it youd be nothing more then that computer, or that manipulator, we can say to ourselves, "oh stuff it, im not gonna do that" or "hey, that sounds like fun! I'll give it a whirl and see what happens" it's called self initiative, do you think your personality is just there to piss your parents/girlfriend/boyfriend/wife/husband off?? No, a computer might be able to simulate certain character traits, but it can by no means simulate the defining character traits, emotions, it cannot feel Love for another machine, or Hate a mans guts out, it cannot feel melancholical about the neighbour going to the knackersyard, because of the happy times it shared with it

Post Fri Feb 17, 2006 5:48 pm

Can you see a computer instead of saying Reboot Y/N saying sod off, im gonna do it whether you like it or not??

My computer already does this. I swear each PC has a personality of it's own and the things can hear you think, never mind talk. I've known PC's to work after being threaten with bricks, hammers or magnets, I've known PC's to suffer the electronic version of epileptic fits and PC's that just do what they like when they like. Logically they shouldn't, but non-the-less they still do so.

Freeworlds Mod Developer
Author of Modular Station

'There is no Good nor Evil in the universe, just perceptions and circumstances.'

Post Fri Feb 17, 2006 6:06 pm

I will eventually get vista and just Boot between it, XP Pro and Linux

Post Fri Feb 17, 2006 8:10 pm

my message to microsoft: "screw off and get to work already"
they probably spend their days smoking weed and ploting to take over france (no offence)
I think "micro" means the amount of time they spend on a project every day.

Edited by - Spectra on 2/17/2006 8:14:35 PM

Post Fri Feb 17, 2006 8:14 pm

Oh yea, anyone hear Digital anvil went under. The remnants were bought up by......
microsoft (did I even have to say the name?)

Post Fri Feb 17, 2006 8:58 pm

Noone can say anything bad about MS because if it wasnt for them we still wouldnt be where we are right now. I know there are alot of MS haters but just think where HOME computing would be without MS.

Post Fri Feb 17, 2006 10:00 pm

if it wasnt for them we still wouldnt be where we are right now.

your are right, in a way; we would have much better operating systems if a company more worthy of the money that people are spending on Microsoft things would have the funds.

Post Sat Feb 18, 2006 4:33 am

ohhhh please..

do you really think it would be much different if MS would never have been formed?? Companies sell products, they make money by doing that, even if such a product is a tadge buggy, such is the world we live on today

Post Sat Feb 18, 2006 6:38 am

I take it you never watched Pirates of Silicon Valley? Bill Gates did what needed to be done. Make your self valuable to others , that you have what they need. The Altair computer never had an operating system, Bill and Paul and company wrote the program/loader for it. He took DOS and began an empire. Yes there wer other versions of DOS, but he went further with it. He also took the GUI and mouse that Apple had and advanced it further, in my opinion, and created a better system. True there are security problems, but that is due to criminal and malicious elements that have nothing better to do than destroy others work.

Bill had the ambition that was needed to get us this far along in the tech. Apple is just now begining to catch up in some ideas. Oh, there is also a worm said to be out that goes after Mac, so at least its in the same boat as MS.

Before MS works there was GEO Works. It ran on DOS and didn't require windows. It had its on GUI and walpapaer, sounds, and themes. They just didn't get their program out in time to beat MS. GEO was a good program, I had it for a while, but lost it on a reformat and had for got to back it up.

Post Sat Feb 18, 2006 4:49 pm

hey i remember geos - i just threw out the stack of 5.5" disks it was in the day before.

as far as i recall Bill Gates bought DOS from a company called Rainbow Computing, so claiming that he has always been an innovator seems ludicrous to me. - If going out, buying software with money you don't yet have, and then repackaging and reselling that software to IBM and using the proceeds to actually pay for the original purchase makes you a computer genius, then I guess that makes Bill Gates a computer genius.

Post Sat Feb 18, 2006 5:10 pm

yes... I can see where you're coming from... but if you think Mr. Gates has anything to do with product sales and stuff after about '92, I would call you mad.

I suspect Billl Gates isn't so much a computing Genius, as he is a marketing Genius, for just jumping at the market at an adequate time, and taking advantage of said market, thats the other side of the medal, he is in no way responsible for any of the malicious code and stuff that exists in your PC today, if you want to blame someone for that, blame Coder #15683 or Programmer #11687, but not Bill Gates, as hes got as much to do with product stability as I have to do with wildlife in the desert, none at all.

Post Sun Feb 19, 2006 3:32 am

He also took the GUI and mouse that Apple had and advanced it further

Apple, in turn, took the GUI and mouse from other places. They didn't invent them - I read about it the other day as well, but forget whether it was Xerox or some other company that had them.

Post Sun Feb 19, 2006 5:45 am

I belive it was Xerox that had them, and for crazy reasons, had invited Steve Jobs and company to see it all. They in turn used it in the new Mac they made afterwards, then MS got it from them.

Post Mon Feb 20, 2006 9:10 pm

Now, now Alpha, we're not M$ Haters, we're M$ whiners. There's a fine line between loathing something and putting up with something that we have issues with because of the lack of alternatives. People like to say they're jumping to Mac because they hate PC's. The problem isn't the PC, its Windows. Maybe I'll switch my college courses for next term to add some linux proficiency training.

Post Tue Feb 21, 2006 5:54 am

I've been pondering and the more I think about it, the more I realize that we are largely to blame for this. Now before I get flamed I am NOT referring to the TLR community. Mods are not only legitamate, they have kept this game fresh and alive for many years.

What I am refering to is the fact that the online community in general has become far to comfortable with piracy. Again, I'm not talking about downloading one song because the CD stopped being sold 10 years ago. I'm talking about people who batantly steal major pieces of software and sell or give it away over the internet. When I tell people my age (in the infamous 18-25 demographic) that I'm actually BUYING a legitimate copy of a program they look at me like I'm an idiot. The response far to often is "Why would you buy that? I can download you a free copy in 30 minutes."

We've all come to look at these people as "sticking it to the man" and take their handouts with a wink and a nudge. It doesn't make me any happier with what microsoft is doing and I still wish they would make Vista less restrictive but ultimately this is a predictable consequence of the current lack of respect for digital property. Thanks to a few rotten apples making bootleg copies of software en masse, now none of us will be allowed to have the privilage of making backupdisks or installing on our other computer. Now we all have to either switch to Linux or Mac and deal with learning a whole new system ( not a terrible thing for the computer savvy but imagine the technophobic baby boomers trying to learn linux) our deal with the resource devouring, restictive fallacies of yet another bad windows.

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