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Post Thu Jan 26, 2006 1:38 am


My good friends mom died a year ago from Cancer. On both sides of my family my grandparents died of Alzheimer's. My best friends mom has been diagnosed with MS... I know someone from almost every age category which has a genetical, or viratical disease, and I'm willing to bet that each of you know someone with Cancer. Or someone with Parkinsons. Or someone with Alzheimer's... I know the feeling of sitting there, watching someone waste away untill they cannot see the difference between living on and death, and not being able to do anything except be with them.

I urge you to download this small program, and donate your unused CPU power to science. It may be a small step, but with the public helping science along so far, there may be a whole world of changes possible.

As I don't have a Ph.D. in Chemical Biology, Neuro Chemistry, or Genial/Cellular Biology, I can't really explain in depth about what the effort is. However what I can tell you is that by helping out with this noble cause may lead science to conquor many of the aformentioned diseases. Or at least take a stab at it.

I am in the PhoenixLabs team (the ones who made Peer Guardian.) 41596 is the team number if you are intrested in joining the fight for cures.

Post Thu Jan 26, 2006 9:42 am

would love to help on the folding project but my farms output is spread between the medical MDCP predictor (similar to folding in the protien aspect) and seti
Predictor@home: investigate protein-related diseases
Rosetta@home: help researchers develop cures for human diseases
Cell Computing biomedical research (Japanese; requires nonstandard client software)
World Community Grid: advance our knowledge of human disease.

four other medical based mass distributed computing projects of possible interest to any potential data crunchers
the link i posted in the boincing thread lists the above projects urls

cmon guys whether folding or one of the others its only SPARE cpu cycles they use

Post Thu Jan 26, 2006 1:16 pm

I'm using the SETI thing, because I like the opening scene of Independence Day (as well as the whole movie).

I'm also using PlayingCounterStrike@Home and BurningDVDs@Home to use my CPU cycles.

Post Sat Jan 28, 2006 9:15 am

The Lancers Reactor has a team memebership there.

ie Folding@home

Edited by - Spix on 1/28/2006 10:12:28 AM

Post Sat Jan 28, 2006 9:50 am

I can see the potential of the Folding@Home project but I fail to see the point of SETI, since i don't believe in aliens.

Post Sat Jan 28, 2006 3:36 pm


You don't believe in aliens, as in intelligent aliens? Or just alien life in general? Either way, taking into account the factors deemed necessary for life to exist there's an almost 100% chance of life existing elsewhere in the universe. It may be, and probably is, far enough away that we will never discover it for centuries, millenia even, but to dismiss the existence of alien life altogether seems a little...narrow-minded?

Post Sat Jan 28, 2006 4:44 pm

I meant i don't think they're visiting us or anywhere nearby. I dare say somewhere out *there* there's something, but it ain't likely to turn up anytime soon (if ever)

Post Sat Jan 28, 2006 7:57 pm

and i thought pete was proof of alien intelligence
my theory is if we dont look how will we know ?

Post Sun Jan 29, 2006 4:36 am

and if you did find something and it turned out to be have big teeth n claws n spaceships and ate the Earth? whose fault would that be? yours, Geoff; I'd blame you.

there is a serious side to this point. All you bright-eyed alien-lovers assume that aliens would be friendly and advanced. How the hell can you assume that and aren't you being a bit naive (and irresponsible) broadcasting our location* into the aether? Bearing in mind that our own history repeatedly shows what happens to less technologically advanced civilisations when they are contacted by more technologically advanced civilisations. At best we might end up as an impoverished colony, or we just might end up being raped and left for dead.

and then of course there's the money; how many hospitals or schools could be funded with the money that's wasted on trying to contact aliens? if it's a choice between detecting some radio pulse from the Quaylor Galaxy that always turns out to be some blowed-up star, or buying a dialysis machine, I'd choose the dialysis machine. You lot have had 50 years of radio astronomy to find aliens and so far you've found nothing. Time to pack up i think and go and do something more useful.

bah, space humbug. I'm more concerned about my bin collection going down to once every fortninght than I am about aliens turning up, even if they turned out to be TV friendly ETs bringing goodies.

*I'm well aware that radio signals do this anyway but there's a difference to aliens accidentally tuning into Mork & Mindy and deliberate messages saying where we are and what we're capable of (or not) We should be thankful that if there are any aliens, they're a long way off, and let's keep it that way.

Post Sun Jan 29, 2006 5:19 am

pete there has been one signal commonly known as the wow signal detected in the 70s
as for finding anything thats all seti will do its a passive project ie. we arent sending out signals ourselves ,just looking
as for big teeth ad claws ,sounds like a hen night in newcastle

Post Sun Jan 29, 2006 6:39 am

I bet you £50 there's no alien contact in our lifetimes.

Post Sun Jan 29, 2006 7:33 am

No bet. I'd go for something closer to 1,000 years for anything more advanced than microbial life. Or maybe 10,000 - what the hell, none of you guys will be aound to collect the money anyway.

Post Sun Jan 29, 2006 7:38 am

says you yea

Post Sun Jan 29, 2006 7:47 am

trouble with that bet taw is to win you cant collect "our lifetime "
you need to be dead to win
i never said it was or was unlikely ,but may as well look

Post Sun Jan 29, 2006 8:00 am

that's ok you can give me the money now!

..or your boat. In fact, if your aliens do turn up, i'll tell them that your boat is the centre of anti-alien resistance and then they'll give it to me as a reward for turning you in, hyuk-hyuk! I'll be pootling around the coast while you toil in the sugar-mines for our new alien overlords....

Edited by - Tawakalna on 1/30/2006 3:30:52 AM

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