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American Idol Losers

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Sun Jan 22, 2006 3:18 am

All this reality rubbish is the primary reason I don't watch TV any more. At least the Sky channels are relatively clean. No Big Brother, I'm a celebrity... etc. Just a combination of rather naff sci-fi spin off shows and the occasionally bearable TV. Oh, and it has the Simpsons.

And, Taw, reality TV is fashionable because stupidity is fashionable. The fact remains that until you go past age 20 most of your peers will brand you 'sad' if you don't partake in binge drinking and rabidly cheering while watching a bunch of overpaid knuckleheads who can't spell their own name kick a bag of air about.

The only problem is that the stupidity tends to be permanent.

Wow, that sounds really bitter.

Post Sun Jan 22, 2006 6:36 am

Ugnaught: You guys make some valid points about reality TV in general, but I'm just talking about American Idol. Don't you think it's funny to see dumb people get their dreams crushed?

... Seriously? How can that be funny in any sense?
I ****ing hate reality shows. It's so obvious that it's pre-scripted I pitty the people who watch it. And yeah, I know, this thread is about "American Idol". Still, I think it's the same ****.

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