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Post Sun Jan 08, 2006 9:02 pm


just wondered if anyone is running any distributed computing projects
apart from nick and kim who if i remember ran seti

wil update with as linky when im sober

Post Mon Jan 09, 2006 2:52 am

yes steel, i was just about to set up a topic on that.

does it work for you? i'm all confused about it. on screensaver mode it keeps saying boinc isn't running.
then it says my total credit is 370.30. and my average credit is 17.83. what does that tell me ? what happened to WU counts ?

im only running seti@home for now but i want to run the einstein one, but it keeps saying something is invalid or something. what kind of account number am i looking for ?

and i hate the 3D graphic display.

i want the classic one back. i was nearly getting to 10hrs per WU. i had some 600 WUs to my credit.. did they all disappear? i joined boinc on the day they said the'd close the classic one. is 370 my WU count ? whats the 0.30?

Post Mon Jan 09, 2006 2:45 pm

i'm confused...

Post Mon Jan 09, 2006 3:41 pm

from what i've read on another site you basically lend unused cpu cycles on you computer for research purposes. i could be wrong i'm just quoting some person from "Wtf" i don't have a clue personally

Post Tue Jan 10, 2006 6:59 am

for the uninformed masses, boinc is a software developed by berkeley uni, and you see, it started with the seti@home project (also a software developed by them)

they sorta run the arceibo radio observatory in chile (the hugeest one ever) and since the thing's so big, (imagine a bandwidth with the cross section of that dish) you got alot of data to munch. and no comp in existence, possibly not even a quantum comp if you had one, could crunch that much quick enough, so waht they did was break it down to chunks and distribute to users of seti@home project. the small proggy, actually runs only when comp is in screensaver mode.

so the proggy uses otherwise idle computer time to crunch these smaller 'work units. WU'. and thus was born the fastest most solid computing network evah. i dunno how many teraflops they amass but it renders the fastest cray comps insignificant. but over time they decided this proggy was out of date, and more projects came alive - like the einstein one that looks at i have no friggin idea what. so boinc is a program that brings together all these projects and lets you 'donate' comp power to crunch data.

dont ask me why i wrote so long, basically, you're donating cpu cycles.

Post Tue Jan 10, 2006 12:33 pm

I did the SETI thing for a while, but havent in a while. It was interesting, but would turn my compy into a space heater.

Post Wed Jan 18, 2006 12:41 pm

seti .
ok sorry guys for not posting sooner been having a bit of hassle with my isp
@kim the total work is now calculated on just that ,so a long unit will get more credit than a short one the ave is based on your average over a period of time with the older ago ones having less affect on the average
for the other projects aside from seti you have to set up an account with that project ,takes about 20 secs the link is on the seti page.
i run predictor and seti
i had nearly 55000 on seti the credit goes against your name on the new one and dont use the screensaver it uses too many cpu cycles
@ wolfie thought you might be :p lol
@arton you are 1oo% correct its spare cpu cycles for research medical or scientific
@steve ive 5 pcs warming my room ah i love athlons in cold weather
word of warning though the new 64bit ones run cooler so you may need a dual cpu system to heat the same room
but basically its a use for the pc when you are not gaming and a number of worthwhille projects benefit

Edited by - [steel on 1/18/2006 12:56:09 PM

Post Sun Jan 22, 2006 3:51 am

steel, now it just stopped running. what did i do? i just let it run. whats it doing? i lost about 2300 hours worth of WU's already when i switched.

wtf are you doing with 5 athlons in your room?

Post Sun Jan 22, 2006 12:01 pm

They're like silicon blankets.

Post Sun Jan 22, 2006 6:20 pm

@kim sweating and i mean sweating
as for boinc maill me you have the addy or join TFFE we will help you

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