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Post Sat Jan 07, 2006 12:43 pm

if i knew what that was about, i wouldn't have asked! I've told you before, I know jack about nature n biology n stuff like that, and why are the things invading my hall first week of every August is a mystery to me. There's always between 100-200 of them, yes they're fat bottmed winged ones with some smaller ones along for the ride. I've sort of located their route to a crack under the front door, but they come in to the hall, not out to the great outdoors. Then they try to fly through the hall window, which is non-openable. Stupid things.

Post Sat Jan 07, 2006 3:37 pm

I think it's just because so many of them take to the air at the same time. You might think a lot are trying to get in but they're just a small fraction of what's outside!
I've had the unfortunate experience of mountain-biking on flying ant day. I got plenty of protein in my diet just breathing while going at 20mph or so

@Indy, the ichneumon wasp (there are a few varieties here in the UK) is a parasitic insect. It's got a remarkably skinny long abdomen and several species have a couple of stripes, probably to fool predators into assuming it's a wasp. The females will lay their eggs in another insects larvae (such as a beetle grub) and the young will hatch inside the larger insect and then devour it from the inside out. Alternatively they lay their eggs near a grub stuck in rotten wood or a fruit, once the eggs hatch, they have a captive source of food that will continue to get bigger as long as they're selective about how they eat it!
Here's an example of a female of one species; complete with ridiculously long ovipositor: Click here

Post Sat Jan 07, 2006 3:44 pm

every day's a schoolday! thx Rec i didn't know that, I get a bit paranoid about our infestations because livi9ng on the edge of a big marsh it's like the Plagues of Egypt at times.

Post Sat Jan 07, 2006 7:13 pm

You said they crawl out of your floor boards Mr. Mullah. I took that to mean underneath and within ... which led me to suspect a nice ideal setup somewhere beneath your floor for "en ennnt kolonny."

And I guess Rec is saying that when the new queens mature to star their own, it is like "Grand Central Station" and devil take the hindmost. They all just dash out any which way they can.

Post Sun Jan 08, 2006 8:46 pm

@taw hey forget the sprays get ff he just "shoots" bugs

"goes off dreaming of denise richards in starship troopers "

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