if i knew what that was about, i wouldn't have asked! I've told you before, I know jack about nature n biology n stuff like that, and why are the things invading my hall first week of every August is a mystery to me. There's always between 100-200 of them, yes they're fat bottmed winged ones with some smaller ones along for the ride. I've sort of located their route to a crack under the front door, but they come in to the hall, not out to the great outdoors. Then they try to fly through the hall window, which is non-openable. Stupid things.
I think it's just because so many of them take to the air at the same time. You might think a lot are trying to get in but they're just a small fraction of what's outside!
I've had the unfortunate experience of mountain-biking on flying ant day. I got plenty of protein in my diet just breathing while going at 20mph or so
@Indy, the ichneumon wasp (there are a few varieties here in the UK) is a parasitic insect. It's got a remarkably skinny long abdomen and several species have a couple of stripes, probably to fool predators into assuming it's a wasp. The females will lay their eggs in another insects larvae (such as a beetle grub) and the young will hatch inside the larger insect and then devour it from the inside out. Alternatively they lay their eggs near a grub stuck in rotten wood or a fruit, once the eggs hatch, they have a captive source of food that will continue to get bigger as long as they're selective about how they eat it!
Here's an example of a female of one species; complete with ridiculously long ovipositor: Click here