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5 years and counting....

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Sat Dec 31, 2005 2:18 am

5 years and counting....

Missed my 5 year anniversary of being around these parts. Seen tons of changes and gone through even more myself in that span of time.

Think about where you were 5 years ago and what you were doing. 5 years ago I was married, miserable and didn't even know it...5 years ago my computer was a dog....5 years ago I was a lot more active on these boards...5 years ago my work ethic was lousy...5 years ago my hair was thicker...5 years ago I still had a car payment...blah blah blah

Time flys when you're having fun.

Rob "Stinger" Lordier
You like poems? -->
Creator of the original Privateer FAQ
old Favorite saying - No good deed goes unpunished

Post Sat Dec 31, 2005 6:24 am

Congrats on the aniversery.

5 years, hmmm... 5 years ago, I was mostly using Juno for e-mail, with very little online use at all. Maybe 10 min a month online then. The computer was a 266mhz with 32mb ram, 4 mb vid ram, 4.3 gb hard drive. Simpler times

Post Sat Dec 31, 2005 7:43 am

5 years ago I was using an Apple IIe (the family probably had the old celeron by that time, but I was happy with my dot matrix printer), just going into Junior High, going into 'the ghetto' (my bus got SHOT AT... WITH A 9mm) on a daily basis for the first time, I hadn't known what real stress was yet, and (to counter stinger) my hair was thinner.

The infamous freelancer demo (ask anyone who knew me three years ago) was still a few years off, and that was my first major obsessive gaming experience. I played that sucker once, then replayed it a thousand times.

Edit: Congratulations, fellow Ohioan.

Edited by - Eh_Steve on 12/31/2005 7:43:46 AM

Post Sat Dec 31, 2005 8:18 am

5 Years ago I was still at school, being halfway through my senior year at high school, I was single at that point, our family didn't have Internet at that point, 5 months before my 18th birthday.

twas a time of fun and terror, as I was still allowed to cast my support to whoever group I wanted without some idiot thinking he could beat me at hand to hand. ahhh yes, fun time that was, and here I am, 5 years, 8 relationships, numerous shags and I believe 2 jobs later, I have grown immensely, both in age as well as in wisdom, in the pastime ive met countless people online, all were equally interesting in terms of personality, have furthered myself in terms of philosophy and knowledge and gained a few friends, all I want now, is a place to call home, in the middle of nowhere and a bankroll of about 25,000,000 to finance a revolutionary group

Post Sat Dec 31, 2005 8:30 am

what!!! the wabbit rebals lol..5yrs ago i built my 1st pc god.. i was happy(that it worked)things seemed easier back then...

death is the last great adventure.

Post Sat Dec 31, 2005 10:36 am

5 years ago i was in 9th grade i think, had no internet access i think i had either a win 95 or 98 computer and i was much shorter and had never heared of tlr and spent most of my time in depression, my memory was not to good back then i actually have trouble remembering anything past this year

Post Sat Dec 31, 2005 10:44 am

haha! sucker... oh wait, its a celebration!

Hmm, five years ago i was... at uni, failing terribly due to drinking far too much, going out far too much, looking for wenches to *ahem* and partying 24/7

Now i don't smoke, barely drink (once a month perhaps), don't party, and doing a 2nd degree (hehe) but actually turning up to lectures and doing well!

Tis true, alot can change in 5 years, the fact you are still here shows alot of commitment

Post Sat Dec 31, 2005 11:38 am

5 years ago I was still living in the projects with a 250 MHz computer with a 2MB graphics card, and a 2 gig hard drive. (it couldn't even play Age of Empires II: The Age of Kings.)

5 years ago, my hair was longer and thicker as well.
5 years ago, I almost got shot for being white/asian.
5 years ago, I got my frist Game Boy Color.
5 years ago, I was in a school system run by a bunch of frickin racists (and that still hasn't changed)
5 years ago, I was short, and weighed about 68 pounds. (we were poor and I had a severe stomach desease, lost 36 pounds in two weeks because of it)

P.S. @Chips: "alot" is not a word.

Edited by - Killa on 12/31/2005 11:39:01 AM

Post Sun Jan 01, 2006 5:14 am

You are aware that frickin isn't a word aren't you?

*shakes head* Some people, sheesh.

Edited by - Chips on 1/1/2006 5:16:49 AM

Post Sun Jan 01, 2006 7:30 am

Words are only not words, until they are coined.

Post Sun Jan 01, 2006 9:03 am

Well Bonjour to all of you. Thought I'd pop in and pay a visit! Those of you who are lucky enough to remember the all mighty SSJ will be rejoicing right now! Those of you who don't will learn to fear me :-p

Happy Aniversary Stinger old boy. Mines got to be coming up soon :S

Happy New year!

Post Sun Jan 01, 2006 11:11 am

Yes Chips, that's just the way I talk. Maybe "frickin" isn't in the dictionary, but you can say it and it's spelled the same way each time. No matter how many times you say "a lot" it will never be spelled "alot."

(Did that make since? I hope so that way you can explain it to me.)

@Sayan: I don't remember you, and I'm more afraid of Jack Thompson and Hilary Clinton. (They're trying to outlaw violent video games you know.)

Edited by - Killa on 1/1/2006 11:11:42 AM

Post Sun Jan 01, 2006 2:15 pm

Killa - "sense" not "since".

I HATE Jack Thompson by the way. (Need that shirt...)

Post Sun Jan 01, 2006 2:32 pm

5 years ago, I was 15, a little shorter and had short hair
I had no idea what I wanted to do when I grew up and still don't
I was mountain biking like crazy, doing 20+ mile rides every other day during the holidays and at least twice a week term-time. I think that was also the year I busted a rib in a crash!
I played rugby, swam and did judo.
Now I don't have the time for most of it and just hike a lot.

@Killa, don't nitpick, we don't need a spelling and grammar Nazi, especially one who mixes up "since" and "sense"!

Post Fri Jan 06, 2006 1:52 am

blimey is it 5 years already? where does the time go?

5 years ago i was erm living in Taw Towers (still am of course) married to Mrs Taw (again no change there) but my hair was less grey, I wasn't in the near constant agony I'm in now, had more cash in my pocket, and didn't do jack all on TLR. I think it was later 2000 when my brother died, can't remember now. was 2000 5 years ago?

the Seal had just started big school and the Monkey was still learning to tie his shoelaces and write his name. There were significantly less animals lurking around our house than are there now and my pc was an AMD K6-2-500 with 64mb RAM and a TNT2 video card and an ALi Aladdin V chipset, piece of old tat.

And I really hated the job I had then and the idiots I was working for.

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