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What makes a book

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Post Mon Nov 28, 2005 8:06 pm

Cowardice? Hmmmm. Fear of the possible upsetting of the woman?

Or do you mean a moral cowardice? In not being able to face up to the truth of what he saw (although I don't think he didn't face up to it ... he let it chew up his insides)

Edited by - Indy11 on 11/28/2005 8:11:36 PM

Post Tue Nov 29, 2005 9:18 am's been a while since I read the book.
I remember thinking that Marlowe could have told the widow the truth without upsetting her.
I'll have to read the book again to be sure as to why I thought that though

Post Tue Nov 29, 2005 9:54 am

firstly, she wasn't a widow; she is always referred to as intended or betrothed. this is significant because it yet again emphasises her *pure* affection for Kurtz and his memory.

secondly, moral cowardice indeed. is this necessarily a bad thing? in these circumstances, perhaps not, after all, the world wouldn't have stopped would it? Yet Marlowe has to lie, to dissemble, to compromise, something which Kurtz in contrast would never have done.

I've never read any other book that delves into the human condition so deeply. I've read it and read it and read it over and over again and still has a new impact on me every time.

Post Tue Nov 29, 2005 10:30 am

*google google google*

Ok beloved, betrothed. Marriage hadn't performed and presumably had not been "consummated."

I remember it as Marlow deciding that he didn't want to get any more involved in Kurtz' life, this time its legacy, than he'd already done. Hence expedience. Lying was the quickest way out of being with the "betrothed."

And the point of Kurtz would be that not compromising isn't virtuous or, in his case, is far from virtuous.

Post Tue Nov 29, 2005 10:38 am

yes exactly! great stuff innit?

Post Tue Nov 29, 2005 10:51 am

I'm not really a book person... The last book I read was Planet Simpson by Chris Turner. Anyone really interested in pop culture should read this book. Its appealing, but takes a some patience to get through.

Kill The Revolution

Post Tue Nov 29, 2005 10:53 am

I can't remember everything
I'll have to find my copy so I can remember what I thought.
But I think it was somethign along the lines of uhm.
Marlowe knew that his words were about what he experienced in africa. But what if he told the woman what happend (Some of the guy's belongings or somethign was stolen wasn't it? I can't remeber) So tell her about that and then tell her his last words.
That way she makes her own conclusions.
What about that?

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