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This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Thu Nov 24, 2005 5:57 am


For all you Smallville fans out there. What is your favorite episode? Who is your favorite chararcter?

Post Thu Nov 24, 2005 8:06 am

I must confess that I haven't seen it. this week I are mostly bin watchin' Lost, Rome, and Battlestar Galactica. is it actually any good? I'm put off by the previous Superman series that I really didn't enjoy, and other *teen* shows like Roswell etc., and I'm not a big Superman fan anyway. However if you can sum up Smallville for me, I'm always open to persuasion!

Post Thu Nov 24, 2005 8:32 am

i've watched it, can't really recall any *favorite* episodes, this season has pretty much been all good. one i did like was when "sunspots" caused his powers to bugout and he threw a tractor six miles instead of just rolling it over
as far as this superman series, clark is just begining to get his powers. the graphics are great, acting is good, storyline is strange but good. all in all its worth watching. they use state-of-the-art graphics so it's not that corny "repeating backround" to simulate speed like in the older versions. or red lines for heat vision. in this version the heat vision is similar to the distortion in the air that hot pavement gives off to be specific. x-ray vision is cool but hard to describe off hand. feel free to fill in anything i missed ppl

check out my gallery of 3D models at my homepage

Post Thu Nov 24, 2005 4:09 pm

It has some good points, but I find it to be a bit generic in its "we must all do what is right" sort of theme which is prevalent throughout most American series. Still, the few episodes that I have seen are diverting enough, if predictable .

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