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Netscape Sucks!

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Thu Nov 17, 2005 9:53 am

Netscape Sucks!

Here's a medium-funny story about something really stupidly horrible happening to somebody. Sadly, it's my own. Luckily, this was in the "horrible but not involving losing life, limbs, or loved ones" category. Read on...

I started up Netscape 7.1 yesterday, and it was no longer Netscape 7.1. Nope- suddenly, and without my permission, it became Netscape 7.2. This didn't work out well. The following was the comments that I was going to send to Netscape, via their "handy" Comment Area that they have built into their main NS/AOL/Shibboleth pages. No, I am not making this up. Yes, I feel stupid for letting something like this happen. But I still think they deserved the full, uncut version (which, mind ye, is still safe for ICRA readers, if they can stand some mild insults):


I usually never write comments to a company about their products, but I'm going to take some time to write this one.

Very simply, your software development people and QC staff are ... and there's no nice way to put this... blatantly in violation of any reasonable interpretation of your EULA. In short, your company's technical decision makers are terrible ****s. I'd use harsher language, but I want a human being to *read* this.

You just "upgraded" my browser from Netscape 7.1 to 7.2 WITHOUT MY EXPLICIT PERMISSION. No "would you like to upgrade?", no "hey, we're going to quit supporting Netscape Mail, upgrade or else", NOTHING. One day, I start up Netscape, which I use for EXACTLY TWO THINGS:

1. To access my bank. Which requires- and this is the good part- a cookie. Now, you're all going to shake your heads and grin at this part, but... the username and password were set up ages ago, and I don't know the password. And I didn't set it up - my ex-Significant Other did - so I am not the email addressee if I request the password! This gets better, trust me.

Go on, laugh- I'm going to the bank's offices today to get this straightened out, which will probably require that I show a million forms of ID and wait around for an hour, fill out Very Important Pieces of Very Important Paper, and generally get teed off. And it's YOUR FAULT. I don't mean *you*- whoever has to read comments like mine is probably either too low in the foodchain to make meaningful decisions, or isn't a technical staffer. But you, Netscape, the company- it's *your* fault that I can't get into my bank.


Because when you upgraded to 7.2 and *erased* my copy of 7.1... WITHOUT ASKING MY PERMISSION, you also erased all of the cookies!!!

Um... are your software developers evil monkeys who you make evil by repeatedly applying electric shocks to their bottoms... or just stupid people who shoved out a very poor upgrade under equally myopic management? Either way, I am peeved!

2. Your silent, un-asked-for upgrade installer DELETED MY SAVED EMAIL. I have been using a Netscape Webmail account for *years*. I archive my email for a *reason*- so that I can go back through it and get to things that I may have posted *months* ago. This isn't some minor thing. I am a software developer, and I used Netscape email because it was available to me whereever I went- *and* because it was integrated with the browser, so I could do all of the archival tasks I normally do, on my hard drives. The fact that it was in a proprietary format bothered me a little, but it was convenient, and it *worked*. Why it doesn't work with your new browser is beyond comprehension.

Well, guess what- now I have a gig of missing emails, erased from MY HARD DRIVE without MY EXPLICIT CONSENT.

You- and again, just so this isn't personal- this is "You, Netscape, the Stupid Corporation" not whatever poor schmuck has to read my comments... have completely obliterated years of information from my files, information that I could- and did- access fairly frequently.

I now have *zero* reason to use your stupid new browser. I will now just use my email account, which you were using to deliver advertisements to me (and hence, revenue- I understand the tradeoffs of "free email" and was quite happy to occasionally click through you) to forward to another account that doesn't subject me to this nonsense, has a better spam filter, and doesn't have anything to do with your new browser or your company. In short, you've just converted me from "customer" to "leech"- and what's worse, I will be vocal about it on every place that I visit on the Internet- my words are read by a lot of people!

I can be reached at my *functional* email address, which also integrates with Outlook so that I will never lose my precious archives because of corporate blindness and technical incompetance. Do not bother trying to tell me how to fix this problem- I don't care, you've already wasted enough of my time. Just be glad I'd rather write a strong letter than sue for the worth of my lost files, literally years of past work- I'm sure I'm not the only person who's steamed about this...

[email protected]


Here's the punchline. I finished up this long, angry, but non-cussing letter (which was, believe me, an effort- I am NOT HAPPY)... and this is what happened next:

Please, feel more than free to send this post to friends, family, or other people. Many of you know me well enough to know that I would not make this up just to entertain you- this is 100% not a myth, a made-up story for your entertainment, or some random thing that happened to Somebody Else.

I am starting a campaign here. I do not like losing that much data to someone else's lack of foresight or poor planning- it's like losing a chunk of my life For those whom this sort of thing has never happened before- trust me... when you lose thousands of email and their attachments, you've lost a lot of work, thought, and memories! If this had happened because of my own stupidity... well, no biggie, I guess I deserved it. But when it's somebody else, because it was inconvenient to some corporate drone to let us keep our email stores... well, gosh-darnit... this means war!

Edited by - Argh on 11/17/2005 9:56:36 AM

Post Thu Nov 17, 2005 12:02 pm

woah...go Argh!!!!A man on a mission is a scary thing,but go for it mate

(='.'=) This is Bunny. Copy and paste bunny into your
(" )_(" ) signature to help him gain world domination.

Post Thu Nov 17, 2005 12:20 pm

I am personally amazed you didn't get a forum error too... thread to big to post

There is an old saying that I cannot quite put my finger on, and sadly would be too late anyway.

Post Thu Nov 17, 2005 12:20 pm

Fight the Power!

Haha, just kidding. I sure hope you've been in contact with someone about this.

Post Thu Nov 17, 2005 12:25 pm

LOL! Besides, Netscape, AOL and Internet Explorer are where your viruses/trojans/spywares come from. Forget Netscape and use Fire Fox.

Post Thu Nov 17, 2005 12:38 pm

or classic Mozilla which is very much like old Netscape anyway.

Post Thu Nov 17, 2005 12:40 pm

AOL already funds development of Mozilla browser technology

Weird thing the AOL browser, it has gone all over the flippin place in its time!

Microsoft last year granted AOL a seven-year royalty-free license to use IE technology in its products. The license was one of many concessions that Microsoft offered AOL as part of a $750 million settlement in an antitrust lawsuit filed by Netscape in January 2002.

As it is, whom knows what the hell they are developing - I use the browser, but generally surf on Opera instead.

Post Thu Nov 17, 2005 2:08 pm

"Netscape sucks"? And you're only coming to that conclusion *now*?

Post Thu Nov 17, 2005 3:48 pm

Firefox + Thunderbird FTW!

Stupid "upgrades" are exactly the reason why I keep multiple backups of anything I consider to be in the smallest way important (mostly my work- that is, my writing), and why I place system restore points about once a week. 1 copy on a SD memory card, 2 copies on USB flash drives, 1 copy on external hard drive, 1 on internal hard drive, 1 on my other computer back home. I'm obsessively protective of my important files.

Go back and see if you have a system restore point from before the "patch" hit you. If you have one, revert to it and see if everything works again.

Post Thu Nov 17, 2005 5:03 pm

"System Restore"? Pah! An inferior and out-dated system! If you are wise like the Rabbit-God you will keep an up-to-date image on a secondary partition and reimage your regularly and/or when problems arise. No bloated registry or old files on His PC!

Post Thu Nov 17, 2005 6:30 pm

Wow, Argh. That REALLY sucks.

Good luck in your quest for vengeance and hope you get some sort of compensation.

Post Thu Nov 17, 2005 6:37 pm

i either use firefox, smartfox, or maxthon, i never thought too much about aol netscape or the lot and will never use them i'd sooner go without the net completely

Post Thu Nov 17, 2005 6:57 pm

And the lesson is:

Record your usernames and passwords elsewhere

I feel your pain, I've done that to myself a couple of times.

Just a question, why are you still using netscape anyway? Why not upgrade (tee hee *snort*...) to one of the other browsers?

(This site is best viewed with your eyes open)

Post Fri Nov 18, 2005 12:10 am

harken not to the false Rabbit-God, for his advice doth contain a worm of untruth; he has to *re-image* his PC on an almost weekly basis. Only the true path of my master the Grand Mullah of Tawakalnistan can maintain the integrity of your machines, for he is blessed with both wisdom and experience (and a hotline to Chet...)

Post Fri Nov 18, 2005 7:18 am

Argh, that form is likely another "we appreciate your feedback. Please submit it so we can ignore you" kind of thing, similar to the "Durrhh, Windoze has had yet another serious error that we're trying to ignore. You can send us information about this problem (along with anything else we might want to tag onto the file ;-) if it makes you feel any better, but we probably won't read it because we're too busy laughing at the people that buy our product."

Okay so maybe that's exaggerating a bit. But I'm sure this is happening somewhere in the software world. Maybe you should find a phone number and give them an angry call. We'll all place bets here on their reaction, and mod providing, winner gets to increase two levels in meaningless forum rank.

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