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''Gaming''-Age for children

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Fri Nov 11, 2005 12:13 pm

zeds, you clearly aren't quite of just how bloodthirsty my offspring are; I actually resisted him playing both those games but I got a well-presented argument of how children's games no longer satisfied him and that he felt he was ready for *grown-up games* Despite my reservations, I was also persuaded by the fact he'd just go round to a mate's and play them there and what else might he be doing? I already drastically limit his internet access and television habits even though he wants to be just like the rest of us. So i gave in, and was rewarded a while later by squeals of delight and the sounds of *die stupid zombie scum* and *hl2s a really good game isn't it, I'm so glad you let me play it theres so much more to do and its harder than silly kids games*

but he did nearly brick himself at the Trigems...but so did I. Gory horror and sci-fi violence has never really bothered him overmuch, but i draw the line at psychological horror (which including confiscating Ringu which I found he'd nicked out of my dvd collection) and anything sexual, which is a complete no-no for both children although its getting hard to maintain the ban on such subject matter with Miss For-Gods-Sake-You-Can't-Treat-Me-Like-A-Child-Anymore (esp as she's now old enough to get married and have children herself)

but it was very nice wehen they just used to chortle merrily when theyd spelt a word right or finished a puzzle. ah they grow up too soon.

Post Fri Nov 11, 2005 4:09 pm

I have a picture of me banging on a keyboard when i was, i believe, about 5 months old ^^

Post Fri Nov 11, 2005 4:14 pm

If I ever have kids, they Won't be playing computer games. I want a wilderness area to live in, with limited computer use limited to E-mail. And buy several sets of encyclopideas. They will learn to read to find the information they need.

Edited by - Finalday on 11/11/2005 4:14:26 PM

Post Fri Nov 11, 2005 7:16 pm

I first started using a computer around 5 and then I started playing true games at about 6 or 7

Post Fri Nov 11, 2005 7:23 pm

i've been gaming as long as i can remember, from playing gorilla on windows 3.1 to my first true game that i played (age of empires two, missed two meals straight playing the mongol campaign and ended up making myself sick along with massive migraines) and now on to bigget things such as guildwars, freelancer, tribes 2 and if all goes well i'll be adding AoE 3 to that collection tomorrow.

Post Fri Nov 11, 2005 7:49 pm

Heh. I was 8. I found AoE. The rest is history.

And Dragonborn, AoE 3 comes highly recommended. Take this from someone who bummed rides around one of the largest cities in the US to find a copy of it on release day.

Post Fri Nov 11, 2005 7:52 pm

i've played the demo into the ground, i've heard the campaign ain't all that great, but i'm looking forward more to getting online and annihilating some people, just gotta worry about that darn ottoman rush i've read aboutl

Post Fri Nov 11, 2005 8:35 pm

Are you people implying that there was a time when you *weren't* gamers? *Shakes head sadly and channels Druid's mauled pidgin English* Dere jus ain't no dedimacation ta gamin' thees days...

Post Fri Nov 11, 2005 10:05 pm

Compared to most kids my age, i started gaming waaaaay later in life.

My friends all had a NES or a Master System, i never got into games until i got a SNES when they came out. I got a pc not long after it (8 meg of RAM? what the hell are you gonna do with that much RAM?) and then started to try and play games like X-Wing, Day of the Tentacle, One Must Fall, and Dark Forces. This was when i was about 12.

Im 19 now, i bought HL2 on release, I own every Dark Forces game, I like futurama over the simpsons, im a photographer and i drink.

I hate the war, i hate the state of the world now, but i have no desire to kill maim or destroy anything or anyone.

Post Sat Nov 12, 2005 4:39 pm

I started Gaming Gaming when I was about 12 which was coincidentally the time me dad bought a PC, yes an Intel PC, a Pentium 66, thats all I know. but anyway, as for Gaming, my dad being ex-special Forces, and invlved in quite a few incidents I won't tell here (a spoiler might be that he had to shoot people for real) and me having a knack at weapons and explosives from a very young age, he was a bit reserved at first to let me play gory games, I had a shareware version of Wolfenstein which I played out, and was then soon "misplaced" but anyway, he did let me play tactical "shooters" like Police Quest 5 SWAT, which was genuinely the only shootergame I had up to that age, played Doom II and Terminator The Future Shock, but didn't own them (I rented them out from the Local library) and played them to hell in a week or so.

as for Gaming now, I think the only real shooters I have on the machine are HL2 (rarely played) Vampire The Masquerade: Bloodlines (rarely played too) Counterstrike Source (played a few Games, but I hate small maps, so I really don't like the game) I have played San Andreas to hell and back, and finished the game, then drove around for a while. and besides that, I have Battlefield 1942 (for lack of BF2, which I *really* like to play, I got a few mates to clobber, that think they can shove me around by boasting (And I do mean boasting, as in arrogant boasting as in how *really good they are*) and I don't take ungrounded boasting very well). I must play, im using the game as training for when 2 comes around and I love playing the tobruk map.

further, I have Silent Hunter III on the comp, which I haven't played in a while, but really enjoy, simply because of the Simulation element. But asides from that I don't really do much else, Im looking for new machine (which basically means finishing the work over I planned on the machine, replacing some other elements, such as HDD and stuff)

Post Sat Nov 12, 2005 5:56 pm

Up to the age of 18, the closest I came to a video game, was pong, and after the third game, it was boring. Not too many games available in 1977.

Post Sat Nov 12, 2005 8:58 pm

I watched my dad play flight sims and shooters on our old MS-DOS when I was two ot three, and I learned how to log onto the computer, run DOS, and get into a game by watching him. One day when he was at work, I got on the computer and started my favorite game: Red Baron (the original). Well, I played for a while, having to kneel on the chair to reach the keyboard and joystick, and I didn't do too badly. Landing was a slight problem, though. Had to call him at work to find out how to do it. Let's just sat that he was amazed that I had gotten so far, and explained how it worked.

Well, I played that game and a few others, all historical flight sims like Aces and such since he wouldn't let me touch the FPSs. I ended up memorizing all the plane names and stats and histories from WWI and WWII, and... the rest is history.

Haven't stopped gaming since, and haven't lost my love for the historical games either.

Post Sat Nov 12, 2005 10:44 pm

I started my gamin at around 9 or 10, with the original Nintendo! Super Mario or Contra anyone?? ahh the memories...

from there it went to PS1, and than PS2 and the PC...

I didnt start playing on PC untill about 4 years ago though. I started with AoE demo. Man I remember I had dial up, I left my PC on whole night just to finnish downloading the AoE demo....not long time later I had to buy that game...

anyway, is there really such a thing as gaming age? I mean my nephew was only a few years old (like 4 or so) and he was playing Need for Speed on me PS2, he sucked (enjoyed crashing the car into the wall), but hey he played. Started playing and bothering so much that I had to lie to him and hide the game, he learned how the damn box looked! So I dont think there is an "gaming" age, the kids pick the game up when they find it interesting..age got nothing to do with it.

DeviantART - LeonhartBA

Post Sat Nov 12, 2005 11:54 pm

yeah? well i learnt to read at 2.5 or 3 due to playing games on the spectrum zx81, only way to beat that is if you played pong in the 70's

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