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Shrewd online business?

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Wed Nov 09, 2005 11:49 pm

Shrewd online business?

So, people were heaping criticism upon the man who splashed out £59k on a space station, yet the man whom spent 13k on an island recoups his investment in a single year article.

Could this spell a new direction for other online games? or maybe attract "real" property developers (actually, that would be funny...)

Post Thu Nov 10, 2005 1:34 am

It could also cause a real problem from a legal point of view. The obvious one is that the documentation for such a transaction, the deeds of ownership etc, would have to be spot on. However what I am thinking is less an off line pragmatic and more online problem. What happens if for example FL went that way and somebody managed to buy a space station with real funds and began to profit with real cash from the trade on it. If I then attacked the trade routes and managed to foul up any chance of the invester making a profit am I breaking any law, after all, my online piracy would be directly affecting his actual income?

I suppose they would have to hire private security to defend the lanes. Hmmm? I reckon its time I got me one o'dem Sabre yokes.*rubs hands with capitalistic glee*

EDIT: Damb speling

Edited by - druid on 11/10/2005 1:45:18 AM

Post Thu Nov 10, 2005 6:24 pm

I still am unable to understand why anyone would spend real money (never mind serious money)to "own" something that only is of any value within a computer game for which one is made to pay to play in the first place.

Post Thu Nov 10, 2005 10:24 pm

Someone I know from school is into WoW and he sold a power levelled character for $300 the other day.

Post Thu Nov 10, 2005 11:33 pm

While we're on this topic, I just wanted to mention that I am selling a "vanilla" Freelancer savegame featuring a fully outfitted Sabre and $1,000,000 credits. The price is only $500 AUD. It's a bargain, and a must-have for any true FL fan!

Post Fri Nov 11, 2005 3:36 am

@Esqui; The rabbit has begun to flog his virtual wares online then? I thoroughly admire such capitalism, welcome to the Dark Side.

Now with that 500 quid you could put a deposit down on a classic imported pre-owned Russian beauty. Now miles *mummbled* (now miles; not low not no but now, something between then and later and varies depending on the mood of our highly trained technicians), very little rust. just $397.98 per month (number of months unspecified) plus taxes and insurance and you will be the behind the wheel of your very own transport.

Post Fri Nov 11, 2005 6:31 am

Touted the Wabbit:

While we're on this topic, I just wanted to mention that I am selling a "vanilla" Freelancer savegame featuring a fully outfitted Sabre and $1,000,000 credits. The price is only $500 AUD. It's a bargain, and a must-have for any true FL fan!

Save your money, even if $500 rodential AUD is something like $20 real AUD. There this thing called a saved game editor and it is for free. Yes, you saw it here folks. It is for FREE.

Post Fri Nov 11, 2005 6:41 am

OMG - that cheap !! Me wanna have.

For paying directly to your account just e-mail your name, credit card number and expiring date to me, and you will have my payment within 24 hours.

Post Fri Nov 11, 2005 10:05 am

Sorry, sounds like a cool offer but my card is maxed out. Investments you know. Nice chap mailed me with some insieder info last week, somehow his accounts have been frozen because of that awful war in his home country of Afraudistan and after lengthy research he found that I am his cousin by divorce, once removed and twice detached, whetever, the upshot is that all I had to do was give him my account number and he will make loads by selling something to do with triagle type things turned upside down which are supposed to keep your razor sharp while travelling that only he has the patent for.

So ha! I'm sorted!

Post Fri Nov 11, 2005 11:16 am


After much searching, I found out that you are a very honorable and trustworthy person and someone in whom I may confide and gain assistance in a matter that will prove to be enriching to both you and me.

I am former private secretary to Sanni Abacha. In my capacity, I was entrusted with financial management of many of the monies that President Abacha was forced to handle in his office as President. I was required to keep the track of where the monies were to be deposited, electronically, and make those deposits based upon the President's directions. For this work I was given a computer with abilty to manage and make cash transfers and deposits over the internet.

To perform my duties with high efficiency and professionalism, I established a special interest earning banking account and fund with the ExIm Bancorp. of Turks and Caicos.

There were many transactions that came to Abacha which were difficult to handle because the outgoing depositing informations were incomplete.

In normal course, such incompleted items would be matched up after a period of a few months and all deposits would be made.

However, in the final months of Abacha's presidency, there were some 250 millions in American dollars that were not transferred and deposited by me due to this incompleteness of informations and this balance remains in the ExIm Bancorp. account. With the difficulties of transition that was experienced when Abubakar took the office of President in 1998, I was unable to keep my position. Unfortunately, also, due to other differences, I was unable to explain or show to my successor the routines that needed to be finished with the monies in the ExIm Bancorp. account. I assumed that the account holders who expected the deposits would notify the Government in due time.

It is now 10 years since I left Government service and recently, I reestablished my access capability with the ExIm Bancorp. account I have discovered that the monies that had been deposited in the account when I was Abacha's Private Secretary have been untouched. Actually, with compounded interest, this amount on deposit has increased on average some 3% a year so that now there is over 325 million American dollars. The ExIm Bancorp. advises that I must do something very soon to liquidate this account as their banking laws require that short term interest earning accounts (such as this one) may not remain idle and earning interest for greater than 10 years. Technically, as Abacha left office in June of 1998, already, this account is in violation. However I have persuaded the Bank to keep this account open until the end of this year. I have assurances that this may be done legally and without penalty by the Bank.

Due to currency and financial restrictions, I am unable to transfer these monies to an account in Nigeria. Also, as I am now paralyzed from the waist down, it is difficult for me to travel very far. I am in need of your assistance, to establish a new account in Nigeria for this money. Technically, however, the amount of deposit must only be the original 250 million American dollars. The other 75 million dollars may be considered the fee for the financial handling of this transaction which I offer to share with you on a half for half basis.

If you agree to assist me in this effort, please send me your personal banking information for both your checking and savings accounts if you have more than one it would help to provide them all. I will order a transfer of these monies into those accounts you provide and then, of course, trust you to remit to the account I identify to you in Nigeria, the 250 million which must be reestablished inside my country.

I believe that you should find this proposal very fair and honorable and I hope that you will send me the information I ask as soon as possible but at the very latest, by 15 December of this year to avoid year ending banking holiday delays.

Your humble servant,

Nissam Ambachacha

Post Fri Nov 11, 2005 11:23 am

Indy, there is a website where they actually play pranks on the people sending those. When someone told me the link, I thought it would be like a "Oh, I'm interested" followed by a "lol pwnd wtf lol!" type emails, but infact it was much much much better than that. If I can find the link to the site, it's worth seeing just how much time they wasted (of their own, as well as the person sending those emails).... it was incredible.

Post Fri Nov 11, 2005 12:02 pm

what? they're not real? oh no, my 30 billion dollar platinum mountain in the Congo isn't real, what am I to do?

never mind, I've still got that 300 million in gold in Bophutswanaland... enough to buy Umboto Gorge a squillion times over. I own SW's game reserve, you know.

Post Fri Nov 11, 2005 8:31 pm

ID - I may not like Capitalism that much, but I cannot come up with anything better (yet) .

Indy - Shoor Indy. A "savegame editor". Even if this so-called "editor" exists, the changes that it makes are not sanctioned by the Rabbit-God! It's $500 for a reason you know; it contains the "Esquilax" brandname .

Zaz - When I receive your payment (mail all cheques to "The Burrow", Esquilaxitavia), I'll email you the item .

Post Sat Nov 12, 2005 4:55 pm

somehow, whenbever I get those, I get the irresistable urge, to send them a dodge IRS income tax form.. somehow I would like to do it, but then preferably from my nondisclosed Hotmail account.

Post Sun Nov 13, 2005 1:56 pm

@Eskie: I'll give a top notch rate on yer Volvo.

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