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Hey Eskie, I''m huntin'' Wabbitsees!

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Thu Nov 10, 2005 4:53 pm

...and its a good night from him.

Post Thu Nov 10, 2005 4:56 pm

No ID then Tors? Ah well, The good Doctor had it coming. All of that drinking and debauchery... *Shakes head sadly and walks off mumbling about the lack of Ladas in Esquilaxitavia*

Post Thu Nov 10, 2005 11:33 pm

where's dru when you need him?

Post Fri Nov 11, 2005 3:11 am

@effs: You rang sir?

I reckon Tors is Esquiquilax. Face the facts, the hopper vanishes for over a day and during that very same time an obviously alter ego account seemingly dedicated to the sole purpose of talking about the hare is created. He beckons the rabbit and taunts him but there is no reply. The Tors lad gives a fair ye well speach and whaddya know ole long ears pops his head back up again with a lameass excuse. The thing I want to know is why in your twisted little head you had to go kid-nap and torture the Doc.

Post Fri Nov 11, 2005 11:51 am

Druid :O

I reckon Tors is Esquiquilax. Face the facts, the hopper vanishes for over a day and during that very same time an obviously alter ego account seemingly dedicated to the sole purpose of talking about the hare is created. He beckons the rabbit and taunts him but there is no reply. The Tors lad gives a fair ye well speach and whaddya know ole long ears pops his head back up again with a lameass excuse. The thing I want to know is why in your twisted little head you had to go kid-nap and torture the Doc.

Hmm, it could be you !!! maybe you timed it conveniently with the Rabbit festival of "missing the farmers stew pot", created the alter ego and got posting - stopping just as the ginger beer carrot juice chasers have worn off, that you can no longer stay. Then when Esky returned, posted your cunning suspicions about where the character came to point the finger of blame elsewhere!!
My word, I should write Nancy Drew novels...

Post Fri Nov 11, 2005 8:27 pm

Druid - Bah, your drunken ramblings convince no-one! Furthermore, the Rabbit-God would never stoop to such an obvious publicity stunt, especially considering the amount of coverage that He already attracts here on TLR (whether he likes it or not). In any case, I tend to agree with Chips' theory; your "disappearance" and reappearance seem a little too coincidental to me. Still, there are a lot of crazy people on these forums, so for all we know it could be Indy in disguise . In any case, this "Tors Denneti" person obviously likes Freelancer a great deal, as evidenced by his username. The only problem is that this doesn't really help us to identify him .

Post Fri Nov 11, 2005 8:31 pm

Eskie, we all know that Tors is you You're the only person besides me that ever mentions Myxomatosis Ah well, seems we should stop being allied with "Torsquilax"

Post Fri Nov 11, 2005 10:11 pm

Who's the doctor, anyways?

Post Sat Nov 12, 2005 1:43 am

Why don't we just IP ban Tors and see who disappears along with him?

Post Sat Nov 12, 2005 4:19 am

you forget, TET, there's *home* and *work* although it's debatable whether you could describe what he does for a living as *work*

The Doctor is Id. Dr.U.Id. Also known as Swiss Drui, or Swiss for short.

Edited by - Tawakalna on 11/12/2005 4:23:19 AM

Post Sat Nov 12, 2005 6:50 am

If he's hunting/torturing/cooking/eating rabbits I don't see how he could have the time to log on to TLR and create a thread at work. What does he have, satallite WiFi or somesuch exotic gizmo? Ergo he must have done it at home.

Post Sat Nov 12, 2005 8:15 am

ah, he has long spells of inactivity while he waits for his prey to approach; usually old ladies.

Post Sat Nov 12, 2005 3:47 pm

Para and similarly deluded parties - Believe what you will. The Rabbit-God remains aloof from your baseless accusations. In fact, I have been doin' a little diggin' (we rabbits are good at that) and I now know *exactly* who Tors is, and forced a confession out of him. His motives for creating another account are ambiguous, but it is my understanding that it was a plea for attention. The poor little fella had been feeling a bit neglected, and even his newly purchased computer was unable to fill the void that he felt inside him. For this reason, he concocted a vicious scheme in which he would abduct ID (Irish Drunkard aka Druid ) and torture him through deprivation. The objective of this was to attract my attention and elevate himself to a certain level of notoreity here on TLR. I suppose that, in the end, he was partially successful, but we shall see how long he hangs around now that he has had his taste of the limelight. *Walks off, head held high*

Post Sun Nov 13, 2005 3:20 am

By erm... digging up a er.... 7 hour-old-thread, Esq has clearly refused to erm.. let the issue drop... um.. yes. Therefore we can conclude that it was indeed Esq who created the account so he would have an excuse to come out the of shadows and propound his nonsensical teachings to the unconverted masses. He is now merely attempting to shift blame. IT MAKES SENSE!! Honest, guv.

Post Sun Nov 13, 2005 7:39 am

Esky you can deny it all you want But until we get a picture of the rabbit god on a stake I will still believe you are Tors Oh...and Btw, I've captured your two top bunny ambassadors The Energizer Bunny, and the Cadbury Bunny! Wahaha!

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