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Finally, some good news...

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Mon Nov 07, 2005 8:31 pm

Finally, some good news...

about Jack Thompson!


Post Mon Nov 07, 2005 8:56 pm

"Your 'have at it' and my 'have at it' are not the same," the judge replied.

YAAAAAH! WOOOOOO! BOOYA! YEEHA! I'm gonna throw a party on my forum...

EAT THAT JACK THOMPSON! That should teach them what happens when you do stuff... like that. There is no simile for behavior like that. Jack thompson is simply, and quite obviously, whacko, and the judicial world has finally realised that.


Post Mon Nov 07, 2005 10:07 pm

Well it's a step in the right direction, but I will wait to see how it plays out. After all, even if he IS stripped of his right to practice law, there are always multiple appeals to higher courts to consider *shakes head*.

Post Mon Nov 07, 2005 11:42 pm

Still, this should teach the guy to 'back off' as such, seeing as though he (hopefully) has intelligence enough to realise hes gone too far. But, at least, if he pursues it, he'll most certainly NOT win (If hes stupid enough to do that...).

still, this is a call for celebration.
*Breaks out the alchohol cargo crate*

Post Tue Nov 08, 2005 9:02 am

Awesome! But there is a bad thing about this. I'm not sure if other countries have a Constitution like we do saying we have Freedom of Speech. What's to stop him from trying to outlaw violant games in other countries where citizens don't have the rights we do here in the US.

But, once his license is gone, he can't be bothering us anymore .

And also, if he thinks Grand Theft Auto will turn almost anyone who plays it into a homocidal mainiac, then he may try to outlaw realistic racing games now. I can see it now, "Grand Turrismo is teaching the future generation of motorists to disobey the laws of the road and to drive like they're on PCP."

Post Tue Nov 08, 2005 10:07 am

What's to stop him from trying to outlaw violant games in other countries where citizens don't have the rights we do here in the US.

Because the US is the only country in the Western world which has a bunch of rampaging extremely right-wing, hysterical, fanatical Christian nutcases trying to ban whatever they see as evil and morally corrupt (clothing cut above the knee, for example). And more to the point, the US is the only country where these culture 'Nazis' (for wont of a better term) have any political significance and are not laughed off their soapboxes. You just have to look at the BBFC's reaction to Hot Coffee to see what I mean.

Post Tue Nov 08, 2005 2:13 pm

finally someone might shove a sweat sock in that walking mouth i might just regain some faith in my country's law system if that judge puts jack(@$$) in the dog house and burns his license

Post Tue Nov 08, 2005 7:36 pm

Judge Moore has taken the motion to revoke Thompson's license under advisement, and is also considering a motion to have the entire suit dismissed on the grounds that the First Amendment, which provides for freedom of speech, applies to videogames. The defendants' laywers also claim that Devin Moore's actions could not have been foreseen.

If the judge is going to dismiss the suit on First Amendment grounds, he'll have some difficulty in expelling Thompson for venting his spleen. If the makers of GTA have First Amendment protections, so does *expletive deleted* Thompson.

Post Tue Nov 08, 2005 8:42 pm

hmm, well the case is dismissed on the count of the 1st amendment...thompson's liscnce is revoked on accusation of turning the courthouse into a circus..

Post Tue Nov 08, 2005 9:07 pm

Turning the courthouse into a circus and not going through his legal actuions with civilry have nothing to do with the first amendment. And that is what Jack is accused of.

Post Wed Nov 09, 2005 3:33 am

But he's quite often publicly making unfounded accusations against various companies and their products which must be affecting their sales to some extent. On top of that his behaviour towards those who disagree has always been less than civil. The lawyers for the defence are accusing him of threatening them which he doesn't have the freedom of speech for.

Post Wed Nov 09, 2005 11:37 am

I applaud the Alabama judge. Don't get me wrong on this point.

BUT as far as turning the courtroom into a circus is concerned, far worse has happened in other trials (OJ Simpson comes to mind) so that's a bit of a vague issue for me. Still what a judge says in terms of calling the facts as he sees him, he shouldn't get overruled. But if the Judge is calling the rules that apply to those facts incorrectly, JT might have a legitimate gripe.

Right now I can't find what it was that JT said to Blank Rome so I am a little in the dark about the threats and stuff.

And, basically, buffoon, bully and blow hard that JT may be, he unfortunately enjoys the same 1st Amendment protections as the people he persecutes. Even to the point of speaking untruths.

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