Post Sun Nov 06, 2005 1:10 pm

Hey, Bad Guys comin''!

If you've visited New Grounds reciently then you may know about the hilarious flash series known as Bad Guys. But if you haven't, I'm gonna post the links. I'll also post the links for other ones I think are really good. Some of these contain some BAD language. They do have a rating on each animation's page.

__________Bad Guys____________

Bad Guys

Bad Guys 2: Appeasing The Gods

Bad Guys 3: Battered Monsters

_________Metal Gear Crisis___________

Metal Gear Crisis 1.1

Metal Gear Crisis 1.2

_________On The Moon______________

On The Moon (episode 1)

On The Moon (episode 2)

On The Moon (episode 3)

________Assorted Flash Animations_______

There's Something About Halo

Star Wars Gangsta Rap: Special Edition

I will be of course updating this as new episodes are put up.

Tell me what you guys think of them.