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Too Late - for Adam Carolla?

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Thu Oct 20, 2005 6:23 am

Too Late - for Adam Carolla?

well - i've been watching the two new shows in comedy centrals late night line up regularly and i've got to beat my chest.

1.the Colbert Report is hilarious - and having bill o'reilly back on the daily show the day before it premiered was genius because it refreshed all my negative impressions of said loudmouth know-it-all braggart.the intro to the show is stunning - they must have purchased the latest state of the art Graphixtron to put that together - basically a fluid collage of waving flags,shooting stars and a hilarious bit of enthusiastic flag waving by colbert - BEAT THAT FOX!

2.Too Late with Adam Carolla - the pilot with Buzz Aldrin was amazing....some more episodes after that were very funny but after a week the audience had disappeared from the studio and i kept asking myself: where's the audience gone?? did adam just decide to go without the audience because he felt his jokes were falling flat?in any case I do not enjoy hearing the sparse laughter of the crew in the background reacting to adam's jokes - get a boom mike fer chrissakes. perhaps he's spread himself too thin between this show and TLC's carolla project, he seems mentally exhausted and frequently just gives up in the middle of a joke - if i could write him an email,which i might attempt later,i would tell him to stop worrying about the stupid TLC reality show because it's going no-where and I'd really like to see him focus on his talkshow which i still enjoy. tonight's guest is dane cook,which should be much more entertaining than last night's guest donny bonadouchy(sp)

this is cold_void, sayin 'mahallah

Post Thu Oct 19, 2006 9:48 pm

well its the Colbert Report's 1 year anniversary, and I called it Lancers Reactor! Nailed ya!

here's some links for all my fellow truthy patriots, and may the eagle soar like it's never soared before!

Comedy Central official site
The Colbert Nation Stephen's own Nation in cyberspace
Stephen Colbert on Google video
Colbert clips on YouTube (no Sen. Stevens its not literally a tube, you may want to check your lobbyist friend's
Stephen gives the president a well deserved drubbing
The Greenscreen Challenge (including the runnerup, some guy called 'George L' whoever that is)


Post Sun Oct 22, 2006 9:09 am

explain further. us furriners ain't getting it.

Post Sun Oct 22, 2006 1:23 pm

what's there to explain?? steven pwnz, and I called it!

(the Colbert Report is a faux-news style show that comes on after the Daily Show.)


Post Thu Oct 26, 2006 6:34 pm

Poor Taw...

Stephen Colbert is an ex-member of Chicago's second city. He was the understudy of Steve Carell. Colbert is also an ex-member and writer for the Daily Show as well as old Saturday Night Live skits such as the Ambiguously Gay Duo (in which he also voiced). His show the Colbert Report is a spin-off of the Daily Show which is parodical version of a talk news show. It also happens to be hilarious.

Now that is what I call an explanation...

Post Sat Nov 04, 2006 9:02 am

All you really need to know is the last part. "It is hillarious."

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