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The *GASP* VIRUS thread!

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Sat Oct 08, 2005 9:21 pm

The *GASP* VIRUS thread!

What is the most interesting Viris you have ever had on your (or someone else you know's) computer? (spyware accepted)

I once had a viris that just did one thing

Filled up my harddrive *aghk*

It is amazing how little windows can do with 0 HDD space!
we discovered one day that our harddrive was full when we were trying to isatall somthing (forgot, doesent matter) and found the HD said it had 0 byetes remaining in space :O

it was totally bizzare, we deleted stuff and watched as the viris ate up ~2-3 MB per second!

adding to the problem, our antiviris software suddely had a lapse and had to be reinstalled, so we had to install it and constantly delete stuff to keep it going!

turned out it didnt detect any viris at all :O

it took like a couple more hours to find an exe + 20GB or so of just padding files

we deleted it and it all was good, not a very sell put together viris in all but it was creative and sure was annoying

Share your virises!

My forum

Edited by - Exodous on 10/8/2005 11:14:12 PM

Edit: I just had to correct the spelling in your title, sorry it's been bugging me for days!

Edited by - .Tawakalna on 10/12/2005 4:25:05 AM

Post Sat Oct 08, 2005 9:44 pm

i can't remember having any viruses that i noticed effects of...besides some spyware that kept trying to install a program.

you should take that smiley out of the topic though...

Post Sat Oct 08, 2005 10:02 pm


uh...this may sound dumb do ichange the topic?

EDIT: whoops, forgot to kill my sig XD
EDIT2: oh cool, i fixed it
Edited by - Exodous on 10/8/2005 11:13:16 PM

Edited by - Exodous on 10/8/2005 11:14:35 PM

Post Sun Oct 09, 2005 12:54 am

They don't make virus' like they used to. Back in the early 90s/late 80s, viruses were still annoying as hell but with a "more interesting" twist. They showed the personality of the coder rather than just being plain vindictive/evil.

I think my favourite was the one with the pacman that ate everything on the screen, that was a corker. He just would go from left to right, up and down the screen eating everything into a black nothingness. A restart cured it temporarily.

Post Sun Oct 09, 2005 2:12 am

What about the "Bouncing Ball" virus Grom? Classic .

Post Sun Oct 09, 2005 4:18 am

The funniest virus i have ever experienced, wasnt actually on MY computer (thankfully) it was on someone else's. It was the virus that caused the icons to move out of the way whenever you put the cursor over them (pretty damn funny at the time, i didnt know it was a virus until relatively recently). i kept having to select the icons using the keyboard arrow keys.

Post Sun Oct 09, 2005 4:22 am

i liked the fireworks one back in 99, people used to ask me if it was the Millenium Bug!

Post Sun Oct 09, 2005 5:47 am

Virus's now there's a sorry subject.
Since I build, repair and upgrade computers for a living I've seen my fair share.
Some of the accounts I have we have made it mandatory that they have their laptops checked for virus's before they can connect to the network.
The worst case I've seen is the local college with students returning for the new school year it is mandatory they have their computers checked for virus's.
This year wasn't as bad as last year when 50% of the computers had some sort of virus. It amazes me how many people don't even bother to install at least a free anti virus program. When they loose all their data that's when it really sinks in.

Post Mon Oct 10, 2005 5:47 am

Wolfy said:

i can't remember having any viruses that i noticed effects of...besides some spyware that kept trying to install a program.

....... That's not what I remember!

Post Mon Oct 10, 2005 6:45 am

lol. me neither

@esky - I don't remember that one, refresh my memory


Post Mon Oct 10, 2005 12:37 pm

i had one of kazza yrs ago, dont know what it was called but it was a bugger to get rid of, it kept filling my hd up with dodgy sounding files (porn, hacks, keygens,cracks etc), all dead small, but reproduced quicker than a rabit on viagra, as fast as i deleted em, there was twice as many back... as i recall i fixed it with the 'ol fav' format C:

virus writer suck, tho i remember writing a program that sat in the reset vector (memory resident) on the ST, but mine never reproduced, just displayed a menu scroller and could be removed by doing a cold boot.. home of ** uk server **

Post Mon Oct 10, 2005 10:35 pm

*Reads Indy's comment about Wolfy* Burn!

Grom - The "Bouncing Ball" virus was a program that, once it infected a computer, would display a "ball" which "bounced" off the sides of the screen. It was quite amusing actually . And then there were classics like the "Stoned" virus. Ah, the good old days...

Post Tue Oct 11, 2005 12:46 am

lol. sounds familiar. 2 of my other favourites were :

"arsecake" - this was an MS Word virus, when you saved your word doc it changed every third word beginning with A into the word "arsecake". Highly amusing when turning in university papers

"run away" - this was one that I saw on windows 3.1, every so often it would choose one of your windows at random...then when you approach the window with your cursor, it would dart to the other side of the screen and start shaking in the corner. It was accompanied by a badly sampled version of the Monty Python crew shouting "RUN AWAY!!"

fantastic. aaah the good ole days


Post Tue Oct 11, 2005 1:58 am

there was one on the 'ol atari st that whenever you clicked your mouse it would start a 1x1 pixel going around the screen eating whatever was under neath it to a black line, (best discription i can come up with is like a etch 'o' sketch) it also wouldent let you click anything to close anything, (more black dots going around the screen) but as with most ST things a cold boot would fix it. (unless you had a hd, which were rare in those days) home of ** uk server **

Post Tue Oct 11, 2005 2:02 am

the only virus that ever got me was in 1994 and it was the *cansu* boot-sector virus, which necessitated repartition and reformat, as my then AV, Norman, failed miserably to catch it. Although since then I've had a lot of virus alerts, I've never actually had another viro on machine of my own, although I was for some years in my last job *Tawakalna the Fearless Virus Hunter* beingh the only person in the IT dept who could actually get rid of a virus without wiping the hard-drive everytime.

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