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Day of Defeat : Source

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Sat Oct 08, 2005 11:19 am

Day of Defeat : Source

Who got it? I just did and I love it. I've alredy seen HL2 maps ported over to it. Who else has it? Hmm...maybe if enough of us have it we could play a game together..

Post Sat Oct 08, 2005 1:58 pm

Download corrupted, I need a new hdd.

Post Sat Oct 08, 2005 5:00 pm

Don't you have to pay for it though? I ain't payin' through Steam, I can tell ye .

Post Sat Oct 08, 2005 7:00 pm

Esqu, Steam is free to download...All you have to buy are the games...And buy them once, not pay to play. I hate pay to play, the bill I have to pay reminds me of how much of my soul is going into their vault, so I don't play paytoplay mmos. DoD is what 20 $ right now? And wyou can get a pack that includes HL2 with it (My favorite game)

Post Sat Oct 08, 2005 8:15 pm

I meant that I'm not prepared to utilise Steam in order to purchase DoD. They ain't havin' my credit card number! Besides, DoD isn't singleplayer.

Post Sat Oct 08, 2005 8:28 pm

I was hoping they'd put bots in DoD:S but I guess not.

Post Sun Oct 09, 2005 12:08 am

Isn't it essentially just going to be CS:S but with Nazi's instead of terrorists?
Certainly sounds like it, and after the fiasco that was the "update" to the half life engine to prepare for DOD:S which rendered thousands of peoples CS:S and HL2 games unplayable - I would have severe reservations about buying the game.

Someone could have made a mod as DOD, its just cashing in a whole new game without putting in any real effort. Everytime they update the game to fix a bug, they'll make a new bug in another game. They obviously never tested it, because it affected a large proportion of the players, and the thing that makes it worse is that you have no option NOT to download the updates - you cannot play your game until you DO (so its a forceful download).

The update did nothing for CS:S or HL2, yet for 3-4 days there were thousands who couldn't play, and I didn't even read an apology for their disruption when they didn't need that update.

That annoyed me somewhat.

Post Sun Oct 09, 2005 5:03 am

As somebody who started playing Counter-Strike during Beta 5 (yeah, that was a looooong time ago)...

Well... they couldn't screw up DoD as much as they did CS, right?

Even so... as badly as they've mauled CS, I'm afraid to give them a dime to find out- and I'm ignoring the fanboys on this one entirely. Glad I missed another one of their "updates from Heck" ...

This kind've stuff reminds me why I play CS very rarely now. It's not that I have less "free time"- I just spend it elsewhere (here, for example).

Valve used to be a company that actively sought out modding teams to keep selling their engine, instead of some bizarre technocrats and money-men sitting on top of corpse-like franchise titles. Sorry, I know that's harsh- the HL2 engine's pretty, and it has... um... physics?

But I really don't care about pretty when the game designs don't work, and CS:S convinced me that Valve should have stuck to supporting young, smart mod teams and let Gooseman and Co. be seperate business entities. More honest for everybody, and it might've kept CS out of the toilet. I think the worst thing they ever did was join Valve and lose their gamer souls to the Lords of Tech... but that may have been inevitable- they had to make CS cutting-edge to get the hardcore, and then used us to create the allure that brought in all of the kids... while damping down the gameplay so that we wouldn't just own their pansie, spamming little selves.

After watching them dumb everything down over and over again, I'm never going near them again.

Burn me once, no biggie... burn me for two years by ruining the closest thing to a true e-sport game ever made since Quake, and then offer me a "new game" that turns out to be a middling FPS with an engine and content that are so ill-optimised that my machine (in the top quarter of their infamous Hardware Survey at release) couldn't run at 60FPS and still can't, after countless "improvements"... no way am I giving them money so that I can see that DoD looks prettier... and plays worse.

Post Sun Oct 09, 2005 7:40 am

Actually, I think they pulled this one off rather nicely. Its semi realistic, much more than counterstrike. And yes, I have played both. I'm hoping it will stay this way, but alot the people who are so annoying with their mics on CS stayed there, I haven't seen too many. The game is good if you like fps. And in realism, the guns for assault and support class actually climb when you fire then so you have to pull down on your mouse to keep it still. Machine gunners are fun. Mount on a sandbag or on the ground. Grenades dont go 5 miles when you throw them. And you can shoot a grenade out in an rpg style way using the rifleman class it still has the same timer as regular grenades..My favorite thing about this game is being able to throw grenades back if its near you.

EDIT : Esq, I think you can aso buy it in stores later (or maybe not I'm not sure) if you want to. That how I bought my Half-Life 2.

Kinda cool, Valve is auctioning off some nice looking prints


100 of em, not sure if they are all of different things, and this is the only one I've found so far.

Edited by - Aravis on 10/9/2005 8:48:26 AM

Post Sun Oct 09, 2005 6:28 pm

Thanks Aravis, and they probably WILL release DoD in stores eventually. After all, Bioware released a CD containing those hitherto online purchase only "Premium Mods" for NWN .

Post Mon Oct 10, 2005 12:32 am

You know that there is a (all in all not too complicated) way of playing HL2 without Steam ? It works perfectly for me. If you want details write me an e-mail.
@ everybody:
Just to make it clear: I am not promoting something illegal here, the installation needs the game. But as many others I do not want to have Steam on my comp - and I do not have my game-pc connected to internet.

Post Mon Oct 10, 2005 10:38 pm

Are you referring to playing HL2 without having to be online (ie. "Offline" mode) Zaz, or something else? The only other method that I can recall is the use of the cracked versions of Steam that are around.

Post Tue Oct 11, 2005 4:56 am

I speak about the steam-less installation - you never get connected to steam. There are (at least) two "cracked" versions around, one originally from a guy with an italian name (i forgot) based on a russian crack; the other one the so-called t****t-*1-steamless-fix. It works, but you need the game for installation (the other version is simply a crack with all files you need). That's why I dare to talk about this kind of crack here (where even bp has a FL-No-CD-Crack ).

* replace letters/numbers

Post Tue Oct 11, 2005 8:42 pm

Thanks Zaz. I'll explore those options the next time Steam annoys me enough .

Post Tue Oct 11, 2005 10:21 pm

Ooops - You DO have Steam installed. I was wrong then

I ain't payin' through Steam, I can tell ye

I read here: "I ain't playin' through Steam". Small difference in writing, big difference in meaning. Sorry. I thought you don't want to install steam. Like me. But in this case it's another story.

Edited by - zazie on 10/12/2005 12:31:18 AM

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