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A Movie Called "Serenity", just some good Sci-fi.

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Tue Oct 11, 2005 6:55 am

Hehehe, well the men are mighty fine to look at too, the story is fgodd and the men are dreaming......

Post Wed Oct 12, 2005 6:52 pm

ok, can finally participate on this whole thing now that i've seen it.


yeah, i went there. this movie rocks my already rocking world something chronic. WOW.

can we talk to someone about a firefly/serenity mod for freelancer? Do i have enough clout now that i can demand this stuff?

"If you want the site fixed, make me shiny things"

i wax idotic about the movie on my journal, but the footnotes here are thus: WOW. Haha, no, seriously though, i laughed, i cried, i jumped, i held my breath. There's a little bit of everything for the sci-fi fan here. Humour, tension, big bangs, cunning plans, dashing heroes and lovely, lovely mechanics in teddy bear trousers who has cute hair and a little muck on her and oh im rambling. Yes. Good.

Whedon's dialogue, as always, is spot on and finally presents us with something that isnt technobabble or the cringeworthy ramblings of george lucas' prequels. While not being able to hold a candle to lucas' bottomless money-pit in terms of special effects, Serenity's space scenes never drop the ball. The real action is happening on sound stages not bluescreen and relies more on Whedon's story and the character's interaction than wowing us with "next years!". Like Episode IV, CGI is used to set the scene more than anything else.

The dominance of the Reavers in the film is a bit of a masterstroke. No longer relegated to hear-say and travelers tales, we finally get to see them close-up and see them set upon people like orcs and uruk-hai, listening to the screams of their victims. These arent scenes for youngsters. Working with what he has though, Whedon never lingers on them, showing only brief shots of them before cutting away. We never get the "man in suit" shot where the illusion is dropped, he keeps pushing it with fast cuts and sudden flashes of sound and picture to keep your attention. It works, the Reavers are far more sinister than any sci-fi nasty in the last 5 years and echo Cameron's Aliens in their fast, hostile and persistant threat to our protagonists. And the threat is very real. Watching tv shows, you know your heroes are going to make it though because there's more episodes to come. With Serenity, its possible this is the last outing of our crew we'll ever see so Whedon pulls no punches in messing up the status quo. If destroying the ship will throw the story off-kilter, catch the audience unawares and dash that pre-concieved ending everyone had, he'll bloody well do it. I dont think i'll be spoiling the conclusion by saying that not all the crew make it to the final credits.


I'm not a hater though, i'll miss any one of them. But if there's one thing that Battlestar Galactica, Lost and 24 has tought me is that i should never get comfortable. We've seen all the deus ex machina's hollywood can throw our way, tv stars have run out of lives, its time to start the culling and bring those realistic plotlines back. This freedom leaves Whedon the opportunity to re-capture the audience and dispell any notion that this was another Sci-Fi in a bag churn out. Its the old days, the bad days, the all or nothing days, theyre back. And that's just the reavers.

Add to that the cuckoo River and her developing 'talents' and the calm and collected souless assasin known only as "The Operative" and you've got more than enough for a fantastic sci-fi film.

While it wont be winning any awards for groundbreaking storytelling, it certainly shows that there's room enough in the 'verse for something other than an explosions and SFX bonanza like Star Wars or the diplomatic utopia of Star Trek. and in a year of pretty dire sci-fi, its a breath of fresh air.


Edited by - Arcon on 10/12/2005 7:57:46 PM

Edited by - Arcon on 10/12/2005 7:58:14 PM

Post Thu Oct 13, 2005 2:26 pm

The men actually WERE very good looking. Nothing on par with Ewan MacGregor or Mr. God of Sexiness Depp, but very hot--though as I said, there wasn't enough of Sean Maher shirtless in the film, but one really can't have everything.

Post Thu Oct 20, 2005 11:16 am

The classic Star Wars trilogy and the Lord of the Rings trilogy have been at the top of my list of favorite films, and Serenity now definitely joins them at the top .

If the movie/series had less "Hollywood" immorality, it would be THE best movie I have ever seen. I really, really hope the movie does well enough for them to go ahead with the rumored two sequels...

Freelancer Mod Manager: newbies' dreams come true
Belief in Jesus: the only way to Heaven

Post Thu Oct 27, 2005 3:07 pm

*Bump* back up so we can close the newer one. No need for 2

Edited by - Finalday on 10/27/2005 4:40:17 PM

Post Thu Oct 27, 2005 4:54 pm


Popping in from obscurity to add $0.02...

Firefly and Serenity remind me in no small way of another show that I thoroughly enjoyed, and it is the only other Sci-Fi show I've ever seen that managed to walk that fine line between comedy and drama, while still maintaining believable characters and not being too rediculous. That show was Farscape. I loved Farscape. I also love Firefly (pity it didn't have a long enough run) and I REALLY loved Serenity.

You KNOW a TV show/Movie is well written when it has you laughing your guts out one minute ("...What was that?", amaze you with a well-executed action sequence, then turn right around and shock you silent with the death of a beloved character, then go right back to being funny again. Serenity pulled off that effect EXTREMELY well. It is Science Fiction, but it doesn't fall into any one particular category- if I had to classify the movie, that classification would go a little something like this:
* 1 part Western
* 1 part Asian
* 2 parts Robin Hood
* 3 parts Comedy
* 2 parts Action
* 4 parts Drama
* 2 parts Horror
* 2 pars Romance

And the best part is that it all WORKS. At no point in the entire run of the plot, series or movie, does it start to seem rediculous or unbelievable. Every time a character spits out a witty one-liner, it fits the situation and their personality.

Perhaps it just doesn't have enough screen-time to have such slip-ups, but none are apparent thus far. You can look at any one of the charcaters and say "hey...I know someone like that!" and really mean it. They behave like people, not superheroes- and there are very few stereotypes (but there are some, and the ones that are there are quite obvious). They're in it for themselves until thrust into a situation where only one course of action could be considered morally acceptable, then they fly with it.

They do what humans would do in those situations (if ever such a situation existed). The crew reacts, adapts, and patches together solutions on-the-fly as new problems come up. So Serenity isn't armed...well, take a ground defense gun, bolt it onto the hull, and have someone sit out there in a spacesuit to fire it. Can't take on a fleet of enemy ships? No problem- get another equally nasty fleet pissed off, and drag them right into each other, and try to slip past in the confusion.

Definitely a must-see for ANY fan of Science Fiction. Serenity doesn't have the eye-popping special effects of some other recent films, but it makes the best of what it has to such a degree that you just don't notice. It has the plot and character that has been so lacking in...well, pretty much the past DECADE of Sci-Fi movies. And shows. I sincerely hope that there is either a sequel, or a new series- this is a keeper.

Post Thu Oct 27, 2005 5:41 pm

I went to see it yesterday, i enjoyed it more than I thought i would but I'd seen Der Untergang (Downfall) in the morning which was truly brilliant, and I couldn't keep my mind off that far superior and much deeper experience, so I'm afraid that for me Serenity wasn't much more than well-made and occasionally amusing fluffy sci-fi. i'm not slagging it, it just didn't impact me like Downfall did. maybe I shouldn't got to see 2 films in one day?

Edited by - Tawakalna on 10/28/2005 6:22:15 AM

Post Fri Oct 28, 2005 6:00 pm

Okay- since I've seen it a second time. I feel like putting something up. And sorry for the double topic- I was lazy and didn't search.

The second time around is much, much better. Since you sorta know whats coming next, you can concentrate on the character interaction more. And yes, I was -still- jumping. I'm a sucker for it, what can I say?

Bewarned. If you go to the movie, DO NOT MISS THE OPENING. If you do- you'll be wondering for probably half the movie what is going on.

I'd do a small review- but there are enough already. In four words...


Post Sun Oct 30, 2005 8:58 am

Side note: While you don't HAVE to see the series to understand the movie, it helps. A lot. The reasons for several characters acting the way they do (not to mention being where they are) are explained in the series...along with a good bit of backstory information that clears many, many things up.

Post Sun Oct 30, 2005 3:10 pm

That said, I went into the movie with absolutely no knowledge other than that there had been a series called Firefly which preceded this, and I still enjoyed the hell out of this film.

It's good.

Like, really good.

Oh yes.

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