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Mozilla Firefox vs. Internet Explorer

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Post Wed Oct 05, 2005 12:01 pm

Mozilla Firefox vs. Internet Explorer

Well you can clearly see what this is about, if you can't then don't bother posting please.

So mozilla firefox the new up and coming internet browser. i myself have personally began using mozilla firefox as my browser. it is certainly very good for user friendly issues but when it comes to advanced operation it sucks.

But then so does Internet Explorer. I have found that generally most viruses and trojans can come from internet explorer browsed websites, however when browsed with Firefox nothing happens. (obviously this has been tested in an Incredibly controlled waY). Yet Internet explorer does offer a wider range of html that can be used in its more modern versions.

I myself view the lancers reactor website through a firefox browser and it works significantly faster than internet explorer. I have noticed this website is optimised for internet explorer. may i reckomend finding if it is worthwhile making it optimised for firefox, or is it alrady?

Anyway click below to visit:
the Internet Explorer Websiteor the Mozilla Firefox Website.

Well clearly i am biased but i just wondered what everyone else thought. i really recommend using mozilla firefox if you aren't already

Post Wed Oct 05, 2005 12:09 pm

Firefix all the way

becus its good, and i have this thing agenst MS (heh)

My forum

Post Wed Oct 05, 2005 12:12 pm

I personally use Mozilla for about 90% of the time when im on the internet. The other 10% of the time im forced to use IE because some websites don't work at all with Firefox.

At the moment Firefox can be considered "safer" then what IE appears to be, but thats not entirely true. Although Firefox was the first to offer an effective pop up blocker and viewing websites in tabs it really is not that much more secure then what IE is. Hackers have just always worked with IE and know it inside and out. With the recent rise of FIrefox and a new version due out in November (correct me if im wrong) hackers will start paying more and more attention to it...

Post Wed Oct 05, 2005 12:35 pm


Post Wed Oct 05, 2005 12:45 pm

I say use FireFox. The Launch music servace doesn't work with FireFox, and that's the only thing I use IE for.

FireFox won't download anything without asking you first (as far as I know, correct me if I'm wrong) but IE just doesn't care.

And I like the ability to have multiple tabs open in FF. I can be looking at four different sites and only have one application of FF running.

And for those of you who just can't wait, I've finally started The Holocaust!
4 8 15 16 23 42

Twenty bucks to whoever can tell me what the deal is with those numbers. I'll give you a hint: They have somthing to do with a guy named Hurley.

Edited by - Killa on 10/5/2005 1:45:42 PM

Post Wed Oct 05, 2005 1:05 pm

SP2 corrects that issue and now nothing is downloaded to your computer with you knowing about it. Along with many other security updates that truly do show MS is fighting. And some of those security features work, surprisingly enough. But of course, this is about IE.

I personally use IE, and where i don't think firefox is bad, the main reason i do not like it is that, like it has been mentioned above, some sites do not work and there is advanced HTML that is not compatible with it. Until thats corrected, i will continue to use IE6, which is simply the target of more hackers, and a lot of people just hate MS.

I sure as hell don't hate MS, but i don't like them either. I just don't like how many people use anything OTHER than MS products purely because they hate MS. Its stupid. MS is very, very good at what it does. Its providing programs for the entire bleeping WORLD thats difficult. Why can't you all get that? MS is hacked more because its USED more. I PROMISE you, that if firefox becomes used by over 60% of the population, it will show its that it too has gaping security holes. Don't agree with me? Think again. Nothing can stop a determined hacker except unplugging your computer. If a hacker truly wants into your comp, they WILL get in. Firewalls are good only for pests.

If a hacker wants into Firefox, for gods sake people, ITS OPEN SOURCE! Have you even thought about that? Firefox is open source, which means hackers can see exactly how it runs and figure out exactly how to get past its security measures.


Post Wed Oct 05, 2005 1:08 pm

There is a switch you can turn on to permit FF to download and install directly from a website but the default is to keep the switch off. Why anyone would turn it on is beyond me but it is available as a "convenience."

There are some business sites that only work properly with IE. And, of course, MS Update seems only to work correctly with IE (I wonder why? ).

IE still dominates corporate IT software deployments. At home, I use FF in all instances unless nothing other than IE works.

I'm thinking of comparing Opera to FF to see if those business sites that don't work with FF wold work with Opera. I doubt it but you never know.

Post Wed Oct 05, 2005 2:00 pm

i find many sites that are fully functional and display properly in IE6 that don't do the same in FF, do indeed show up correctly in Opera and Classic Mozilla. Although I like FF's easy functionality and advanced settings, I find for sites with a lot of features, Opera works best for me and it's quite a bit faster too, and has all the front end features that i like (tabbed browsing and grouped home pages/grouped bookmarks) and the download manager is more robust than FFs. but it lacks a pop-up blocker..

Post Wed Oct 05, 2005 2:30 pm

Firefox is far superior.

It has much better standards support. The fact of the matter is that IE is holding back progress in web development. It still doesn't support XHTML correctly. Its CSS support is equally laughable and forces people to find workarounds to make things display correctly.

The security isn't as tight as FF. Spyware is a major problem when using IE. Security holes have been a constant problem with IE6. Sure, firefox has had a few small security holes but they've been fixed within hours.

Firefox beats IE in every aspect. 99% of sites work with FF. The only ones that dont are ones which require ActiveX components be installed.

Post Wed Oct 05, 2005 2:46 pm

I sure as hell don't hate MS, but i don't like them either. I just don't like how many people use anything OTHER than MS products purely because they hate MS

Aye, I agree with that there.

The problem is that MS only update IE to plug vulnerabilities (which they did fine with SP2...), they don't update it that regularly otherwise - preferring to opt for "grand releases" as they make IE7.0

SP2 stops auto downloads, stops active X components - heck, it stops everything.
When IE 7.0 comes about, they should (note should, I do not know if its true) have tightened up their HTML parsing so that its more inline with the WCC - so its more WCC compliant. Also it should adopt many other strategies that other browsers use like tabbed browsing etc.

FF have always released many updates, not only to address security issues (which as BP has pointed out, have had a significant amount more critical security patches than MS's IE), but also things like WCC compliance as they go along. Maybe MS needs to also undertake this, implementing even small fixes on the fly - rather than waiting for important updates to implement things.

Which is better? I don't use pure IE, and don't use pure FF either. I have a mozilla based browser - works fine for me. I use IE due to its simple windows "my computer" type ftp ability - which is a god send. Most FTP programs seem to crash or cockup whislt uploading, whereas IE has never had any issue for me.

I use FF because I can select what cookie from what website I will accept easily...

Post Wed Oct 05, 2005 3:23 pm

*Hides Thread out of sight for the Rabbit God*

I use *gasp* IE6.0, and for one simple reason, im too lazy to trade it in for another browser and it suits me just fineI have no need for another Browser as long as this one keeps serving me, and please, don't give me all the exploit stuff, Ive heard of it, and frankly, I don't care, I have a decent Firewall (Zonealarm Pro) a Hardware Firewall (on the router) and the windows Firewall on top, although that doesn't do anything.

I think im one of the last few remaining actually using IE6.0

Post Wed Oct 05, 2005 3:34 pm

IE mostly, though I have and run
Firefox 1.0.4
Mozilla 1.7.12
Opera 8.01
Netscape Beta 8 (Based on Firefox 1.0)
Maxthon 1.3.3 {Build 50} (Runs on IE)

Post Wed Oct 05, 2005 3:49 pm

@Blackhole - I agree with the security gapes that are in FF, people just haven't looked hard enough yet...

Im using Firefox 1.5 Beta 1 (Deer Park) and I can't tell all that much of a difference between it and the current version of the 1.0.

I checked up on the dates and FF 1.5 is coming out the end of this year with 2.0 coming out sometime next year, no details on it though.

Post Wed Oct 05, 2005 4:51 pm

Loc - The Rabbit-God sees all! So... you *still* use IE? *Hangs head* Ah, you and Dafty are a matched set. Shame!

Post Wed Oct 05, 2005 6:22 pm

I use opera and the IE for whatever doesnt work with it. I used to use FireFox, but I didnt like it as much as I like Opera. Opera is clean, Fast and Efficient =D Lancers Reactor does cange a tiny big aestetically, but i think everything loads faster

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