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Halo Movie News

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Wed Oct 05, 2005 6:55 am

Halo Movie News

Normally I would never post anything that has to do with a videogame brought to the silver screen, since they mostly suck big time, and the upcoming Halo project was no different I thought. However, something has changed which suddenly made it very interesting and therefore I couldn't help myself sharing this news with you.

The Halo movie project has now brought in an Executive Producer who goes by the name of...... Peter Jackson

I probably don't have to explain who Peter Jackson is, but in case there are people who don't know him..... he's the co-writer, co-producer and director of The Lord of the Rings trilogy and the upcoming King Kong movie. Former projects of him (before he got really famous with the LOTR trilogy) were Bad Taste, Meet the Feebles, Heavenly Creatures, The Frightners etc.

Also worth mentioning is the fact that WETA Digital (the visual effects team responsible for LOTR and King Kong) are going to do the visual effects for the Halo movie! The combination of Peter Jackson and WETA Digital suddenly gave a huge twist to the whole Halo project.... this thing can get very interesting.

Here's the story from Halo developer Bungie (click here)

Opinions please!

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Edited by - Eraser on 10/5/2005 8:05:35 AM

Post Wed Oct 05, 2005 7:55 am

I smell a RvB fan, Eraser. Am I right?

As you can gather from above, I saw this on the RvB site and all I have to say is: Peter Jackson, yes, Peter Jackson.

Post Wed Oct 05, 2005 8:13 am

I just hope they get a good voice/actor for the Master Chief.

Post Wed Oct 05, 2005 9:16 am

The Rock, perhaps?

Post Wed Oct 05, 2005 9:17 am

Couldn't you just picture Master Chief arching that eyebrow unerneath his helmet.

Post Wed Oct 05, 2005 9:31 am

Rock's doing Doom. Shoorly PJ will get someone else?

I just don't get the Halo thing. it's an ordinary enough shooter with, for once, a 1/2 way decent story and some nice effects. everytiome I've played it Ive thought *yeh done this before* *zzzz* *its not as good as HL/Far Cry/RtCW* and when i actually saw that it was ripped from Ringworld, well I just longed for Ringworld. Am I missing something? what am I not appreciating here? why does veryone else love it including mini-Taw and I'm left cold thinking its a rip-off?

Post Wed Oct 05, 2005 10:41 am

i agree. whilst halo is an incredibly good game, it has stolen a lot of ideas from ring world, however i would just like to point out how it is not completely ripped out:

1) there is no huge rim wall therefore halos atmosphere should technically be non existant
2) halo does not spin anywhere near fast enough to keep an atmosphere in anyway.
3) strangely ringworld is inhabited but halo is not.

i think ringworld is a great book, a bit too much sex in it. however it is very complete and there are few plot hole to the untrained eye. but i think the most obvious rip is the flood. what do you think?

Post Wed Oct 05, 2005 3:17 pm

Ok, Vin Diesel for the part of the Chief. And Lexa Doig, Remme, from andromida as Cortana

Edited by - Finalday on 10/5/2005 4:20:41 PM

Post Wed Oct 05, 2005 3:49 pm

I saw Vin in Pacifier today, and I found it quite amusing (surprisingly.) He was good in Chronicles of Riddick too, which I thought I'd hate - but then he carries the film. He'd be a good choice for the role.

Post Wed Oct 05, 2005 3:54 pm

oh, I know! Orlando Bloom for the Master Chief!

(I kid, I kid...)

Post Wed Oct 05, 2005 5:42 pm

if ANYBODY says tome cruise i'm going to shoot them on site, as for an actor for the MC, i'd say sean connery except for the accent and hes too old. What about stallone? or mebbe(god forbid) schwarzenegger j/k

Post Wed Oct 05, 2005 5:51 pm

i agree. whilst halo is an incredibly good game, it has stolen a lot of ideas from ring world, however i would just like to point out how it is not completely ripped out:

1) there is no huge rim wall therefore halos atmosphere should technically be non existant
2) halo does not spin anywhere near fast enough to keep an atmosphere in anyway.
3) strangely ringworld is inhabited but halo is not.

i think ringworld is a great book, a bit too much sex in it. however it is very complete and there are few plot hole to the untrained eye. but i think the most obvious rip is the flood. what do you think?

It looked like there was a rim wall to me. Also, Halo (Installation 7 actually...there are more than one of these) was once inhabited. don't blame me..i like background info, and it sticks to me like gum to the bottom of a shoe.

Post Wed Oct 05, 2005 7:16 pm

Actor for Master Cheif? Rowan Atkinson anybody?

Post Wed Oct 05, 2005 10:43 pm

I'll see if I could be a extra.

Post Thu Oct 06, 2005 4:40 am

Why not just get the original voice actor to play the chief?

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