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What are you buying in next Gen?

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.


Post Mon Oct 10, 2005 9:10 am

modding for consoles aint so easy either.

Post Mon Oct 10, 2005 11:30 am

I think it's a little too early to make a deffinate desision. However, as of right now I'm leaning toward the PS3 because of Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots, even though it's not comming out for another year.

Okay, since someone who will remain nameless was offended by my last sentence, I've changed it.

For those of you who just can't wait, I've finally started a new fanfic, The Holocaust!
4 8 15 16 23 42

Twenty bucks to whoever can tell me what the deal is with those numbers. I'll give you a hint: They have somthing to do with a guy named Hurley.

(Congrats to Taw, he was the first to get it right.)

Post Mon Oct 10, 2005 12:18 pm

I read today that Nintendo are really struggling. I wonder if the Revolution will be make or break for them, like the Dreamcast was for Sega, or the Jaguar was for Atari?

Post Mon Oct 10, 2005 12:58 pm

I read that about Nintendo too. If Revolution is intended to be a "third way" divergent from the Sony/MS Wars, they ought also to have developed their own
Gameboy answer to PSP, I think.

Their philosophy on game content is more "wholesome" generally speaking so they should think about marketing to the smaller crowd who should not be made to have to sit still in front of a tv/console setup. (Yes. I've been researching alternatives for the Munchkin so as not to be caught off guard).

They (smaller kids) should be able to take along, drop it, pick it up, drop it again, whatever. A cheaper, more rugged and highly portable Gameboy that runs on both regular and rechargeable batteries.

Edited by - indy11 on 10/10/2005 1:59:06 PM

Post Mon Oct 10, 2005 2:48 pm

they did, Edward, it's the Nintendo DS. there's this new game the kids are raving about (and for) - Nintendogz, it's called. I don't really know what it is or does, but apparently I've ordered one from Japan via credit card. apparently I wouldn't mind, I'd have bought it anyway ffs.

oo only a few years and my predicament will be yours there's some blessings in life after all.

Post Mon Oct 10, 2005 5:05 pm

Ah hmmmm... *goes back to googling video game consoles*

Post Mon Oct 10, 2005 11:14 pm

I think that Microsoft is releasing Xbox 360 too soon...There's no reason to buy it, outside of fully customizable soundtracks (which are a hassle as the CD drive is soooooo slow) few games have shown us anything that would require new technology. But of course, Bungie and Microsoft are releasing Halo 3 on the 360 only, a clever ploy to get the 360 to sell more...I'm perfectly content with running over to a nearby buddy's house to play Halo 3 (which doesn't come out for till about 4 months after the 360's release I believe). I won't buy any, but my heart lies with Sony, they haven't disappointed me thusfar in console gaming, and they constantly have the best Role playing games. Xbox has better multiplayer (largely due to the 4 controller slots compared to PS2's 2 slots without a multitap) but it's not enough to win my opinion. I say Sony over Nintendo and Microsoft. But I personally am content with old inexpensive consoles *Cough* Genesis, Dreamcast, PSX *cough*

Heathen! X-3 will be coming out in the new year! (well, somewhere).

However, when they release a new gen of anything there isn't really anything that will benefit from it at the start - graphics etc. Why? Because its business sense - you don't make a game specifically in atticipation of a games console being released a year later, because it just won't shift copies!
There needs to be a market to cater to first, and the consoles owners are the "market". There is no point making a Xbox360 only game to release now, before its released, which cannot run on the XBox - as your sales will be minimal.

As for release time, just before Xmas is perfect - all that "Mommy..." Xmas buying, you wouldn't get that if you release at April and thats for sure. It may top the Xmas "must have" list for many. The consoles will shift, that is undeniable - they will get bought if for no other reason than having the latest verion of the console.

I would imagine that for the first year you will get games that can be played on both the Xbox and X360 (or at least until a significant number of consoles are sold), otherwise they are going to be targeting a small audience. Best to make it work on both, that way you maximise sales (as in if you could select detail levels a la PC gfx cards).

If halo3 is going to be X360 only, then I think that shows the power of that game. They know the game itself will sell consoles... talk about confidence!

For me, not buying any games consoles again. I don't care if they play movies, if they make the tea - and if they allow me to chat online whilst gaming. My PC does all that and more! (well, apart from the tea - its a US processor, so it makes coffee instead).

Post Tue Oct 11, 2005 12:55 am

there's this new game the kids are raving about (and for) - Nintendogz, it's called.

its similar to the Dogz/Catz craze that hit the PC world in the mid nineties. Remember that? "own a virtual pet" etc? Its the same concept, feed it, pet it, clear up its poo etc....except this time, the dog looks like a real dog and not a collection of badly drawn circles...and its on the Nintendo DS, so you "pet it" by tickling it with the touch screen.

I hope for your sake your credit card didn't get stung too much matee because its readily available in the UK already and would probably work out cheaper than importing from Japan.

@CHIPS! ...

For me, not buying any games consoles again. I don't care if they play movies, if they make the tea - and if they allow me to chat online whilst gaming. My PC does all that and more! (well, apart from the tea - its a US processor, so it makes coffee instead).

you need to get yourself one of these matee

Edited by - gromit on 10/11/2005 2:02:44 AM

Post Tue Oct 11, 2005 1:30 am

tell me about it grom. next day I found em for sale in the UK for a tenner more than I'd paid. i told small kid that of this turned out to be a rip or we got burned this was the last time I'd order him any cr*p he'd seen. And I made hm pay me for it to, so I didnt lose out in the end.

Post Tue Oct 11, 2005 1:34 am

lol. aah the joys of fatherhood

Post Tue Oct 11, 2005 4:50 am

That "Nintendogs" game (or whatever it is) reminds me of those "Tamagochis", or whatever the hell they were called. I hated those damn things. People kept trying to sell them to me (second-hand usually), and then all of the cheap knock-offs came out which only made things worse.

Post Tue Oct 11, 2005 5:26 am

*shudders* yeah I remember them.

The concept is the same, the only real difference is a kid is more likely to get attached to something that looks like a real dog, in comparison to 5 lcd pixels in a throw-away bit of plastic.

*shudders again* yeah I remember them alright.

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