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X3 - The Return

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Tue Oct 04, 2005 4:48 am

did anyone notice in the trailers that one of the designs for an x2 space fighter is the spit of the Vampire from WCrophecy and Secret Ops?

Post Thu Oct 06, 2005 8:10 am

Esky, you no longer have an excuse! You do not have to register in order to download any offical patches or files anymore...

I was reading another thread on their forums when someone mentioned it, so I logged out - and sure enough, there are the downloads - available and awaiting download for all and sundry.

@Athena - yes, eve is complicated to start - but so is learning to drive, learning to cook, learning to use a computer. Once you get used to it - it willl be a synch! The free trials that they have should give you enough time to get a good grip on the commands and methods of the game, but I strongly recommend reading up on things and following the tutorials to ensure you don't spend hours slogging away for nothing!

I will be playing Eve asap, although methinks X3 will be released before I have a chance, and then I'll be playing X3 for a few months. Maybe after Xmas I'll play it again

@Taw - there have been rumours about how much the Argon Titan looks like the capships from starship troopers... although there have also been posts as to why it isn't where the inspiration came from as well (to be fair it was usually yet another post of "OMG you copied the ship from starship troopers, its illegal" tripe. For some reason people seem to love the idea that even if they like the game/company - if they can find fault like that - they love to tell them how illegal it is, and how they will burn in hell, and they will help them burn!

Edited by - Mike G on 10/6/2005 9:15:09 AM

Post Thu Oct 06, 2005 8:17 am

i just don't expect much in the way of originality of design that's all, sci-fi has all been done over and over again.

Post Thu Oct 06, 2005 9:31 am

Said Argh:

I remember hacker BBS's, before there was an Internet. They weren't terribly controversial, mainly because getting access to them was rather more complicated and irritating than firing up Limewire, and less likely to score you anything really cool anyhow. I was too young to really get into acoustic-modem nonsense anyhow- I had Bronze Dragon, Prince of Persia, Autoduel and Dark Castle, which was more than enough entertainment for those ancient days. Ah, the joys of 16-color sprites blitting at 15 FPS... analog joysticks and the pure joy of Hellcats Over the Pacific (which, in my mind, still rates as one of the most fun "flight sims" ever made, albeit in 16 shades of gray on a Powerbook 160).

Very true.

And the until recently unspoken truth was that those most jealously protecting their intellectual property have been using the same or derivative technologies to put the screws on the little guy consumer regardless of culpability *points to Chips' thread on the RIAA*.

And, pre internet and to the present, have been using bully boy tactics to keep all of the "creators" in line by tightly controlling the mechanisms of distribution and sale.

*Makes note to discuss ... for the upteenth time ... with wifey about spending some serious money on putting together a really fast computer ... looks over at D_S with envy*

Edited by - Indy11 on 10/6/2005 10:33:47 AM

Post Thu Oct 06, 2005 4:45 pm

Chips - Really? That's good news, but will it be true for X3 as well? In any case, I have a whole sack of excuses if I need them .

Post Fri Oct 07, 2005 12:25 am

I love the idea of creating your character's image, and it's that image that will be seen in each interaction. Could you guess who my avatar would be? lol

The "skill-loss on death depending on a high-quality clone" seems harsh..?

Post Sat Oct 08, 2005 8:02 am

one of my m8s jsut did a script for x2 that changes the behaviour of Pirates, who lets face it arent exactly much of challenge once you're progressing decently in the game. Now they build and fight like a proper player, and they're a real menace. I'm quite impressed, its about the first useful thing he's ever done!

Post Sat Oct 08, 2005 4:48 pm

That's the great thing about this game; if you don't like something, change it. There's very little you can't do with the script editor and a bit of basic modding.

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