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Post Mon Sep 26, 2005 2:51 pm


i was wondering if anyone else has had these. one hit me like a ton of bricks saturday night and all day sunday. problem is i have one setting in now, does anyone know a way to lessen them without pills? i normally take some excedrin but it's lost it's power lately.

Post Mon Sep 26, 2005 3:08 pm

My dad and sister (used to) have migrained attacks from time to time. My sister had some kind of menthol stick which she swept on her forehead with (kinda like applying lipstick). I don't know if she did this when she was having one, or when she felt one coming up. I'll ask her tomorrow and let you know.

Hang in there!

Post Mon Sep 26, 2005 4:00 pm

If all else fails, switch meds. Excedren has asprin, I believe, switch to Ibuprophen or tylenal.

Post Mon Sep 26, 2005 7:08 pm

Excendrin never works for me. Nor any other over the counter medicines. I get a mega migraine every 2 months or so. I could get alot more but I watch what I eat.

My migraines are so bad that I get the initiial feeling that I am going to have one and I immedietly head for bed cause it makes it so I cant talk and makes half my body go completely numb. Plus I have teh extremely painfull pulsating headache. I have come to the conclusion that the thing that helps the headache is a hot water bottle. I just had prescriptions switched to imitrex cause my old maxalt didnt work. I will let you know if it helps

Post Tue Sep 27, 2005 1:10 pm

Like Alpha said, just go to bed when you feel one coming on. Don't get on TLR to tell us all about it, just go to bed. As a caffeine addict I get headaches every time I go more than 24 hours without coke. A few weeks ago I had one so bad it survived repeated bombardment from multiple painkillers, lasting me well into European History the next day. Drugs help, I tell you, drugs help, but drugs alone can't fix it. You need to stop thinking (the reason it was saved in History and not in Physics or Latin) and just take a nap.

Post Tue Sep 27, 2005 1:51 pm

I get migranes, but mine usually result in me being unable to see for a while - then the headaches follow. Its not so much I can't see anything - just that there are large patches missing in my vision (about 50% is missing, so if I pass my hand infront of myself - when it goes through a missing area - it really does completely disappear...), and the rest is "fuzzy" due to this.

What do I recommend? Go to see your doctor if you get the regularly. My sisters are triggered by Chocolate and cheese... and she gets tunnel vision and is physically sick as well.
Hers were so severe that the doctor gave her some magic pills... when she feels one coming - she pops the pills and it disappears shortly thereafter, so she doesn't suffer them anymore.

Sheesh - must have been on planet cuckoo - spelling "majic" instead of "magic"

Edited by - Chips on 9/29/2005 8:48:58 AM

Post Tue Sep 27, 2005 2:24 pm

most of the time i can and do go to sleep when i get one. the ones i've had lately where minor (compared to ones that left me in a coma for a week) i think it's time i go to the Chiropractor nerves in my back and neck cause them. the one from saturday night was centered on the left side of my head just above my left eye fortunetly i avoided getting one today. i don't think my body could have taken one three times this week

Post Tue Sep 27, 2005 3:26 pm

I had a hangover once, take tylenol, lots of it!

Post Tue Sep 27, 2005 3:30 pm

...not tylenol 3 though. DO NOT overdose on that--I did it when I got my wisdom teeth pulled out.

The kitchen floor, which is about 5 metres by 7 metres, was covered in vomit.

Post Wed Sep 28, 2005 12:32 pm

Going to sleep is one of the best things one can do when a Migraine attack hits, other then blocking all visual sight for a while...

My observation on Migraine, is that its an oversensitivity to light, if one is having a migraine attack, lesser or Major, and especially major, ive seen people squinting their eyes, or just keeping them shut for a while, which seemed to help.

Also, Migraine seems sometimes to be pushed on by an overload of information (like reading intensely for a long period) his kind of Migraine seems to rear its head mostly with Computer users.

My advice?? Stay off those drugs, they just ruin your body, and buy a black towel or something like that, when you feel one coming on, put two pieces of cloth on your closed eyelids, and wrap the bandana/towel around it, not too tight. for all else, clear the mind, and wait for it to subside.

but then again, im no MO

Post Wed Sep 28, 2005 5:56 pm

but what happens when one hits at work which just happens to be a bus load of screaming teenagers can't sleep or zone out there, kids won't stop talking. i really need a set of ear plugs

Post Wed Sep 28, 2005 6:00 pm

Take two Migraleve and then lie down in a darkened room. However, if you are on Arton's screaming bus, double the dose and don't lie down (the people on the bus may shut up, but they'll surround you like a school fight)

Post Wed Sep 28, 2005 7:06 pm

I don't think i've ever gotten a headache in my life. Seriously, unless you count hangovers.

My last g/f had migraines, and she could be incapacitated from them. I can't imagine how they must feel.

Post Wed Sep 28, 2005 8:17 pm

I ride a bus. I'm a teenager. I don't scream

Unfortunatly, 99% of all the other teens do.

Sux 2 b u i'm afraid

Post Thu Sep 29, 2005 7:34 am

My vision goes away too.... Thats how I know its coming. about 60% in my right eye usally. Or sometimes all peripheral vision in both eyes.

Lots of chocolate is a trigger for me.
and some kinds of cheesecake

Edited by - alpha-leader on 9/29/2005 8:39:43 AM

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