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MP games in general

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.


Post Fri Sep 23, 2005 8:50 am

MP games in general

is it me? or has there been a decrese in decent mp games? havent seen a new one worth playing/hosting for a while, since hosting fl, i have tried several games, (hosting and playing) and all there seems to be are fps's stuck in deathmatch mode. (i got so bored i dug out my old copy of nwn and wrote a mod, lol) of course if any of you guys know of any decent mp games coming out, I'm all ears.

Post Fri Sep 23, 2005 10:54 am

I hear ya, but unfortunately I can think of none that tantalise the tastebuds...
It appears that the FPS madness must continue - BF2, COD2, SWAT and a deluge of others have recently hit/are hitting the shelves in the months to come (although some like BF2 are already out!).
I wish for more variety in games, but sadly its all about money - and whilst FPS make money (usually by using a license on someone elses game engine to keep cost down), FPS are what we will get.


Post Sat Sep 24, 2005 4:10 am

yeah, i guess your right, FPS's do tend to be takin over at the mo, ahh well, if i gotta play one i will wait for SS2, the first 2 games rocked, even mp, but then again, having player coop was wicked, kickin alien a55 scum as a team flew you through the game. and it was that good you didnt mind doing it again(good humour to.), not as open ended as FL, but also modable. lets just hope they dont screw it up trying to make a fast buck. home of ** uk server **

Post Sat Sep 24, 2005 5:48 am

BF2 is the game engine to watch, imho. It's very... flexible...

I've been rather tempted to get into modding it, but then I'd have to stop modding FL- only so many hours in the day, etc.

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