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Now fully licenced to drive a computer

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Wed Sep 21, 2005 11:11 am

Now fully licenced to drive a computer

Has anyone here ever heard of the ICDL(ECDL in Europe)?? anyone?

That stands for International(European) Computer Drivers Licence(sp?)

anyhow, its basically about learning to use a computer, or one running windows that is.
It consists of seven modules:
Concepts of IT (Computer theory basically)
Housekeeping stuff
Internet and email

Now if you're used to working with computers, it is pretty easy. The ICDL was one of my subjects, finished it recently and got my certificte.

Now I'm wondering if its actually usefull for anythign aside from starting a fire...I know its not really known in the US, but has anyone else heard of this, or know how useful it can be or whatever?

Post Wed Sep 21, 2005 1:07 pm

Housekeeping stuff? WH\hat has that got to do with computers? Am I missing something here?

Post Wed Sep 21, 2005 1:20 pm

LOL a drivers license to use a computer LOL!!!
Thats not a bad ideal thou, very funny, but not bad. I guess its to help people avoid virises and computer worms.Back in the early 80's when I was in high school there were computer classes that delt with such things but now I guess if your american and dont know how to use a computer theres something wrong with you lol.

Blessed Be to all those that still dream of the flight to the stars.

Post Wed Sep 21, 2005 2:55 pm

we have a test here in Wake county NC, where 8th graders have to be proficcent with MICROSOFT!!!! software

I was screaming bloody murder!!!
my anti MS side whent full swing and knocked out quite a few teachers

My forum

Post Wed Sep 21, 2005 3:12 pm

we have a test here in Wake county NC, where 8th graders have to be proficcent with MICROSOFT!!!! software

Its most likely for practicality more than anything else. Teach them the software that is most likely to be used at home, in the school - and in the workplace.

Hate MS all you want, but there are practical reasons why they will teach it I am sure. If not, what would you suggest that everyone has access to (at home, school, public computers, libraries etc) is used instead?

Same for the license - its simply a way of standardising everyones ability level. If you have it, then employers will know you have basic skills in whatever it consists of. You can write letters, save documents, create spreadsheets, use email etc etc, instead of just trusting random certificates of unknown quality from foreign countries, or bogus places. The people have a definate skill, and not a "yeah, I am good with word" - when all they can do is open it through double clicking an icon.

Edited by - Chips on 9/21/2005 4:12:56 PM

Post Wed Sep 21, 2005 5:30 pm

Ah, the ECDL - what fun. I on the otherhand am just starting my third year at UCLAN in Preston, Lancs in Mgt and BIS. But congrats....

Post Wed Sep 21, 2005 6:04 pm

It shouldn't say ICDL or ECDL it really is a way for only one brand of applications to be perceived as the universal one. Brilliant and at the same time insidious marketing concept.

Post Thu Sep 22, 2005 1:14 am

but an MCSE or MCP is similarly a recognised qualification that carries a lot of weight in the industry, after all, find me the organisation that at some level doesn't use M$ products. And as a support technician I can assure you that even some basic familiarly with anything more than eBay and *funny* Powerpoint presentations and George Clooney screensavers will be greatly appreciated.

Vektrix - I did my Foundation at Avenham.

Edited by - Tawakalna (Reloaded) on 9/22/2005 2:52:46 AM

Post Fri Sep 23, 2005 9:26 am

Oh well, at least now I have it. I guess they only do MS stuff because most companies use MS stuff...or am I wrong?

Its actually surprising how many people actually fail these tests...ok, you have to get 75% to pass, but still...

Post Fri Sep 23, 2005 10:50 am

Taw- Well done to you too, I take it you did this a little longer ago than this month?

Well, must go, have to do research

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