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Post Tue Sep 20, 2005 8:16 pm

Arr! Don't ye be listenin' ter thet shadee-lookin', cloak-wearin', whisk'y smellin', Oirish drunkard! He can't 'ven git hisself 'is own grog! 'e gits that Taw feller ter buy it fer 'im!

Post Tue Sep 20, 2005 11:53 pm

Don' listen to 'im, 'e don' e'n drink grog!

Post Wed Sep 21, 2005 4:03 am

"He can't 'ven git hisself 'is own grog"

rather uruk-hai for a pirate?

Post Wed Sep 21, 2005 5:20 am

Well now me harties 'tis a gaantlet Oy'd be seeyan der da's bin laye'down boy dah der furry fellahr Oysqueeylags! Tain't no ord'naarey grog nor swill passes lips dah beardey lips o' Capin' Id. Only dah best oh dih Rum 'n' Uisce pilfered frum dah coffers o' dah fool 'ardy yellahr bellies daht sail moy seas athout pormishin fills moy belly.

@ff; Now yung effs, dunno' whoy n' praps s'not fer one sush aas Oy t'comprend, bu'chive bin' a s'prizinlee fai'full wee fellahr deeze lass few daze so's I tells yah wharr'oym gonna do fer yah. Oym gonna makes yew me furss mate on dah Pirah Ship Lada Riva. Now don't be goin' n' gettin yerself none o' dem fancy n daff oydears neiver. Dah be wharr Oy caals term'noligie, furss mate in pirah speak so ta speak means, yih gets ta stab daht der Oysqueelags if n ee rifuzes ta hop dah plank.

@All; One bable dog may be required for correct translatioin from the aincent Iddish dialect above.

@Esq; For the record, it was Taw wanted ciggies, which I might add he never received. Poor sod waited so long for the Sweet Virginia he'd given up by the time I offered to send it. I never asked him to get me brew. A mick askin' a Brit to fetch a Jemmy? That would be an even dafter idea than Emperor Nick could muster.

Post Wed Sep 21, 2005 6:32 am

where's my cigs? all you have to do is

a/ setup a Paypal account
b/ accept funds from moi
c/ go to shop/
d/ purchase Sweet Aftons
e/ send in post to me

here's my address

His Pious Serenity Grand Mullah Tawakalna
Great Central Palace erm Mosque of State
No 1 Towel-ut Q'ubt Street

sending it air-mail's no good cos the fastest mode of transportation we have is donkey, bit like your bog in Co. Potcheen.

Post Wed Sep 21, 2005 7:37 am

@ Druid:
i chumeneifach nid nache was de meinsch
käi aahnig waas de sääge wettsch
gher natta prünn de xeleigro mattisca
smörebröd smörebröd rnnn th th plünnn

Finally a thread with almost extinct dialects from remote regions all over the world. Globalization, oh well

Post Wed Sep 21, 2005 8:24 am

@Taw; You know I used up the last batch on the Rabbit experiment.

Anyhoo Mrs T told us you'd given up except for that moment after those special occassions, which pretty much means you've given up full stop.

@zazie; Thanks for the offer, generous to a fault, but I've just eaten. Anyways, the local Shaman said I was to stick to a low salt diet. Your clan will be eternally welcome in Swissdruland.

Post Wed Sep 21, 2005 8:46 am

so I've given up. so what? Sweet Aftons are too good to miss out on. they're so pure they can't possibly do me any harm!

Post Wed Sep 21, 2005 8:52 am

Well now me harties 'tis a gaantlet Oy'd be seeyan der da's bin laye'down boy dah der furry fellahr Oysqueeylags! Tain't no ord'naarey grog nor swill passes lips dah beardey lips o' Capin' Id. Only dah best oh dih Rum 'n' Uisce pilfered frum dah coffers o' dah fool 'ardy yellahr bellies daht sail moy seas athout pormishin fills moy belly.

@ff; Now yung effs, dunno' whoy n' praps s'not fer one sush aas Oy t'comprend, bu'chive bin' a s'prizinlee fai'full wee fellahr deeze lass few daze so's I tells yah wharr'oym gonna do fer yah. Oym gonna makes yew me furss mate on dah Pirah Ship Lada Riva. Now don't be goin' n' gettin yerself none o' dem fancy n daff oydears neiver. Dah be wharr Oy caals term'noligie, furss mate in pirah speak so ta speak means, yih gets ta stab daht der Oysqueelags if n ee rifuzes ta hop dah plank.

What might be the most weird, is that I could actually comprehend that...

Post Wed Sep 21, 2005 9:04 am

...they're so pure they can't possibly do me any harm!

I said that when I first met the sweet innocent future little Missus Id. Big mistake!Cost me a fortune.

Anyhoo, you'll be seein' nowt frum mise for at least a month now lad.

EDIT: @Loc; Course you can, it's all double dutch.

Edited by - druid on 9/21/2005 10:05:56 AM

Post Wed Sep 21, 2005 9:30 am

I know. You'll be *elsewhere* - you are aware that the unwritten rule is that you bring me back cigs from wherever you go? Lucky Strikes or Chesterfields are quite acceptable, but get me some Sweet Aftons and I'll call you Mr. Id.

Post Wed Sep 21, 2005 10:09 am

Aaahar, I guess this barnacled ol' sea doggy's a bit late for this here thread then. Yar.

Don't know the Arabic lingo to be a proper Corsair anyway.

Post Wed Sep 21, 2005 10:41 am

the proper term is korsan which isn't actually Arabic, but Turkish, deriving from the time of the Ottoman suzerainty of the N African coast.

Post Wed Sep 21, 2005 10:45 am

There are many low-tar and low-nicotine varieties in Noo Dworkia from which to choose Druid.

Virginia Slims for the Mullah perhaps?

Post Wed Sep 21, 2005 10:48 am

oo oo no those posh ones from that place opposite the Library, just down from Grand Central. just about the only place in Noo Dworkia that you can smoke indoors!

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