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Today is just one of those days....

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Thu Sep 15, 2005 7:40 pm

Today is just one of those days....

heh, first topic i've posted in awhile...

but have any of you ever had just one of those days, wehre you are stressed beyond belief? i was out of the house all day doing things that i had to do, and it got quite tiring. All of them band-related....i don't like having to do these marching shows, because people just don't get what they are supposed to do. So not only that, I was going to carpool to the marching practice but they were going out afterwards, and I had to be somewhere else, so i had to drive i'm thinking "yeah this is fine, whatever, I like driving." but no, i come home and tell my mom this stuff, and she says that my dad is coming into town and he needs my car to go to my sister's track meet or something. so after about at least a half hour of arguing that i need the car, she finally says that i can drive it; but oh no! I have lots of homework! and that arguing cut up my time for homework pretty bad, so i got almost none of that done, and then had to go to practice....and now here i am, being a little monkey and expressing my fustration in front of all you.

thanks for you time, have a nice day....

Post Thu Sep 15, 2005 8:57 pm

"life sucks, then you die"

Never really liked that quote. And its not going to help you out any.

But one needs to understand that they are not the only people going through tough times. Millions... Billions of people are going through hard times every day. I'm thankful that I get the chance to go through life being in a country like the US, even if it is tough.

If you think your life is tough, I'd gladly trade with you. No, I take that back. Because even though I've lost almost all of my family members within the past 5 years, I'm setting myself up to be a very successful person. I firmly believe that its the hard parts of life that build character. And if you actually met me, you wouldn't think that I've actually gone through my version of HELL already, and I'm just 18.

I lived through the days of band. I didn't like it much, cause of my conductor, and loathed marching band. But it was something I stuck through the first year of High School. Then I moved to other things that interested me more. If you don't like it, get out of it if you can. Its you life, but make sure you have no regrets. Regrets will kill you in the end.

As for your family, I don't know how old you are, but I hope that you listen to them. (They may actually know more about LIFE than you do). AND CHARISH THEM WILE YOU HAVE THEM. No one knows how long you will have them with you. You don't have all the time in the world to make amends, why not start today?

What I've written here may not be for you. These are my thoughts on how I'm getting through hell on earth, one day at a time. I know that my life is no worse then those in the Southern U.S., I don't know what it is like to loose EVERYTHING over night, but i've come close.

Post Thu Sep 15, 2005 9:29 pm

A better qoute would be "Sh!t Happens". Bad things happen. But like with the other thread, we must always keep our eyes on the horizon. Whilst it be a new mod, a flash movie, a band, being on the football team, whatever. Always have a goal in life. Always. If you do not have a goal, you have no purpose, and those without purpose live very bad lives (useless ones too).

Why the hell am i posting here. I'm only 15, for crying out loud.

Post Thu Sep 15, 2005 11:53 pm

I am sure that you know that half of the frustration you got is because you know that half of the frustration you caused yourself.
Huh ?

Yes. Even in the beginning of the discussion you knew about the homework. And now when you know you knew, you know why.
Huh ? HUH ??

Aaanyway: Hi Wolfe, welcome back ...down on earth.

sorry for the doubled triple quadruplepost - must be a new record
I could even not reload the page

Edited by - zazie on 9/16/2005 1:07:43 AM

Post Fri Sep 16, 2005 12:05 am

Deletes Zazies 3 extra duplicate postings of above post

If the site doesn't respond when you hit the post button, copy all your text in the textbox and then reload the page again, see if it got posted.

@Wolfy, hehe - things like that always happen with parents about. Worse still, someone will always come along and tell you how much worse their troubles are too

Doesn't make it any less annoying. Try to allocate your time better, homework doesn't mean it has to be done at home - breaks/lunch at school can be used too. Half an hour lost isn't that vast an amount of time...

Post Fri Sep 16, 2005 12:56 am

as eddie izzard says "i'm Sh** and i just happen"

Post Fri Sep 16, 2005 9:47 am

Just wait till college Wolfy.
One week and 4 major exams on top of 2 studio classes that both have major projects coming up. I honestly think the worst damn thing is having do you your own clothes just dont look the same anymore.

Anyway, things will get better. They always do with time.


Post Fri Sep 16, 2005 10:03 am

Maybe we should start a "who's worse off" thread.

Tough luck wolfy, I wish I could say that it will be better in teh future, but that would probably not be true

So I'll just say: Good luck for whatever is coming

Post Sat Sep 17, 2005 9:35 am

it's all said in the sig

to SW we don't want to do that I don't have enough spare time to read em all

Whether you spectate or participate, Life Happens

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