heh, funny though.
anyway, as I said, congrats Taw, with your mod-ship, may you have better luck with it then I did.
This brings me to an interesting thesis..
When most of us went off to parts unknown, the whole thing came to a bit of a grinding halt.. but however, since one returns, they all return..
In the downtime, ive been getting involved though with another project, allow me to explain for a bit, Ive been a Waterscout for almost Ten years (installed and sworn in @ 15 october 1995) a mate of mine, started a project 3 years ago, its called waterscouting.com:
Site, the site and forum are comprised of scouts Scattered all over The Netherlands, a mate of mine asked why I wasn't still registered (that was april 2005) so I went lurking all over again, and 1st of May (yes yes I know, common to the spirit I joined on Labour Day (Or MayDay as its alternatively known)) and started posting like mad. so thats also a reason I haven't been active very much. Ive been to a Meet and a Rowing Match in Gent sofar with em.