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Motorcycle Airbag???

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Post Thu Sep 08, 2005 8:21 am

Motorcycle Airbag???

I just heard on the radio that Honda has perfected an airbag for motorcycles. Does anyone know about this? I'm not a bike rider because I figure if I got a motorcycle I'd have a lot of fun, but eventually I'd go too fast and kill myself. I have this picture in my mind of going along, and you hit something and an airbag goes off in your face and flings you off the bike. Don't most guys get hurt on bikes because they wipe out and skid along the pavement. I mean, airbags are intended to protect you against strong decceleration. Does the average motorcycle accident involve a strong decceleration? I'm going to have to look into this. What do you think?

Let's get those missiles ready to destroy the universe!!

Post Thu Sep 08, 2005 8:22 am

LMAO! I could just see someone fly off his bike.

Post Thu Sep 08, 2005 9:19 am

I think the story you read mislabeled the 'airbag' - its actually more like an instantly inflating lifejacket with a neck supporting collar being the main feature(the largest number of fatalities in motorcycle accidents are caused by head injury followed by neck and spine injuries)it also provides protection for the spine and ribs.

i'm somewhat skeptical because being a rider myself I feel that inflating like a beach ball would just result in a prolonged roll through traffic


Post Thu Sep 08, 2005 10:36 am

*imagines an orange "airbag"*
*imagines a guy rolling in an orange "airbag"*

Rolling oranges? Or tomatoes if its red...

Watch out for the new danger on the roads might find sudden occurences of rolling oranges or tamatoes...

I'm sorry, I know thats horrible humour, but I couldn't resist...I finds the idea of "airbags" for motorcycles a bit...

Post Thu Sep 08, 2005 11:31 am

Air bags would be of great help, in a head on or front to rear collision. On the road local, only a few months ago, a rider hit the rear of another car. He doing 85mph, the car doing 55pmh. A bag wound have partially protected him and provented him from being thrown over the handle bars at least. All most all accidents of this nature end in the death of the biker.

Post Thu Sep 08, 2005 2:58 pm

I can see how hitting an airbag would help you survive a head-on, and keep you from going over the handlebars, but in a car you also need your seat-belt to keep you from flying around to the side after you hit the airbag. Also, there's many cases of people getting killed by the airbag because they didn't have their seat-belt on. I'm just going to have to see this thing in action to understand it.

I went and found this link ... airbag.htm

Let's get those missiles ready to destroy the universe!!

Edited by - Ugnaught on 9/8/2005 4:00:08 PM

Post Thu Sep 08, 2005 3:25 pm

Why the hell don't they just create a resistant and powerful (and possibly inflating, upon major collisions to prevent damage to the individual)motorcycle harness?

Post Thu Sep 08, 2005 5:00 pm

A major proble with safety devices and bikes, is a lot of riders don't want them. They like the physical freedom of riding. One reason so many fought to get rid of the helmet laws. They would remove anything they don't want on it as well. Bikes are danerous by thier very nature as it is, including the ones I like to call, Death Bikes. Those small, powerful bikes that if you lay it down, you get wiped out as there is nothing to protect you, like an exaust pipe, pedals or anything else that can come between you and the ground. It is a "Ride at your own risk" deal anyway. But many a Harley ride wouldn't trade it for anything.

Edited by - Bear on 9/8/2005 6:05:04 PM

Post Thu Sep 08, 2005 8:25 pm

The notion of an airbag, or lifejacket is humourous. It seems to me what's needed is a bit of common sense. There was a tragic accident not far from where I live about two months back. A careless rider was doing a wheelie at 90 mph (speed limit fifty), and decapitated a man crossing the street. Granted the man shouldn't have been there anyway, but he was killed in plain view of his entire family as they waited for him to cross over to them.

Post Thu Sep 08, 2005 8:43 pm

What we need is a giant bean bag to come out! Like those really big ones that you can buy that suck you in! This one sucks you in, only the paramedics either have sever skin grafting to do or resuscitation to do.. I'm getting a cycle soon.

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