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Post Tue Aug 23, 2005 11:50 pm


Phew! it's been a while since I've posted here

Anyways, I just woke up from the craziest dream. Long story short I was being chased by pirates who were trying to kill me for some reason (it wasn't really made clear) and fortunately I woke up before they caught me (Escaped in a dinghy )

Then I had a thought. I've decided that pirates are not scary. In fact, I find them rather humorous and quite lovable. Here's a 10 item list of why I believe so:

1. Anyone who is willing to keep an annoying, overpriced bird on their shoulder, which WILL use said shoulder as a toilet is A-Ok in my book.
2. Their funny little sayings i.e. - avast, yargh! shiver me timbers!
3. Eye patches...'nuff said.
4. Their afinity for sea shanties
5. Swag.
6. Skulls and crossbones.
7. Maps with curvy little dotted lines and "x's"
8. Lower extremities that have been replaced with wood, preferably coated in some sort of waterproof lacquer. (I hear wax and tar made good water proofing)
9. Funny nicknames. There's always one pirate aboard ship who's name is along the lines of "Soggy-Pants Pete" or "Neck Hackin' Jack"
10. That cool half-naked lady statue strapped to the front of their pirate ships.

Now I'm going back to bed

Post Wed Aug 24, 2005 3:02 am

I think we can safely say that we need more pirates. If you look at the chart below you will see that they have a cooling effect on the atmosphere, and are crucial for combatting global warming.


EDIT: Oh, by the way, Sid Meier's Pirates! is pretty good too.

Edited by - The Evil Thing on 8/24/2005 4:37:28 PM

Post Wed Aug 24, 2005 12:28 pm

TEG, that is excellent. very funny!

pirates still exist. they are particularly active in the area of the Malucca Strait, the Sea of Java, the South China Sea, and the East Indies generally, often affiliated with rebel groups or govt sponsored paramilitaries. usually armed with automatic weapons and rapid-firing cannon, they use high-speed shallow-draught dinghies to intercept merchant vessels well away from patrolled waters. And what authorities there are recieve nice back-handers for turning a blind eye. No jolly seadogs these but murderous bandits who torture and shoot the crews of the ships they capture. In recent years there's been an upsurge in piracy in the Far East and increasing calls from shipping firms and insurance companies for local govts to do something about it.

Post Thu Aug 25, 2005 10:15 am

TET, you've got it the wrong way round. Pirates are an indicator species. Their slow demise is directly linked to global warming, we must lobby the US govt to rejoin the Kyoto protocol - "Think of the pirates" would be our slogan!

sylverfish, you forgot the staple requirements to sustain pirate life - grog and wenches

Post Thu Aug 25, 2005 10:59 am

Go Pirates of teh carribean! Awesome movie that was...

Post Thu Aug 25, 2005 10:15 pm

TET - Hilarious

Yes, I see we've come upon some very interesting evidence here for want, nay need, of more pirates. I for one am doing my part:


As you can see I am the dashing pirate-in-training to the right. The grand fellow to the left is my chief Pirate Sensai - Maxwell. Quite the dastardly swashbuckler I must say. I told him to smile, but he insisted on scowling and squinting one eye. I did however get my own pistol. Yaarr! Walk the plank!

Rescusant - Of course I haven't forgotten the grog and wenches!

Until then maties! Yo ho!

Post Fri Aug 26, 2005 3:02 am

Is that Finalday in disguise? Is he leading a double life?

Post Fri Aug 26, 2005 4:21 am

Hey!! No one is supplose to know about my part time job lol.

Post Fri Aug 26, 2005 5:58 am

yes well your fulltime job, King of the Birdmen, is lapsing a bit seeing as you never leave the house. I suppose with your beard you could get no end of work as Father Christmas. then of course theres Grizzly Adams lookee-likees, or you could be the bear even, in fct why dont you move to Hollywood, put on an English accent and pass yourself off as Brian Blessed? you'll have loads of work then and get lots of free stuff, which you can then send to me for doing you such a big favour

once again i sort your life out, aren't you grateful? where are my sweets?


King Vultan

and I still think if the US had sent you to Afghanistan as Ambassador to the Taliban there's have been no problems whatsoever, your wonderful beard would have been a role model for them. a tea towel to top it off, you'd have been Mullah Mike in a jiffy

shame about the poor old donkey though! carrying all your laundry around on your head like that.

Edited by - Tawakalna (Reloaded) on 8/26/2005 7:04:13 AM


Post Fri Aug 26, 2005 10:21 am

Shees, I've always wanted to become a pirate...
You get the nicest pirate books in Afrikaans...I read one the other day lol

you found your way into my head
where even angels fear to tread

Post Thu Sep 08, 2005 1:56 am

hmmm, how interesting. I read today that Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand have agreed joint air patrols and increased naval presence over the Malacca Straits region to combat rising piracy. This has happened in response to Lloyd's decision to list the Straits as once of its top danger spots for shipping and therefore increase premiums for ships using the Straits. Plus the pirates conncections to organisations such as the Indonesian Special Forces have long been suspected.

here's the article in full

so, pirates eh? not quite all as much rumbustious fun as we thought, they're actually a serious menace still on the high seas.

Post Thu Sep 08, 2005 8:30 am

Arrggh MeeHearty! (I don't know how to spell MeeHearty, I bet the average pirate couldn't spell it either, but chances are no real pirate ever said that) If all pirates were like the guys on Peter Pan, then they wouldn't be so bad.

Let's get those missiles ready to destroy the universe!!

Post Thu Sep 08, 2005 9:30 am


Post Thu Sep 08, 2005 11:32 am

And I thought they were only in Silicon Valley. *shakes head*

Post Thu Sep 08, 2005 1:11 pm

Today's pirates sail the seven ISPs. Yarr, thar be spyware ahead!

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