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Post Mon Aug 22, 2005 11:31 am


Well, not really, but I could aswell be. Broke, or dead.

'Cause you see, I really like a girl in my class, and we've had this... I dunno... We were together and we really liked each other... I thought, anyway...

But now she've broken with me, and I really would like some advice for cheering up. There's bound to be someone on these forums who've broken with someone and are far more experienced than I am in coping with a situation like this (No, that's not an insult).

So, I'm wondering, does anyone here have a good advice for cheering up, or just some nice words for a generally miserable person?

Edited by - on 8/22/2005 12:31:49 PM

Post Mon Aug 22, 2005 12:41 pm

Hmm..... I cant really help you cause I have never been in that situation... But you can look over prices of a relationship and see how much it costs yearly then you will cheer up that you dont have to pay anyhting

Post Mon Aug 22, 2005 12:44 pm

Well,what i used to do is get some mates together,go for a night out on the town,get drunk,snog random girls that i don't really even like,walk (or should i say attempt to walk) home with my mates bragging about how many girls i've snogged,then spend the next hour throwing up with my head in the loo and then collapsing in bed.

U'll feel better for the 6 hours ur out,but u'll feel like hell in the morning.

Oh and mate,most of us have been there,there'll be others,time is a great healer....if u can't do what i said above (legal reason/parents etc) then just surround urself with ur best mates who will cheer u up,that's what friends are for.

Post Mon Aug 22, 2005 1:10 pm

whatever happened to your parrots?

Post Mon Aug 22, 2005 4:22 pm

You have one of four choices that you must convince yourself of:

a. there's more fish in the sea
b. there ARE more fish in the sea
c. I hate the smell of fish
d. the sea is polluted

As its been said, time heals pretty much everything. Enjoy not having someone else to care about for once. Trust me, there are significant differences.

Post Mon Aug 22, 2005 4:28 pm

Play some very viloent video games and if that does not help some more. lol.

Blessed Be to all those that still dream of the flight to the stars.

Post Mon Aug 22, 2005 5:07 pm

Meh, pull up some random game and play the crap outta it. if your playing in SP, you can cheat too. Trust me, its very stress-relieving to blow the bloody sh*t outta things.

Descent 3 is an excellent way to vent.... mainly because the entire point of the game is to kill everyone as much as you can

Post Tue Aug 23, 2005 6:39 pm


w00t x3

Post Tue Aug 23, 2005 9:58 pm


Girls = Time * Money
Time = Money
Therefore Girls = Money ^ 2

Money is the root of all evil
Therefore Money = sqrt(evil)
Girls = sqrt(evil) ^ 2

Mathematically perfect (Dont mean to offend any females)

I feel sorry for you mate, i really do. love is one of the most unreliable, stupid, unpredictable, defiant-of-the-laws-of-nature thing there is. I know.

my advice: Get some 40k opponent (You DID say you played that, tau was it?), and blast the crap out of him. i had exceptional fun by turning my new hammerhead's railgun against a pursuing techmarine on a bike. Blasted...him...limb...from...limb.

Apart from that, i dont realy have much. pyrotechnics, explosions, guns, more explosions, bullets, and even more explosions, are a sure remedy for the blues.
be sure to check you the Demented Cartoon Movie at albinoblacksheep. itll waste a half hour of your life, but youll be in hysterics on the floor. Guarunteed

Post Tue Aug 23, 2005 10:24 pm

Yet again proves TLR's need for a 'Help with Girls' forum. But seriously, time and other friends cure most. If it gets too bad, just write another fanfic :-)

Post Wed Aug 24, 2005 2:36 am

Friends are good...

Also, consider doing something useful or creative. And exercise is a good idea as well. Both those things tend to result in the release of natural endorphins, and should make you feel good about yourself.

Exercise has the added benefit of likely making you more attractive to others in future.

Post Wed Aug 24, 2005 7:04 am

Thank you all

Odd thing, I now get a SMS from her where she says that "I'm sorry, don't worry, I'm not mad at you"... Kinda wierd, just now I don't know WHAT to do? Ah well... **** happens

Playing UT2k4 and cheating do helps a bit. Jogging does aswell; I go and run around the block about 5 days a week

Edited by - on 8/24/2005 8:07:22 AM

Post Wed Aug 24, 2005 7:16 am

Orillion, remember that game engine you had? I e-mailed you about it a while ago. Did you not get the e-mail or something? I've been waiting... patiently....

Post Wed Aug 24, 2005 12:18 pm

look, just ignore her for a bit. treat 'em mean, keep 'em keen. if you mean anything to her she'll come back, if not, well you'll know where you stand then and look for summat else. believe me where women are concerned it never changes, you just become more blasé about it as you get older. usually.

Post Fri Aug 26, 2005 12:28 pm

@Taw: ^^ Thanks

@Blackhole: Yeah, I did get your mail but I am very, very, very busy with school. I'll get back to you when I can break loose.

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