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Minions of Mirth, a totally free MMORPG

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Mon Aug 08, 2005 8:47 am

Minions of Mirth, a totally free MMORPG

Short story, think free moddable Ever Quest with single player

Long story:

Last Monday i looked through some of my chat logs and found a link to a thread somewhere about a game called Minions of Mirth

Minions of Mirth is a MMORPG currently is open alpha that is targeted to be completely free except for buying the initial game engine and to be completely moddable, the game is really good, the community input during the alpha is awesome, we are shaping the way the game will be (witch is really cool in my opinion) the games creator, programmer, and owner Josh Ritter knows his MMORPG's, he is incorporating so many good things and fixing flaws no money oriented game company would ever do.

This game is soooooooo awesome

the main games website can be found here, all you have to do to download the alpha is to register with the forums

the games official site boasts these features

Windows and OSX support!
Massively Single Player Gameplay(tm)!!!
Cooperative and Player vs Player Multiplayer
No monthly service fees for Multiplayer!
Autopatcher delivers immediate content and feature upgrades!!!
Host your own persistent worlds with your own original content!
Immortal access to your own world where you can control time, weather, spawns, items, etc
10 playable races with distinct look, feel, and SIZE!!! Huge Drakken and tiny little Halflings!!!
Beautiful zones with huge playable area and vistas! Dark dungeons and sprawling wilderness!
2 hours of original music!
Masterfully animated 3d monster models with stunningly realistic textures
Spine-chilling sound effects!
Day/Night cycles with gameplay tied to time of day
Immersive weather effects based on zone climate
Multiclass your characters all the way to level 100 in up to 3 classes!
Material based clothing system
Over 50 3d weapon models
100's of in game items with high resolution graphics and magical effects!
Political Factions
Quest Journal
Online Help
Vendors sell items and restock at regular intervals
Trade items and currency with other players!
3d Automap
Versatile Spell System (invisibility, wind walking, Teleportation, Healing, Nukes, DoTs, etc)
Summon pets, equip them, and order them to destroy your foes!
Powerful Skills (Feign Death, Bloodletting, Rage, Volitation, Archery, Grevious Wound, Precise Shot, etc)
Form your own party of up to 6 characters
Form multiplayer alliances with up to 36 characters
Add, remove, or even create new characters at Inns, without ever leaving the game!
Powerful modding system including RPG Database (with live recompiles) and Realtime Zone Editing
Advanced users can SSH into their world and edit the game while it's running from an interactive Python shell.
Global, World, Zone, Area, Alliance, and Private chat channels
Global Chat system is hooked up to IRC, so you can chat with people in and out of the game, even spanning worlds!

I really think this game iss good and suggest it for all MMORPG fans

"If im phased and can walk through stuff, then why am I not falling through the floor?"

Post Tue Aug 09, 2005 8:49 pm seems that people don't post in advertising topics....oops..i just did

Post Wed Aug 10, 2005 12:44 am

I really really don't get the thing people have here about advertising, does it really take that much mental ability to discern between someone trying to sell you something being the creator, or affiliated with the creators (which never happens on TLR) and some guy who is interested in somehting and wants to get others interested (which happens all the time).
I mean are the 65 "favourite food" threads really more deserving of a place here than this one?

Post Wed Aug 10, 2005 6:22 am

if this came over as advertising to you guys im sorry, i really do think the game is good, but im just a gamer like most people

"If im phased and can walk through stuff, then why am I not falling through the floor?"

Post Wed Aug 10, 2005 1:03 pm

Okay, I checked out the website and I couldn't find anything about this at all. I just need to know how good of a graphics card and CPU you need in order to play this game. My computer (the one I'm on now because my good one broke.... again) is only a 1.0 CPU and I belive a 4.0 MB graphics card. I'm almost positive I can't play it on this computer but I was wondering about a 1.7 like my good one is. I do not like DLing things only to find out that I can't play them and have to take them back off, as that can mess up computers. It looks good, like World of Warcraft only free. They are doing Alpha testing now, I wonder if they'll let the Alpha testers keep playing for free.

Post Wed Aug 10, 2005 1:58 pm

it will certainly not run on your sys killa, but what you mean by letting the alpha testers play for free i dont know, the game will never have a subscription

"If im phased and can walk through stuff, then why am I not falling through the floor?"

Post Wed Aug 10, 2005 2:36 pm

I wish it was offered on disk

14.4 doesnt take kindly to 350mb Dls

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