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Wisdom teeth

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Post Fri Jul 08, 2005 6:17 pm

i have to agree that braces suck, but id reather have them then surgery. even tho mine havnt came in yet... do admit tho i am over due for them... hmmm.

Post Fri Jul 08, 2005 8:34 pm

You'd rather months upon months of wearing train tracks over your teeth while periodically having your mouth ripped apart by syphilis-ridden, sadistic, bitter prostitutes who call themselves orthodontists and live for nothing more than to cause pain and suffering as opposed to a two-hour long surgery during which time you're out under aenesthetic?

You masochist!

Edited by - Wilde on 7/8/2005 9:34:48 PM

Post Fri Jul 08, 2005 8:37 pm

I curse the day they were ever invented. I had the old steel bands. Tey surrounded the wholetooth. 3 years, ok at the dentist, no cavities. get them off and they find 21 where the bands were.m To this day, i have 6 teeth left that fo not have rootcanales or crowns. and my Jaw is shrinking and the straight teeth are over lapping a little. waosted money.

Too tired to spell check too.

Edited by - Finalday on 7/8/2005 9:39:20 PM

Post Fri Jul 08, 2005 10:14 pm

Surgery is definately better. I had braces for ten years and am trapped in retainers for life. I'm almost surving... Operation went very well but some medication I got through the IV is keeping my lovely blood sugars at very high levels for a prolonged period... far too long to be very safe, so that'll be a joy. I had a great surgeon who is an MD, Dentist, and plastic surgeon so he had all the bases covered and even called to see how I was feeling. I have ice on my head all the time and painkillers/ antibiotics every four hours. Not bleeding too bad anymore, so I'm off to bed. Your thoughts are appreciated. On with the horror stories!

Post Fri Jul 08, 2005 11:45 pm

Personally, i would rather the surgery. HAving constant heavy Anathesia over 6-8 hours is quite preferrable to having to take asprin every three to kill the pain caused by braces. And considering you are COMPLETELY awake when they take the damn things off *shudder*.

Although, personally, i feel sorry for you. i can vaguely remember my sister when she had that done. bed-ridden for half a week, couldnt move. And i will probably have to have it done too...

Post Sat Jul 09, 2005 7:02 pm

WHAT! it worked, dang it better go find a hammer did you know that the rpm on the modern drill is upwards of either 6000 or 60000 i'm a little fuzzy there. but heres the meat-old foot drill was only 600 rpm with no pain killer. history hurts

who are you?

Post Sun Jul 10, 2005 6:54 am

History does hurt, I once had a rotten molar extracted after the novocaine injection had worn out. I was told to 'twittle my thumbs' to keep the pain away.

Arania- Its not 6-8 hours even. At least for mine, I was asleep for about an hour, and didn't feel a thing. After they put you to sleep they rely on local anesthetics to do the rest of the job (read, novocaine injections). The Lower Jaw nervers are quite large, so they use a lot and your face will be numb for a couple hours afterwards. I had my anesthesia done via IV- no gas or anything. The funny thing though is that I can't remember anything that happened after they put the IV in, though it undoubtably took me a long time to fall asleep.

Post Sun Jul 10, 2005 7:16 am

An IV is done nowadays because it is lleglly required to have an anastesologist(sp) there to monitor you if they use gas. Very costly.


Edited by - Finalday on 7/10/2005 8:16:02 AM

Post Wed Jul 13, 2005 8:30 pm

I didnt have much problems with my braces at all. It doesnt hurt when they get took off or put on. The only painfull thing is when they adjust them every month and the jaw hurts for 5 hours. Now I am dreading this next monday cause I have a dentist appointment and its my first one in 2-3 years and I havent got any since I got my braces off. And after hearing finals story

Post Wed Jul 13, 2005 8:35 pm

Hmm...I've got a really bad ortho, though.

They neglected to tell me that for three days after the braces were put on, I wouldn't be able to eat anything but yoghurt and other forms of mush.

Three months ago, also, they stuck two small iron studs into my jaw at the very back, biting into my tongue...but a half hour later, decided they weren't necessary after all. And then left them in. I had trouble eating for a week.

Each ime they tighten the braces, it's virtually impossible to bite through anything for the better part of a week...

Fun, I assure you.

Post Wed Jul 13, 2005 8:50 pm

Hmm I must of made myself forget the "funner" parts of braces. Maybe it was more then a few hours of pain when they are tightened

Post Wed Jul 13, 2005 9:42 pm

On my first and second sets of braces (I've had three), they installed them using the painful and inhuman process of 'spacers.' This involves cramming a rubber band between each of your molars, to make space for the steel rings they place around the teeth to anchor the braces. This practice leaves your teeth completely unusable for two weeks while they wait for the 'space.' I wonder sometimes if orthodontists compete amongst themselves to see how much they can shove in a person's mouth. Thankfully they just glued on larger back brackets for the third time around.

Anyway, my wisdom teeth adventure is almost completely healed- just have to wait for the stitches to fall out.

Post Wed Jul 13, 2005 9:56 pm

My time is comeing soon...

Ph34r d4 C/-//_/p4c4br4

Post Thu Jul 14, 2005 6:39 am

On my first and second sets of braces (I've had three), they installed them using the painful and inhuman process of 'spacers.' This involves cramming a rubber band between each of your molars, to make space for the steel rings they place around the teeth to anchor the braces. This practice leaves your teeth completely unusable for two weeks while they wait for the 'space.' I wonder sometimes if orthodontists compete amongst themselves to see how much they can shove in a person's mouth. Thankfully they just glued on larger back brackets for the third time around.

Doesnt this happen to everyone? You must have a sensitive mouth it didnt hurt that bad.

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