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State of the Lancer Union: part 3

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Thu Mar 03, 2005 9:33 pm

State of the Lancer Union: part 3

Well, here is the State of the Lancer Union again. Recent activities on the forums make me post this.

We seem to have gotten to a point where all the flaming has reached it's height. People are now only insulting others purely to get the reaction that they want to see. In the last few days, I myself have been accused of homophobia, Nazi-like dictatorship, paranoia and so on. I have a thick skin but unfortunately Chips and Gowserpaul didn't and so they decided to leave. Chips, a great staffmember, who did great work for the modding community, resigned. A great loss to the team and the community in general. The modding tutorial which would benefit every new modder out there he was writing may never get published now. Gowserpaul, a respected member in everyones view. Hang in there mate!

All the trouble on the forum seems come from Off-Topic. The other forums show no sign of problems. It all started when we told you guys they we were planning on covering Dungeon Siege II. Some people, who didn't even spend time in the other forums, "demanded" that we would choose a space-sim games. We tried to tell you why we wanted to do Dungeon Siege II. Then word came out that Microsoft pays for our bandwidth. In return all they ask us to cover one or two more Microsoft games. They don't tell us which ones, they don't tell us what to write, or what to publish. Some people have problems with Microsoft, but we are dealing with the Games department here. But back to the troubles. People started insulting eachother, and it came to a point where some people left (several reasons). Some people left a message saying that they would never return, some told us that they would stop posting, but just kept reading the posts. Things settled down and the forum progressed without any big problems.

A few days ago, a topic Wilde opened got locked by Finalday. His own judgement told him to lock the topic. A reason was that he thought that people would start to flame eachother as that thread was about homosexuality/politics/religion. Everyone knows that these three components are not well-mixed even in today's world. This is where the new problems began. People started accusing the (entire!) staff of censorship, tabooing and homophobia. People deliberatly started insulting people just to get a reaction. That got bakedpotato to post the thread about the "Zero-Tolerance topic". Maybe not the best move, but that aside. Then suddenly, people who didn't show us for a while made a "comeback", purely for a fact to stir things up even more. Why these people do this, I don't know.

Censorship: appareantly another hot issue these days. You all know that discussions on religion and politics have never been allowed on TLR. And suddenly, people use this as an argument against us! Nobody thought of this as a problem, let's say, a year ago. We gain nothing by applying censorship. As far as I know only a thread that was way out of line (just plain insulting and flaming) has been deleted. We don't ask you to post what we want you to post, we ask you to post what you want, just as long it's not in conflict with our rules. Just as in real life, rules apply. If you break them, the posts get edited, or the thread gets locked where, in real life, you would get a fine for breaking the law.

What I ask from everyone is just to review your actions from the past few days and use your own judgement wether you was out of line or not. All I hope is that things settle down now, and that we can discuss normal things again.

As for an update on the coverage of Dungeon Siege: people behind the scenes are currently working on a portal to acces the site. From that portal, you can choose to go to the different games. Therefore, if you choose for Freelancer, you'll only see the Freelancer content. They want to apply the same concept for the forums. This is all being done in Dot Net Nuke. If someone has knowledge of this technology and would like to help out with the project, please drop me an email!

As for now, I just hope that everyone wants to contribute to this forum in a positive way again. Staff and other users. Thank you.

Vincent "Wizard" Hoogeboom

The Lancersreactor: where the screenshots are never blurry, and the spammers get publically kicked around.

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Post Thu Mar 03, 2005 9:50 pm

Thanks for bringing this back wiz, Did you do this on your own or did you read my post?

***Edit: I was already typing this while you posted***

Edit by me: Woo im halfway psychic!

Sqdr. Commander

posted 3/3/2005 21:27 PST

I think we need the State of the Lancers Union (thats semi close to what the thread was called), brought back to the top of OT if thats where it was....

Edited by - Wizard on 3/3/2005 9:54:06 PM

Edited by - Aravis on 3/3/2005 10:01:00 PM

Post Thu Mar 03, 2005 10:09 pm

You've shown your maturity Wiz, which rivals that of even older mods ...

Post Thu Mar 03, 2005 10:15 pm

Agreed Neo, OT is getting torn apart, much like my room.

Post Thu Mar 03, 2005 10:25 pm

Isnt dotnenuke usally cruddy quality sites? All the ones I have been to havent been that good. In fact they look like they are free sites.

***Edit: that kind of depends on how you use it I guess ***

Edited by - Wizard on 3/3/2005 10:40:17 PM

Post Fri Mar 04, 2005 12:14 am

What I ask from everyone is just to review your actions from the past few days and use your own judgement wether you was out of line or not. All I hope is that things settle down now, and that we can discuss normal things again.

Thats the best piece of advice that has come from all this in the last few days.

Post Fri Mar 04, 2005 4:13 am

I don't think originally it was all out of line...I was angry because I thought FD locked down my thread for different reasons, and upon finding out the real reason (which I accept), I desisted. But the war goes on.

Here's the thing about censorship: If there weren't censorship, every single topic would be flamed in. And members would gain vehemence and hatred towards other members based on those threads. The forums would be in mass chaos.

And people, stop insulting the mods. They put huge amounts of time and energy into this site...and are a bit over-zealous when trying to keep it inoffensive. That is a problem that needs to be changed, but it by no means makes them fascist mods.

Why don't we do this: Set up a test forum--separate from OT--on all the censored stuff, see how it runs for a week, and then make a decision on whether to leave it up there.

Edited by - Wilde on 3/4/2005 4:13:30 AM

Post Fri Mar 04, 2005 4:35 am

Thanks wiz, now life can progress and i froget i ever cared

Good jab, mon captain!

Edited by - DSQrn on 3/4/2005 4:38:40 AM

Post Fri Mar 04, 2005 8:29 am

@ wilde. Setting up another forum would carry over hard feelings if a flame war erupted. I can get someone mad on MSN and it can spill over to the OT boards. Same can happen from another board.

Photoshopper / Render Artist / 3d Modeller / CGI / Animation / Sig Creation

Post Fri Mar 04, 2005 10:29 am

Why don't we do this: Set up a test forum--separate from OT--on all the censored stuff, see how it runs for a week, and then make a decision on whether to leave it up there.

Hmmmmmmmmmm, well this could work out, at least I have seen this work, and in all, its a very good suggestion, BUT, and I don't mean or want to knock this down, just standard criticism, Ive only seen it work with Communities the size of a peanut compared to this, all had no more then fifty members, and each one knew eachother more then you'd know me from a first glance, in all, its a good suggestion, and it would work for a time, but with the arrival of the first poster that thinks he can abuse that, youd have a hell of a time removing him from that board, Now I hear you say, only invite certain people to that board, people that are known to be good dicussionists and such, but with that, you overshoot the goal of said board, youd make it "elitist" or said more politely, invitation-only, BUT, that doesn't take away, that for an experiment, its a good suggestion, Thats the attitude we need.

@Vince, Im proud of you, I simply am!!

Post Fri Mar 04, 2005 2:08 pm

Its a experiment that we should try, given that no-one is arse nuff to bring it to ot

Post Sat Mar 05, 2005 11:10 am

nice try Wiz, unfortunately you've neglected a few rather moot points, skipping straight from the conversion to the Microsoft way, to the closing of Wilde's post by FD, and omitting months of intervening issues or cursorily glossing over them. Did none of those things happen then? you make it seem Gp threw in his mods stripes because of this abuse you speak of? for shame Wiz.

I can reliably inform you that Chips, who has no love for me as you well know, does have the history and chronology pretty correct. perhaps you should ask him to rewrite your post somewhat more accurately than you can mange yourself, but that might be all the blood rushing to your head down under.

you're trying to stick up for the team, and y'know grudging respect to you for that still, misplaced though such efforts are at the moment; but its gone WAAAAAY beyond that helping now, and in fact such revisionist efforts are a hindrance at the moment. Leave it to the people who are trying to get something done about it - you know what I'm talking about. If you're going to post *big up the team* stuff then tread very carefully, make it a/accurate and b/ don't point any fingers. the days of this sort of behaviour will have to end if you want this site to recover.

Edited by - Tawakalna al-Fedayeen on 3/5/2005 11:16:43 AM

Post Sat Mar 05, 2005 11:18 am

Chips left!?
I can't belive this, it can't be that the community had gone that bad since!

Post Sat Mar 05, 2005 11:39 am

I talked to bp on msn, and he said Chips is only taking a break, not actually quitting.

Post Sat Mar 05, 2005 12:11 pm

That's good news. I'd hate to see chips leave...

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