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"After all who wants to care for anyone but himself&quo

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Fri Feb 25, 2005 11:17 am

"After all who wants to care for anyone but himself&quo

A quote(by me) from my "Horror" thread. Druid asked for and explanation about it, so I figured I'd start a thread and hear what the rest of you think.

Now that statement is a pretty big generalization. But I feel that most people will choose to ignore bad stuff happening to other people. I dont really know how to say what I feel.
It is as if most people always only cares about what happens to themselves, they will always just look after themselves, no matter who gets hurt in the process. For me it just feel that most people dont want to care for anyone else. Its not a question of not being able to help/assist/care...its simply not wanting to care.

Druid does that explain what you wanted to know? Or do I have to clarify?

Post Fri Feb 25, 2005 12:04 pm

Why couldnt you jsut say this in the Horror thread?

Post Fri Feb 25, 2005 12:23 pm

1)It is off topic (from the horror thread)
2)Its a whole new discussion, which mean a new thread
3)While I use this thread to explain what I meant to Druid, it is also to discuss the statement I made.

Post Fri Feb 25, 2005 1:39 pm

I would say that's true to a degree.

While there are people who clearly only care about themselves regardless of the circumstances, for the most part, people are good natured and helpful.

Of course under stress and other situations, logic goes flying out the window. We humans, even though being the most advanced species on the planet, still have that "animal instinct" within us. Think of it sort of as a reflex.

What happens when you accidently touch a hot pan? You pull hand back immediately. It'd take very strong will power to keep your hand there purposefully. Surivival is sort of like that. When all hell is loose and crazy stuff if happening left and right, our survival instincts will kick in. Your logical mind will somewhat relinquish some control over your thoughts and mind to your survival instinct.

And there are also people who become trained or already to act this way, such as firefighters, policemen, people in the armed services.

Oh yeah, and hollywood action heroes

EDIT: Sorry just realized that this doesn't really answer your question at all. Apologies

Edited by - Sylverfysh on 2/25/2005 1:39:53 PM

Post Fri Feb 25, 2005 2:18 pm

What i think (God i love this stuff) Is generaly you care about yourself first until you have children, but sometimes even with children you care about yourself more.

If i like the person(if its a complete stranger i will do some small stuff) and it isnt sidetracking me majorly i will generaly help. For big things such as death major sacrafice i would only do that for my brother considering he is worth more then me and i care for him a great deal.

(this is off-topic and probalby really late to say but, congrats on being a mod sycho)


Post Fri Feb 25, 2005 2:45 pm

sycho (is it okay if I address you that way?),

sadly enough, I have to give you total confirmation from my side. Egoism seems to be the current paradigm, as well as extreme competition. And it's making me really sick.

The bad thing is, if you care about others, even in times of trouble and even if it requires a lot more then just a few friendly words, there's no way you can expect those other people to return anything when you yourself need help. Exploitation is the way to go in the third Millenium.

Sorry if I sound bitter, but that's the way I feel, because it has happened to me my whole life. Because I do care of others, I have been betrayed, laughed at, abused and left out in the cold. And the worst thing is, I feel this bitterness, anger and fear arise in myself, and this has increased over the years.

Post Fri Feb 25, 2005 3:11 pm

Welcome to high school lxp. My view on the world isnt a bright shiney one like the one i have been raised with.

I have lost my faith in humanity and i long for platos republic. I could get into the science of why i dont have faith in humanity but its long and complicated. In this era those who are smart and strong (both generaly only 1 will do no good) prosper.

The sad thing is a man or a woman most of the time wont care about your personality if you ask them on a date. A robber isnt going to not rob you because your a kind and decent person, there gunna not rob you if you can mash there face in. Your most likley to get a date if you have looks not smarts.

The worst part is people buy into this (At LEAST in most schools) Who are the majority of people? generaly the majorty has the less desired qualities ugly, weak and so on and so forth. And these are the people licking up the good looking jocks crap (Sorry for the vidid expression). Now im not saying "Nerds unite" but you dont have to accept people who are ****s to you. This is a unfamous qoute i have heard "You have two choices in life, swallow blood or swallow pride"

Anyhow i have strayed somewhat off topic, getting to my point through all this. there are two ways of looking at your qoute. here is one side "Your a selfish prickish ****" another is "I dont take **** from the top".

My growing philosphy on this is as follows:
Dont buy into the 'popular' people or the 'popular' suck ups who make you do stuff. but if someone needs help and you can afford to help, dont be a arse lend them a hand. If you got a coffee and have a buck left over and there is a man starving on the street. Give up getting a donut later. Thats how i feel about it.


Post Fri Feb 25, 2005 3:21 pm

> Welcome to high school lxp.

Interesting. What do you think is my age? And how old are you?

> My view on the world isnt a bright shiney one like the one i have been raised with.

Welcome to the club.

> "Your a selfish prickish ****" another is "I dont take **** from the top"

You have to help me out here, my knowledge of english slang fails me here.

> Dont buy into the 'popular' people or the 'popular' suck ups who make you do
> stuff.

I wasn't talking about nigerian scam. I guess you know it's very hard to tell sometimes. Even impossible.

> but if someone needs help and you can afford to help, dont be a arse lend them a
> hand. If you got a coffee and have a buck left over and there is a man starving
> on the street. Give up getting a donut later. Thats how i feel about it.

So do I. But unfortunately, not too many people seem to share that opinion.

Edited by - LXP on 2/25/2005 3:26:34 PM

Post Fri Feb 25, 2005 3:35 pm

Sorry if i confused or angered you, im guessing your 16 roughly. That wasnt a personal attack just a statment on our eggheaded school system

About my 'harsh' words it basicly means someone calling someone else a idoitic, unpleasent, arse.

What i mean about the popular people is the minority of the good looking strong, oft stupid people who treat people like me (lightly built, short no athletic people) as ****. Now when i deal with these people i know they could kick my sorry arse but thats something i am willing to let happen to me as a matter of pride and belief... im a bloody dying breed.

on your last comment i have to agree. Newspeople in toronto call homless people lazy. and that very thing routes directly to what sycho said. its not that these homless people are lazy its that people dont 'care' for them enough. dont get me wrong, i am not saying spend your weekend helping them althought that is a wonderful thing to do. or that if you give a few bucks you should do more. i'm just saying these people need more help... if all the rich people gave 100 dollars and all the goverments 100,000 it could help greatly... But after all who wants to care for anyone but himself


Post Fri Feb 25, 2005 4:08 pm

Whoa, we sure have a discussion running here. Cool.

> Sorry if i confused or angered you, im guessing your 16 roughly.

No worries. I was just wondering. I'm a bit older, in fact. 42.

> What i mean about the popular people is the minority of the good looking strong,
> oft stupid people who treat people like me (lightly built, short no athletic people)
> as ****.

Hmmm... well let me just check if I get this right. Your personal experience here is a problem of appearance, and what I would call a lack of respect (by the good looking people) for those who are not that lucky. Correct so far?

> Now when i deal with these people i know they could kick my sorry arse

Is there any particular reason why they would, or are you refering to your experiences again?

> but thats something i am willing to let happen to me as a matter of pride and
> belief... im a bloody dying breed.

Well, welcome to the club, again. I feel the same (as in bloody dying breed), but I'm really getting tired and even hopeless sometimes.
> if all the rich people gave 100 dollars and all the goverments 100,000 it could
> help greatly... But after all who wants to care for anyone but himself

I think that's one central aspect here. Rich people have not become rich because of generosity or by spending their wealth, but by keeping it for themselves. And that's what the world today is too much revolving around - gathering and keeping wealth. And if someone is willing to be selfish enough, it can work for him - but it can never work for everyone. Someone has to pay the bill.

Edited by - LXP on 2/25/2005 4:09:08 PM

Post Fri Feb 25, 2005 4:25 pm

Heehee y guess was WAY off (note to self: dont become a pyshic)

Now adressesing your second comment "Hmmm... well let me just check if I get this right. Your personal experience here is a problem of appearance, and what I would call a lack of respect (by the good looking people) for those who are not that lucky. Correct so far?"

Now i aint a horse faced freak, i am going to state that. but i dont have chisled features and long following blonde hair. Nor am i strong. i am academically gifted though. People think they can use there popularity and social positioning into making me there lap dog for homework. this works on some people but i would rather then give me a bloody nose then i dance for them. A lack of respect is a understatment to say so.

> if all the rich people gave 100 dollars and all the goverments 100,000 it could
> help greatly... But after all who wants to care for anyone but himself

I think that's one central aspect here. Rich people have not become rich because of generosity or by spending their wealth, but by keeping it for themselves. And that's what the world today is too much revolving around - gathering and keeping wealth. And if someone is willing to be selfish enough, it can work for him - but it can never work for everyone. Someone has to pay the bill.

In a capitalist society you need poor people, thats why i am such a die hard pinko.

> Now when i deal with these people i know they could kick my sorry arse

Is there any particular reason why they would, or are you refering to your experiences again?

Both, when someone asks me to do there work i stand up and say "F off, man im noones slave." That attuide will and has gotten me hurt.

> but thats something i am willing to let happen to me as a matter of pride and
> belief... im a bloody dying breed.

Well, welcome to the club, again. I feel the same (as in bloody dying breed), but I'm really getting tired and even hopeless sometimes.

So i am i, i drink alot i talk to my friends alot (for some reason they are TOTALY unlike me, wierd eh?) about this. I am not kidding or making light when i have looked at the world and wanted to die. But one person who has had termendous impact on my life gets me through. Yes dear readers Che guevara ( we all know him, right?) he wasnt built strong but he was determined and loved his nation(s) and he made a impact for ebtter or worse.

EDIT: i frogot to talk about this. As a few who have read a slcie of my writting one of my charaters is Dev. He is tall, i am short, he is strong, i am not badass (i can hold my own in a few fights) if he gets crap he smashes the crap-givers face on the table. i get my face smashed on the table for not taking crap. He has killer spiked blue hair, i have long dirty dark brown hair.
If i was this charater of my imagination i could enforce what i want, its a real shame i am not. But my goal in life is to become him. What depresses me is that i can only make my world true on paper and screen.

Edited by - DSQrn on 2/25/2005 4:28:30 PM

Post Fri Feb 25, 2005 4:27 pm

Your comment is far to general sw. From experience, there are people who care for nothing but themselves. But i know people who do care for others, those who put themselves out due to others. This too is something i have experienced.

So i guess i kind of disagree with you remark. I just don't think you have maybe met someone who does put someone other than themselves first.

Now a question from me. How do you see yourself in terms of your quote?

Post Fri Feb 25, 2005 5:05 pm

Yay diehard pinkos!

This is the thing: Compassion is out. Greed is in. This is one of the reasons con artists are so successful--they appeal to the greed of their victims, not to their compassion i.e. they appear rich, not poor. This is because with our wonderful neighbour to the south--apologies to Americans--spreading capitalism around the world, we are inundated with images appealing to our every whim and desire, and fear-ridden messages behind those imagesr appealing to our worst nightmares. In North America especially, we are the victims of a society and cultural framework that turns a blind eye to ugliness while pushing the values of "Get more stuff!" down upon its citizens. It's so subliminal, so intangible, and so easy to ignore...but it is real...almost like:


(maybe in the extreme )

Here's my view on this: everyone has the right to live, and not be forced into the depths of depravity, destitution, and despair by living. Therefore, a government--whose purpose is to make life MORE fair--must set up an economy, society, health system, and education plan that allows all citizens' lives to be fair and generally happy. AND it has to do this without going bankrupt.
So, to use the example of health care, one of the staples of a society...neither the Canadian, British, or American models work. The Canadian system is free, funded entirely by taxes, and thus too stressed to hang together. People die. The American system is expensive, so people go without healthcare entirely. And die. The British system is the lovely invention of two-tier health care, so all the good doctors are in the privatized health care business and roughly 60% of the population has to deal with the less experienced doctors with dysfunctional equipment. AND people die.

Is it just me, or is there a serious problem with a society that can let it citizens starve, freeze, sicken, and die in its streets?

it is a natural human instinct to be animalistic in nature and protect only oneself and those carrying one's genes. But that is an instinct that must be transcended. Everything and everyone is connected; if you deny help to others, you only harm yourself. So don't be an ass, save a scrap of your humanity from the depths of perversion.

That's my view on it anyways.


Post Fri Feb 25, 2005 5:16 pm


> People think they can use there popularity and social positioning into making me
> there lap dog for homework. this works on some people but i would rather then
> give me a bloody nose then i dance for them. A lack of respect is a
> understatment to say so.

Okay, I understand now. Granted, that's worse than just a lack of respect (which it includes) - it's abuse and egoism.

> In a capitalist society you need poor people, thats why i am such a die hard
> pinko.

Nicely put. I couldn't possibly have expressed that more efficient.

> Both, when someone asks me to do there work i stand up and say "F off, man im
> noones slave." That attuide will and has gotten me hurt.

I see. Did you ever try to cut them a deal?

> So i am i, i drink alot

Does drinking help? And are you refering to booze?

> i talk to my friends alot (for some reason they are TOTALY unlike me, wierd eh?)
> about this.

It's not necessarily weird. In any case, good for you, I figure.

> If i was this charater of my imagination i could enforce what i want, its a real
> shame i am not.

Do you really think the ability to enforce whatever one wants is good to have?

> But my goal in life is to become him. What depresses me is that i can only make
> my world true on paper and screen.

Sounds like a dangerous path, doesn't it?


Fully agreed. Cheers!

Edited by - LXP on 2/25/2005 5:24:19 PM

Post Fri Feb 25, 2005 5:35 pm

> Both, when someone asks me to do there work i stand up and say "F off, man im
> noones slave." That attuide will and has gotten me hurt.

I see. Did you ever try to cut them a deal?

Nope, goverments dont talk with terrorists i dont with arseholes

> So i am i, i drink alot

Does drinking help? And are you refering to booze?

Yes i am a underage drinker. it runs in the family my uncle drunk in bars since he was 12

> But my goal in life is to become him. What depresses me is that i can only make
> my world true on paper and screen.

Sounds like a dangerous path, doesn't it?

It is but there is little i wouldnt trade to be what i consider the ultimate person
"Do you really think the ability to enforce whatever one wants is good to have?"
I phrased that wrong i meant kick the arse of those giving me hell.

Edited by - DSQrn on 2/25/2005 5:36:31 PM

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