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OHHH Pepto Bismol!

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Post Sat Jan 29, 2005 1:24 pm

Settle the stomach my a#^

Day 1, Breakfast- I took the three cups, 5 minutes later I had sick, bad stomach cramps. Woohoo, thats why I havent been able to post till now.

Day 1 Lunch- Another 3 cups. Wow, it's horrible

Post Sat Jan 29, 2005 1:47 pm

ladies and gents we have a shoe in for a darwin award in our midst!

Post Sat Jan 29, 2005 2:20 pm

you got stomach cramps because you took not one, not two, but THREE cups when you didn't even need it. how hard was that to figure out? taking medicide when you dont need it will make you worse

Post Sat Jan 29, 2005 2:26 pm

i wonder if medicide is an acceptable cause of suicide?

Post Sat Jan 29, 2005 3:18 pm

Demonslayer, you really do need to check on your mind, because its missing in action. Do you even have a medical reason for doing this? A pysologist would have a field day with you. You are purposely harming yourself. Get some help as soon as possible. 18 or not, you have aways to go. *shakes head*

Post Sat Jan 29, 2005 4:13 pm

F*%# the world, I got nothing better to do but join the army and play freelancer, oh and post on these forums, which are prenty cool.

Anyway, my life's already ruined who gives a da%$ what happens to me. I'm being nice and blanking out cusing by the way, so the moderators don't hate me.

Post Sat Jan 29, 2005 4:42 pm

demon chill out, final was stating a fact taking too much of the stuff for no reason could be deadly and does show that you have no regaured for your own safety if i have to take the stuff i take the minimum dose and i'm 18 as well, in fact if i have to take any medicine unless prescribed by a doctor (like tylenol for migrains) i take the absolutly minimum dose.

Post Sat Jan 29, 2005 5:25 pm

demonslayer, we give a damn about you, thats who...

Post Sat Jan 29, 2005 5:42 pm

Yeah, whaddya think TLR is here for lol?

But honestly, stop drinking the stuff. I havn't even heard of it but it sounds dubious at the least. Don't take it if you don't have to and don't exceed the limit. There was a kid at our school who got really depressed and got addicted to Panadol of all things. Rare, but that's what happened. His liver got badly messed up and he died about 18 months later Nasty stuff.....I always think of that when I or others consider overdosing on medication when I'm really sick. But when you're healthy? You might as well drink trace amounts of Drano. From what I've heard, that stuff sounds like it can be nasty to your stomach with prolonged use. It could lead to long-term digestive tract problems and possibly stomach ulcers. It's like smoking. I thought how gay it would be if I smoked all my life and then was really stuffed up as an old man. Seriously consider this one mate, do you really want to be doing this? Surely you could find another more *ahem* constructive activity?

Free Dublin from the Imperialists!
Join the fight today instead of slaving over the Monarchy.

Post Sat Jan 29, 2005 5:44 pm

This stuff, for those that haven't heard of it.

Shake well before Using. For convenient dosing, use pre-measured dose cup.
Adults: 2 tbsp or 30 ml.
Children 9 to 12 yrs. 1 tbsp or 15 ml; 6 to 9 yrs. 2 tsp or 10 ml; 3 to 6 yrs. 1 tsp or 5 ml;
Under 3 yrs: Ask a doctor.
Repeat above dosage every hour as needed, to a maximum of 8 doses in a 24-hour period. If symptoms persist, consult a doctor. Drink plenty of clear fluids to help prevent dehydration which may accompany diarrhea.

Edited by - Finalday on 1/29/2005 5:46:20 PM

Post Sat Jan 29, 2005 6:44 pm

man stop we are just trying to help & you could die of this

Post Sat Jan 29, 2005 8:16 pm

Alright alright, I'll stop drinking it. but cmon, honestly TLR doesn't care about me, you guys got lives to care about.

Edited by - DemonSlayer on 1/29/2005 8:55:01 PM

Post Sun Jan 30, 2005 12:57 am

TLR is part of our lives, and so are the people posting on it. SO yes, we do give a damn about what you do and dont do to harm yourself.

What is the ingredients in this stuff? I dont think they sell it in SA, or I've never heard about it before at least

Post Sun Jan 30, 2005 2:02 am

Demonslayer - its a natural occurance with humans......we instantly 'care' about people. Ever seen someone trip near you? Notice people will try to catch them? Ever seen someone crying their eyes out in public - notice how people still look sympathetic and may try to comfort them? If someone is hurt - people will be concerned about that person, help them, rescue them - it weighs on your mind, even if there is no actual tie to the person at all. Be it taking a random stranger home (happened to me when I was so drunk I couldn't stand ), helping an old lady cross the road, or anything along those sorts of lines - its human nature. People by their very nature care about others/try to help.

If you interact on the forums with them, although its not face to face, they still care.....its exactly the same. I am sure you could say some hippy stuff about 'bonds being formed' by posting etc, but this is still interaction - albeit in a geeks sense

Obviously what you were doing wasn't good for you - hence why people were concerned about it.

Post Sun Jan 30, 2005 4:57 pm

Well, thanks I guess.

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