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Halo 2, Bees and Microsoft

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Wed Jan 19, 2005 9:49 pm

Halo 2, Bees and Microsoft

15 years, and this is on par with confusing on the John Titor level.
Recently (15 minutes ago) i was searching the web for Halo weapons stats (firing rates for covenant weapons, if you must know) and i came across a highly weird discovery.
Trying to compare some stats from halo 2 and the Original, i came across a Glitch Guide for the original halo. now, this didnt worry me in the slightest, it was the 'I love bees' section that grabbed my attention.
Apparently, sometime in early 2004, an AI 'Chrash landed' in the '' domain server, and begain sendig out telepone calls to random payphone booths around the world.
The curous thing is, the link to the bees site was apparently placed on the original Halo 2 trailer, and the date of activation for the AI was the same as halo's release date.
Now, the clincher is this: the AI was originally onboard a warship, battling the, get this:
naturally curious, i started looking at depth into it. and have come to the conclusion that there are 2 possible explanations for this:

1) No hoax, Ai is from the future, fighting the Covenent as we know them

2) Microsoft created the hoax, and put the site up as a money-making scam.

Now, there are multiple fatal flaws in explanation number 1:
1- the AI is using a far too random method of cummunication, if it wanted to tell us something, it would tell us outright, not play games.
2- the Website's coutdown has reverted, pointing to- *checks* March 14 2553. (give or take) now, that is a classic example of a timer that has passed zero, but lacks the ability to generate negative numbers.
3- i never saw this on the news...
4- the Timeline paradox. Any AI outfitted on a warsip would carry weapons designs and fleet information. thus, it would have knowledge of technology based from whatever era it came from. thus allowing us to advance to that tech level, skipping our own advancement, and kicking the Covenent's Asses.
5- Whois identifies '' to be created on 14th june 2004, so it seems the server was created for this exact purpose.
6- the link was created by the Halo 2 Trailer. created by MICROSOFT, that points to a (supposed) AI site, that carries history exactly like that presented in the game 'Halo' (if not extremely close), which was created by MICROSOFT...
7- it dosent explain how we got the original halo dead on
8- there is a 'blog' section in the sire, last time i checked, blogs were fictional?

now on the other hand, there is only one agrument against number 2:

'' is being hosted on a Apache/Red hat/Linux Server with openSSL, not something Microsoft would usually use

Opinions, i have no doubt that some of my arguments are invalid, but it seems the public is being led on...

personally, i dont see why someone wouldnt just unplug the bloody server...


edit- damn i make no sense. what im saying, is that at the site '' there is a supposed AI infection, and i was making some philospohical arguments for and against it. i was asking for your opinion.

edit- section added

edit- another argument

Edited by - Arania - PFY on 1/19/2005 10:18:05 PM

Edited by - Arania - PFY on 1/19/2005 10:48:57 PM

Edited by - Arania - PFY on 1/19/2005 10:52:48 PM

Post Wed Jan 19, 2005 10:07 pm


Post Wed Jan 19, 2005 10:39 pm


I don't get it

Post Thu Jan 20, 2005 5:11 am


ok, you're obviously NOT in the hardcore Halo crew so i will be as cordial as i can.
actually, i cant be cordial. is a computer game. known as an ARG (Alternate Reality Game) set in the Halo universe. It was commisioned by Bungie to tell some of the backstory to Halo 2. The link was only ever given once, at the end of the trailer, and was never seen since. Bungie henceforth denied any and all knowledge of the site so people wouldnt think it was them, and indeed it wasnt.
The site went live late summer '04 and messages were encrypted in the site code as well as the images, producing a corrupt looking place. The site was hosted on multiple servers and refreshing the page resulted in different images being brought to the front. This was NOT microsoft either btw, this was a commisioned company working FOR Bungie. The game lasted months, with messages pointing the 'players' or US where to look and what to do. As time went on, the tru7h of the situation became known. The site was being commandeered by an AI construct known as Mellissa. Eventually, GPS coordinates were discovered hidden on the site, which corresponded to a date. At that date, at that position, there was a ringing telephone. When you answered the telephone, you had to answer a question and then you would unlock a .wav file on the site. This went on for months, eventually the players unlocked over 5 hours of audio files, which told the story of a ragtag bunch of teenagers and twentysomethings who banded together and, using a rogue AI called Durga, disabled a covenant artifact in the weeks leading up to the events in Halo 2. The audio logs end, explaining the whole story, which people had been slowly piecing together, and to the sounds of air raid sirens, as the covenant fleet appear overhead.

The nature of the game is that the players, normal people, do what the game wants i the REAL WORLD. Tasks were asked of the players other than to drive out in the middle of nowhere and also, the game can never be played again.

you should check out what you missed
wikipedia - just an overview
Bee Wiki - fantastic resource
More professional

Check out the novels too if you want to know the significance of the halo artifacts. There's too much backstory to go into here.

Seek the truth
Behold the truth
Reveal the truth
That is the law and the whole of the law

Post Thu Jan 20, 2005 10:38 am

Someone has to much time on thier hands.

Post Thu Jan 20, 2005 2:31 pm

@archie: ok thx, didnt know about that.
... you can calm down now

Post Fri Jan 21, 2005 12:13 am

are you freakin serious? If so...thats pretty sad people did that stuff. its just a damn game...nothing more. Wake up and join the REST of us here in hell...ermm i mean earth not "Halo land"

"To live is to die....but living is to die slowly..why waste time on trivial things just play as hard as you can"

Post Fri Jan 21, 2005 3:07 am

woah when i first read the first post and not anyone elses it sounded like some sort of super conspiracy thing.........

Post Mon Jan 24, 2005 1:05 am

"Now, the clincher is this: the AI was originally onboard a warship, battling the, get this:
LOL who else would it be battling? The Combine? The Kilrathi?? The AI in a work of fiction related to Halo battling the enemies from Halo.. imagine that.

"8- there is a 'blog' section in the sire, last time i checked, blogs were fictional?"
WTF? Blogs are fictional? Do you think internet forums are fictional too?

So yeah.. fiction. Have some more About an AI and a warship battling, get this, the Covenant

Edited by - MamiyaOtaru on 1/24/2005 1:06:00 AM

Post Mon Jan 24, 2005 1:20 am

@otaru: uncalled for mate. Arcon already explained it. the dhread died. leave it be

Post Mon Jan 24, 2005 10:18 pm

righto. Sorry

Do check the link though, it's a fun read.

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