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Post Tue Jan 18, 2005 1:52 pm


If you ban an ip adress but it is a sever adress wouldnt that cut some good postors off as well as the bad

Post Tue Jan 18, 2005 1:53 pm

i guess it would.....ask a mod he would know

Post Tue Jan 18, 2005 2:10 pm

if your talking about a Proxy server, then yes. ISP servers, by and large, are simply routers, and thier IP addresses are sually ignored ur unnessecary. however, if it is a Proxy, it will block all connections from under that proxy.

IP blocking has become less effective lately anyway, a very large amound of Internet users have Dynamic IP addresses, which makes them, not only harder to trace, but impossible to ban. I have one, and if i get banned from an IRC server, i just reboot the modem and rejoin.

Post Tue Jan 18, 2005 3:05 pm

Interesting. I've heard of dynamic IPs and I know what you're talking about, but is there a way to get it without changing ISPs or anything. I'm IP IncomPetent.

Post Tue Jan 18, 2005 3:18 pm

Im not sure, but if you could possibly ban the NIC's MAC address...


Post Tue Jan 18, 2005 4:06 pm

the only way to get dynamic ip's is if your isp uses them mine is dynamic but if you could (i don't know if its possible or not) block a mac address than it would only block one nic in the world the only way to change a mac address is to get a new nic
why would you want a dynamic ip anyway, planing to start trouble j/k

Post Tue Jan 18, 2005 11:25 pm

i know MAC address SPOOFING is possible (ive got 3 programs that can do it), and i know of some routers (cisco i think) that have 'port security' that only allows traffic from the initial MAC address that connected, but im not sure about blocking MAC addresses over the internet. im not even sure how internet routing and internet ARP works. if its similar to network than id say yes. it would be quite easy to create a program that can scan the ARP table and terminate connections from specific MAC/IP conbinations, but as far as i can tell, ARP and outing on the internet is different to LAN, so thats the end of that idea...

im not even sure if internet packets CARRY MAC addresses, i know LAN packets do, but i think internet packets are just IP addresses

Post Wed Jan 19, 2005 10:56 pm

I would think that MAC addresses really stop at the routers, (sometimes switches).

Post Thu Jan 20, 2005 4:10 am

couldn't it be slightly redundant banning an IP address if you've got dynamic IP?

Author of the Freelancer Neural Net
Administrator of Kryosphere Studios

Post Thu Jan 20, 2005 4:35 am

The answer is no. We can block people individually through their ISP. And no, I won't say how we do it.

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