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Itsa back with a vengeance! RYOC 3: Just when you thought it

This is where you can discuss your homework, family, just about anything, make strange sounds and otherwise discuss things which are really not related to the Lancer-series. Yes that means you can discuss other games.

Post Fri Jan 28, 2005 6:43 pm

Transcript - Arnic Experimental shipyards, Andromeda

Control tower- roger, all systems confirmed, civillian craft 'Galileo' you are cleared for departure
Gelileo - affirmative control, undocking confirmed.
*Event Horizon jumps in*
Control tower- incoming timeship, identify
Event Horizon - this is the Timeship 'Event Horizon' we are escorting a Progenitor diplomat for a meeting onboard. request priority one docking clearance.
Control tower- Recieved Event Horizon, please stand by.
Galileo - this is civillian craft Galileo, requesting jump authority.
Control tower- affirmative Galileo, jump permitted with authorisation AC112...
Missile frigate- Red alert! we have incoming bogeys! BATTLE STATIONS!
Event horizon- All hands, battle stations, prepare to engage.
*2 ships jump in*
Control tower- unable to identify ships. appear to be human in construction.
Unidentified craft 1- surrender, Aranic scum. we are the chaos warbirds.
Control tower- All craft, you have permission to fire at will. i repeat, Fire at will!
Galileo- Emergency, we have hull breach, all han...
Event horizon- Ship down, dispatch emergency recovery teams
Destroyer- This is the Destroyer Kuiper. we have locking an.. bogey one down.
Chaos warbird- you will pay for this treachery.
Phoenix- Shipyards, contact the eye, we have a containment breach.
Chaos warbird: ahhh, i had a feeling i would see you here, hipocrite.
Phoenix- i will be the last thing you will see.
Event horizon- Bogey two down.
Control tower- Event Horizon, you are cleared to dock, priority one.
Phoenix- Tell the Progenitor Diplomat that i will meet him on the deck.

Transcript ends.

Aranic News report:

Almost Anarchic chaos has decended upon the civillian dwellings on the Aranic homeworld, with the public revelation of a gateway to a chaos world. the facility containing the gate has come under increased security of late after 2 chaos warships escaped the facility and raided the nearby Experimental shipyards. at least 50 onboard personnell are confirmed dead, and a further 250 injured, with at least 3 ships confirmed destroyed, including the Civillain ship 'Galileo'. repairs are almost complete, memorial services will be held later today.

Project purification's outcome will hinge upon the diplomatic hearing between the Emperor and the Progenitor diplomat shortly. security on the negotiation room has been significantly increased, with almost every ship and guard on patrol.

As of now, the Aranic domestic police are briefing the Civillian population on the Chaos Gate situation, and it is hoped that the Anarchy earlier today iwll not repeat itself. citizens are advised to remain calm and not panic.

End News

Post Fri Jan 28, 2005 7:13 pm


It seems that the Aranic fleet could handle the threat of the Chaos Warbirds in a pretty quick manner. A good thing to consider before the upcoming conference.

The diplomat are now on the deck. Should the security of our diplomat not be ensured, we will not negotiate with the Aranic.

We've also received news of increased activity of pirates and Chaos around the Andromeda. If the Aranic Empire would require assistance in these matters the "Apocalypse" can change it's course for your sector to help defend Aranic citizens.

Edited by - Orillion dot Net on 1/28/2005 7:15:39 PM

Post Fri Jan 28, 2005 7:34 pm

To Orillion and the Emporer,we have finished a new ship,classed as a super dreadnought,named the "SD-1X34 Silent Shrieker" it has been equiped with one of the few cloaking devices.It is manned by a crew of nearly 3 thousand Navymmen and 50 thousand robotic crewmembers.Its main armanent is a "King Tiger Cannon",but this is all the info i can give you.

To the OIN:We did not mean to offend the Progenitor's i was just stating that if they needed assistance we had battlegroups on stand-by

Post Fri Jan 28, 2005 8:31 pm

@Stormtrooper: Ok


The "Apocalypse" Titan are now stationed where Tango 13 was shot down, after a mistake was done by a recon probe that was malfunctioning, which gave us the feeling that the ships pilots stationed at the wreck of Tango was being rude towards our Empire.

To aid the Aranic in their struggle of destroying pirates, the Titan "Vengeance" with escort have been sent to Andromeda.

Edited by - Orillion dot Net on 1/28/2005 10:31:41 PM

Edited by - Orillion dot Net on 1/29/2005 4:17:27 PM

Post Sat Jan 29, 2005 8:43 pm

I would like to play the CYOF but it's too confusing for me to understand.

Post Sun Jan 30, 2005 10:46 am

Well you're welcome to join RYOC,must of us are space based while Slobenia is,well i dunno

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