Wed Dec 15, 2004 12:42 am by Chips
Its like those websites offering 'unlimited bandwidth'. The offer is true - there is no real limit, as long as you don't use to much resources on your site (otherwise they close it down for you!). They bet on plenty of people signing up, but only using a few gigs a month of bandwidth. They offer more (150Gb on some), but if you enquire saying you will use that all each month, they will tell you they cannot have such a heavy why offer it?
Simply because people will sign up - they will never ever use it, but they will sign up.
Same here, you will never even get up to a Gb, hell - its email - I doubt you will get up to 100Mb at all - so its safe to say that their little sales gimmic is going to work out just fine (just like Gmails Gb!). Read all the small print, there are probabily some rules about use (like attachments cannot be saved onto your email server etc), which means the chances of using the space are greatly reduced.