Anyone here a musician?
Myself, I've been involved in a music a lot. I've been singing since I remember. Took piano lessons (which I didn't care for) till I was about 10, then dropped that, played clarinet during grade school (absolutely hated that), and now for the I am now playing my instrument of choice, the guitar. I play both acoustic and electric, and I think it's been almost two years since I started.
It's amazing how you can play an instrument for so long and still learn tons of new stuff on a constant basis. For me with guitar it was bar chords. For the longest time I couldn't do it, but after a while practicing I finally got it down. It opened up a whole new can of worms.
For me I think music is a great way to relieve stress. Also it gives me a creative outlet for all the crazy thoughts that run rampant in my brain
I like to hear other people's stories about their own musical backgrounds. Anyone got any stories or histories for me to hear about?
P.S. Sorry if this topic has been done before