Well, in general I'm a PC gamer. I agree that in most cases (is not always the case though) PC games just look better and sometimes have more features. I'm also an avid player of Mods and naturally you can only Mod your games on a PC, which is definitely a great advantage. And I've also played games on the PC that never made it to a console. However, it seems that because consoles are getting much better these days, more and more games are developed multi-platform and there are just few games for the PC that will stay PC only. I mean, even games such as Half-Life 2 are being developed for the Xbox. And, nowadays you see a trend of certain games coming out that are console only or at least appear to be (such as Halo 2 for the Xbox, although I'm pretty sure it will be confirmed for the PC eventually as well) and also that games are released earlier on consoles then on the PC, such as GTA San Andreas (PS2) and KOTOR 2 (Xbox). Both games are developed for the PC as well, but PC gamers have to wait on that. Also online gaming was an advantage of the PC over consoles, but nowadays that advantage obviously became invalid as well.
So, you definitely see a shift and eventually the PC will slowly vanish as a gaming tool, mark my words. Entire entertainment systems are build now that work with Windows XP Media Center Edition for example, which you can hook up to your TV and manage your radio, TV, play PC games on your TV, surf the web, see DVD's and what not. Even the console developers are trying to do anything in their power to get PC gamers away from their regular PC's. For instance Microsoft, who are busy working on the Xbox Next, which will be launched in 3 editions. A regular Xbox Next console, a Xbox Next HD (Hard Disk), which will both be launched somewhere in the fall of 2005 and then later on a Xbox Next PC (which will let you play Xbox games and also PC games!) somewhere in 2006. Sony is also going for the All-In solution more and more with the upcoming Playstation 3, which will also be a multi media entertainment system.
The downside I have about the PC is system requirements and right now I'm in a position I just can't play any of the upcoming or recently released games anymore and I'm forced to upgrade my system. Problem is that its going to cost me between $ 1000 and $ 2000 bucks (I might need an entire new system). I just can't afford that kind of cash right now, I'm in the middle of rebuilding my entire back and front garden, I just booked a holiday for me, my wife and my little girl and so on. So, because of that and the fact that console are getting better and you can do more with them, I decided to go buy a Xbox within the month. That is obviously going to cost me a lot less and I can play the games I want, such as Kotor 2 for example.
I'm really sorry, but I guess there's another soul lost to the consoles....
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