Hi I'm back from a sort vacation from TLR (don't worry I've already anticipated the "you were gone?"s). I have gotten 3 games for my birthday which was Oct. 30th, they are Rome:Total War, Warhammer 40k Dawn of War, and Evil Genius. Unfortunatley my piece of junk Dell Dimension 2700 can't handle Rome or 40k and barely plays Evil genius which resulted in many crashes and a heartstopping BSOD(the one from Summer is gone if no one knows). Luckily I didn't open Rome so I can return that. I'm thinking about getting the Ram and things upgraded around Christmas(plus 40k came with a special code that I can input at Alienwar.com and get a chance to win an Alienware Aurora). Anyways all that stuff aside I was just wondering can anyone tell what all those specs do? And if I do get my computer upgraded waht would be some recomandable things and what appropriate size my Ram should be(right now it's 126 ). Well until then I can at least play NWN and Freelancer, and a Gamecube). Bye
I have a ALX, I suggest you go with an aurora if you buy it, the ALX is only more expensive cause of the case (which is just frickin massive, i mean really almost jokingly big) just buy like a Aurora and customize it to meet ALX stats should be actually a little less than just a outright ALX system.
"Dain bramaged"