Here's some of the best advice I can give you; format your HDD and reinstall your OS (pref. XP). Clean up any superfluous files and then create an image. After doing this, install all of your important apps, drivers, and updates, but *do not* connect to the internet. When you have installed all of your drivers, etc delete all temporary files and then create another image. After this, install a game and play it. Once you have finished the game, simply re-image your HDD with the second image that you created, then repeat after you have finished your next game. Doing this guarantees that you will have a "clean" OS install, and that there are no extra files lying around, no useless registry entries, etc, etc. This system is also good because you can track down problems without having to try to figure out which one of the 900 superfluous files left by the last ten installed games may be causing problems with your retail version of Halo3
. This is the system I use and it works perfectly. It takes less than two minutes to re-image my HDD and it is worth it. Imagine trying to manually remove HL2 and Steam *shudder*. Of course I don't expect any of you to actually do any of this, because it sounds like too much work and requires planning and organisation
Edited by - esquilax on 11/19/2004 3:44:52 AM