in reality it is the mothers who get the bulk of the support and weight of the courts and the authorities behind them, and the mothers who can get away with breaking the rules, even the one's they agreed to. this isn't laid down in law that it's mothers who benefit, not is the system intrinsically weighted one way or the other on a gender basis.
it's largely because of the 1989 Children Act, which lays down that it is the children's interests with the CUSTODIAL parent that have priority. Courts love status quos, they don't want to change anything, so it doesn't matter of the non-custodial parent doesn't get a look in, or if his former spouse simply ignores the orders laid down by the court. There isn't a court in the land that has ever or will ever convict any custodial parent of failing to keep a contact agreement, because as custodial parent the court won't risk disturbing the existing custodial arrangements. Nor would a custodial parent be fined. it doesn't even class as contempt, it's just a non-starter. However if a non-custodial parent fails to keep an agreement they're liable to be threatened with prison
I was on the recieving end of this so I know what these guys are going through.
the law may not a priori favour mothers over fathers, it's just that almost all parental separations involve the father leaving the marital home and the mother retaining it as a home for the children until they're legally adults., often at the father's expense.
so lets take for granted that the vast majority of non-custodial parents are men (besides dad's easier to type)
on top of this, the Child Support Agency will impose much stricter penalties and orders on the hapless dad than a civil court. Courts have to take into acccount the individuals ability to pay, after his necessary living expenses are deucted from his nett earnings. The CSA imposes penalties from based on gross income, as it's other and some might say true purpose is to cut the govts benefits bill to non-working mothers, who in the mid-80s were vilified by the Tories as the source of the nation's woes. The CSA doesn't give a stuff about a mother who's working and paying taxes, nor does it give a dam about a dad who's on benefit. But they will rapidly locate and hound a working father for sufficient contribution to enable the mother to stop claiming benefits, regardless of his own circumstances., and regardless of any prior or subsequent arrangements made via solicitors or by a court.
and you can't take the CSA to court, although you can appeal your own case in the High Court. the CSA will usually back off then.