Post Tue Sep 07, 2004 5:27 pm

I never rated Montgomery, and neither did me dad, who actually knew him (sort of) He was far too cautious, apart from the Market Garden fiasco in which he totally over-reached himself and the British Army; could've done wuth his caution that time.

having said that, British generals had to be rather more careful when it came to casualties, as we had such a smaller force than the Americans and couldn't afford the same losses. So it wasn't entirely Monty's fault that his campaigns often ended up as protracted artillery slogging matches. I just think he's very over-rated as a general.

However as a commander, and because of his success, or luck as some might say, a national hero, Montgomery served as a very effective morale-raiser with the troops and with the folks balk home. Market Garden did nothing to dint his stature, which always surprises me a little.